The car engine roared as the key was turned by Steve.The leg pushed the accelerator and the other leg was moved up from the brake and the Mustang GT started to move from the back of the hotel with the minister's dead body under the secret chamber designed for these purposes.These type of cars are exclusively made for these murder cleaning agencies.No one knows why they are always black.
Steve turned to the road filled with all types of cars, wagons,bikes and some people walking in the side way.A bike passed Steve and went into the small gaps between the cars and lorries.After few minutes near the intersection the bike was on the road fully dented and damaged and the two boys too,there were filled with blood in their faces.Now,even their parents can't identify them.
Steve passed through all these commotions in the road.Steve's coat shivered.Its his phone that was vibrating in his coat pocket.He slided the green circle with a phone receiver symbol to the center.
"Is your job done?",asked the lady on the other end of the phone.
"Yes,mam, its done".
"Thank God,where are the others?"
"They are in their own car,and I'm driving mine".
"Okay,okay....WHAT??!!, You're driving the car?",she yelled in the greatest-threat-is-coming tone.
"Why are you yelling mam,is there something wrong?".
"Yes, where is the driver?"
"Mam, there's no driver in the car,the car was alone on the back of the hotel".
"How the fuck the car was alone?"
"They told me that a Mustang GT will be there for me,so I took the car".
"So,You didn't called us to ask for the driver".
"Mam....",Steve dragged his voice as he had no answer to answer the questions she has shooting on him.
"Is the body safe?".
"Yes,it's safe".
"Okay, don't take crowded city roads,take some small roads and reach here as soon as possible".
"Okay mam, understood".
"Hey Steve,they found out that the minister was missing,so if you caught with the body, you're the one who must suffer the consequences,do you understand?".
"Yes,Steve if you see any police men or other officers in road don't take it,use another road,if anyone tells you stop, don't stop,if anyone asks lift, don't stop".
"Yes,mam,I'll be back to our agency with the body".
"If you get caught by any press the horn four times".
"Why mam does it give any signal to the organisation that I'm caught?".
"No the car will explode it in ten seconds.Yes,what I'm saying is true,you can have ten seconds to escape from the situation,if you can't,you must die,our secret community must not be exposed to the world".
"Mam,mam...", exclaimed Steve but the call was cut.
The fear of getting exposed started to cover his mind like a mystical fog that comes in the morning.Steve's hand started trembling.He's in a moving traffic,his car is like a snail now moving inch by inch, centimetre bu centimetre.Finally,the traffic relived,but a wagon in front of his car was standing still.Steve raged up and his hand was raised hitting the horn 'BAM!' 'BAM!' 'BAM!' "OH MY FUCKING GOD".
Thank God he didn't hit for the fourth time.If he did there will a bomb blast in a crowded city in the day light and they may link this to terrorism and other sought of things.After that three hits of horn the wagon in front of the car started moving and the traffic became thinner.Steve drove as fast as he could and he took a small unused road to travel.There were no one in that road.Steve got some good light in his fogged mind.He took the right turn on the road were he saw a small street dog jumping to the dumpster for his food.Steve watched the dog and he turned to the road there were two two legged dogs standing there.There were two police standing in there just looking at the car.
They looked like that they were just waiting for him the whole time.Steve stopped the car asa soon as he saw them,he tried to reverse the car but one of the police men called him by showing his index finger to him.Steve made the window down and stuck his head out and they were staring at his as if they're are gonna eat him for dinner.
"Hey,you come out of the car",said one of the police men who called him by showing the finger.
"Sir, there's no problem I just wanted to take reverse".
"Hey,come out it's an order".
Steve went opened the door and stepped out of the car.
"Your hands on your back".
"Sir,I am an Protection angency head Officer,you must tell the reason for my arrest".
"What you're a Protection agency official,huh?",the other one asked with a cunning smile in his face.
"Yes,Do you know who am I?".
"Hm...Tell us who are you".
"I'm Hank Patterson ,Head of the PAT Protection agency".
"Are you kidding me,you are not Mr.Patterson,I've seen him".
"We think you're a scumbag",said the other one.
"Come with us ,we know what are you up to".
"I must take my car".
"We'll take the car".
"Okay,okay, alright".
"Henry, take the car",the guy who called Steve went to the car and started the car.The other guy took the handcuffs and arrested Steve.Steve was forced to get inside the police car.Steve looked at the Mustang,he don't know what happens if they find out the minister's body in the car.He was sure that they will hang to Deadth,or kill him by leathal injection or some scary stuff that will kill him.
They took them to the investigation centre.Steve was worried about disposing the body and not about got arrested by the cops.He started to think that someone must've told that he's carrying the dead body of the Financial Minister.But no person came to his head.The room was dark,dull,grey and there were cameras all over the place.Few people are watching him from the outside through the glass.Computer screws were shining in that room.There is a grey chair infront him.
Every officers out side the room was waiting for someone who is involved in this Minister's murder case.WHAM!!! The door opened,a man maybe five feet nine inches with a shiny,sleek hair,he maybe in his forties,with a nearly trimmed beard,came in.
"Good afternoon ,sir".
"Good afternoon ,sir".
"Good afternoon ,sir".
Everyone in the room wished him but he didn't looked at them.He came in the room where Steve was sitting.
"What is your name?",he asked in a bear like voice.
"Hank.Hank Patterson".
"No you're not".
"How can you prove that?",Steve barked.
"Cause,I am Hank Patterson".