Steve's heart was pounding as if a football was hit in his chest.A drop of sweat dripped from his forehead to his nose tip and fell down on the blood red floor.Another drop of sweat dripped from the side of his head,made a line in his cheek and dripped till his chin and dropped on the floor.The security guard came near him.He looked even more monsterous while seeing him more closer.
With a fraction of a second Steve took his hands and inserted it in his pockets.
"Sir, How can I help you?",the guard asked.
Steve thought that the guard believed that he is an official.
"Yes,I'm Hank Patterson, Cheif Security Officer, the minister called me here" he said casually by directly looking into the guards brown eyes.
"Oh,yes sir.He's been waiting for you".
What the fuck? He's been waiting for me ,he thought and a small smile made its way to his mouth.He controlled it.
"Here is my ID card" he told to the guard and he put his hand into the blazer pocket and took the fake ID card and displayed it to him.
The guard scanned the card with his eyes and gave a small smile in his face.
"You can go in ,sir" said the guard with a big smile on his face.
"Thank you Mr. ...." he dragged as he didn't know his name and saw him.
"Oh,yes sir, I'm Ben Brixton" he said with his one hand left in the air for a hand shake.Steve shook his hand firmly and said "I like your dedication in your work ,Mr.Brixton".
"Call me Ben,sir" he said in a delightful manner.
"Okay, I like your dedication in the work, Ben" he said to Ben and his hand reached the door as Ben turned back and walked away to the corridor.His hand was very close to knob that looked like a girl's boob.
"Sir!" its Ben again.
'You bloody Motherfucking asshole' thought Steve.
"Yes,Ben?" he asked with a cute smile.
"If you need any help, don't hesitate to call me,I'll be here".
'Stupid motherfucking donkey' he thought.
Finally,his hand touched the brass boob knob.He felt as though he got promotions, as though he got sexy bitches to fuck,as though he exceeded his father's ratings,as though he got a waterfall but instead of water ,it flows full of money,cash,coins.
He is the heaven.Heaven.He turned the knob and the teak door moved to the left and he stepped in and the door closed with a quite thud.
There lies the Minister of finance with his pant zip open and his penis was out with some cum on the penis head.His head was leaking with blood and some flesh from the brain was shattered in the floor.
He went to the toilet.He looked at the water ,there are cum floating in the water.He pushed the button in the box above the toilet and clean water came into the cammode and it cleaned the cum.
He went into the room.The minister was staring at the chandelier in the ceiling.Steve took the towel in the bed wiped the fucking cum the penis tip of the minister and zipped his pants.He took the same towel and started wiping the blood that has been splattered on the floor.He took off his blazer and placed it in the bed and took the large white blanket on the bed.The blanket was so soft and very long.One can make a tent from the blanket.
He took the gloves from the blazer and inserted his hands into the gloves and stretched it and now he's ready to clean the stuff from the room, ready to enjoy the life as a Cheif Agent and with the sexy girls.
He took the blanket and spreaded it in the marble floor and took the brain fleshes in his hands and dropped them in the blanket.Now, it's time to lift the minister from the floor.
The minister of finance was a fat man.He looks a hippopotamus which can walk with two legs and he looks like that he doesn't have a neck.
Steve walked over him and saw what's happening in the road from the open window.He saw cars moving fast and two motor bikes that are racing in the god damn road that may pave the path to the heavens one day for them.A couple in the opposite building's entrance was kissing each other in a passionate way.The boy's one hand was on the girl's left boob and the other on her big booty and he pressed them both simultaneously and the girl's hands are in the boy's dick smooching it like reloading a gun.Thank god they are doing this fully covered with clothes.
He closed the window and closed the light orange curtain and looked at the huge size of the minister's dead body.He took his hands and with the great amount of effort he was successful in sliding his hands between the floor and the dead body's back.He used his full energy that he got from the cereal that he ate at the morning to lift the body,but it didn't moved little.He took his hands from the back.
"Bloody mother fucking faggot", he cursed at the dead body and started kicking it on its head.He started to breathe.
"Take deep breath,Steve,yes, a deep breath", he said to himself.
"You can do it,you need to prove that you're not a little kid anymore" he said to himself.
Now he got another idea.He pushed the dead body from the side.Its easy.The dead body started rolling in the floor.He pushed him towards blanket which was ready to get the dead body.Finally, the dead body was placed on the blanket.He got up and took his white handkerchief and wiped the sweat on his face and the neck.
He took the neylon rope which he brought with him in his blazer.He covered the dead body with the blanket and took the rope to tie the blanket in the neck and in the hands and in the legs.
Now the dead body was ready to dispose from the area.Suddenly, he heard many footsteps that are approaching in the corridor.He didn't know what to do.What if they were the real security officers or maybe some government officials or somebody dangerous.What on earth is going to happen.