In the Void

"Today, we sadly announce the death of world-renowned 14-year old genius Rei Rin Gomez. He was a genius of the era. Bringing world peace and solving all major problems in the world, his genius exceeds even that of his uncle Adrain Gomez who, unfortunately, died before even getting to use his genius to benefit the world.

It is May 26, Mr Gomez's birthday. He has died on his birthday. He was a loving son, genius inventor, world advocate and great role model. He not only brought us everlasting energy but also solved global warming, eradicated disease, brought world peace and elevated our technology to new heights.

It is saddening to say, but it seems the greatest mind on our planet has died, and to two unlawful truck drivers who we are still trying to find. To the man who brought this world into that of a utopia, I think we speak for everyone here, but we have only a few words to say, 'Thank you, and we will avenge you!'"

On that day, everyone in the world wept.

Meanwhile, in the void…

'Ugh, where am I? I don't feel any wind current here, so this must be space. But in that case, I won't be able to breathe much less survive. There doesn't seem to be temperature or a surface I can walk on. Wait! Am I even breathing?'

*Breathing sound

'What! Nothing's going in my nose! Wait! Do I even have a nose!?'

Lifting his hand, Rei didn't feel anything. Actually, he didn't have a hand! 'Huh? If I don't have body parts, then what am I?'

Listening to his senses, Rei found he couldn't feel anything except for one sense he wasn't accustomed to. It was invisible, it was like knowing something was there, but not being able to actually feel it.

'Better than nothing…' Rei thought as he spread his senses within himself. After understanding what he was, Rei started piecing everything together.

'So, I'm dead, and I'm waiting for reincarnation. Anyways, I can't believe I died like my uncle. Though, mine was probably worse…'

<-------*flashback no jutsu*------->

"Ugh, what an annoying day this is," said a black-haired Filipino exiting his house. He was in the middle of the road, and there were five trucks running towards him. Closing his eyes, Rei wove his hands, took a deep breath, clicked his tongue and started calculating.

'All five trucks are exactly the same. All of them are going at 80 kilometres an hour and they are two and a half meters wide, six meters high. Air pressure will delay them, so I have about ten seconds before the first two crash into me. Then I have about 5 seconds after that before the next truck comes, 0.2 for the next and one last 0.1 seconds after. The atomic distance between each is about 0.5 microns… Formulating Plan… 100% success rate!'

Opening his eyes, Rei smiled with an evil grin.

'5…4…3…2…1!' using his right hand, Rei hoisted himself on top of the first truck and using gymnastic movement, got airborne. The two trucks crashing into each other, Rei safely landed on the first truck immediately after the collision.

The third truck was nearing Rei but got split in half by the debris of glass shards which Rei set up to cut straight through atomic bonds. The other two coming closer, Rei relaxed.

As they neared rei, two flat and sharp pieces of metal neared the two trucks respectively. Cutting both of them in half, the halves of the fourth truck flew meters away from Rei as the halves of the fifth truck flew just inches in front of him.

'Easy Peasy,' Rei thought before frowning, 'Huh? What's that? I detected every–'

Rei didn't even get to finish his thought as an explosion killed him. His charred body landing right in between the first and second trucks, the other trucks magically disappeared, and that was the last sight Rei unconsciously recorded in his memory.

<-------*flashback no jutsu* end------->

'Aww, man! Well, I guess I won't be able to see the ending of BNHA but more importantly, shouldn't there be someone to receive me or guide me on my way right now?'

Looking around, there didn't seem to be anyone coming for him.

'Alright, I guess I'll just start comprehending what I can.'

Using his new sense, Rei started meditating and exploring. Trillions of years have passed and time seemed to stop. During this time, Rei managed to figure out how to predict spatial and quantum effects and things which should be impossible for a human to detect.

Suddenly, a bright white light shined on Rei. Rei gazed at the light as a figure descended from it.

Smirking, Rei said the first words he had ever said in the void, "Well hello, god."