Chapter 2 – Powerless

A 14-year-old girl with pink hair is currently being beaten down in a 'sparing' match at Signal Academy. Her Aura is just seconds away from shattering under the barrage of attacks.

Qrow: That's enough, the match is over. Winner Charlotte.

Charlotte: Obviously I would win, there's no way this trash could ever beat me. Even you must know that too, right Lightning?

The pink-haired girl looked up from the floor at the arrogant teen who has been belittling her ever since she started Signal.

Lightning: Next time, I'll definitely wi-

Before she could finish her sentence Charlotte had kicked her in her Ribs shattering Lightning's Aura and winding her.


Charlotte: Humph! How dare a mere teacher order me around?

Qrow: Just because your father is a big shot within the government don't think there aren't 'measures' that can be taken.

Qrow has an almost sinister smile. His tolerance for this girl's antics is almost at boiling point.

Charlotte: (Shivers) We're leaving!

Charlotte leaves the training ground with her 3 'friends'. While she's leaving her high and mighty attitude still on full display. Qrow seeing his warning had no effect was annoyed but he had other matters and walks over towards Lightning.

Qrow: You alright kiddo?

Lightning who is still coughing from the kick to her ribs and trying to catch her breath squeaks out.

Lightning: *Cough* Yea I'm *cough* fine just need a moment *cough**cough*

Qrow: You don't look "fine" at all. Ruby!

A red blur along with rose petals appear seemingly out of no way. Once the blur comes to a halt it takes the appearance of a 15-year-old girl with red hair. None other than one of Lightning's few friends here at Signal. Ruby Rose.

Most girls are extremely jealous of Lightning's looks which are so otherworldly it's almost like she was a goddess of beauty. The girls' Jealously are only enhanced further because nearly every guy in the school is interested in Lightning. A couple of guys tried to make a move on her, but they were all shot down. After rumours began spreading about how Lightning thinks she's "better than everyone else" and how she "leads guys on for her own amusement". This caused the bullying to intensify.

But even after all that bullying. Ruby stuck with her and helped whenever she could. Ruby's cuteness and innocence have become very endearing to Lightning.

Ruby: Yes! Uncle Qrow

Qrow: How many times do I need to tell you.. here it's Mr Qrow not Uncle.

Ruby: (Laughs nervously) I forgot

Qrow: Take your friend here to the infirmary (points at Lightning)


Lightning: (Smiles) I'm fine and it was just a sparring match.

Ruby: Who was it this time? Tell me and I'll beat them up!

Ruby goes on to show off her non-existent muscles on her arms while flexing.

Lightning: (Giggles) Just forget about it. It's up to me to sort my own mess out.

Ruby shows a downcast expression as she helps Lightning to her feet and offers a shoulder for support.

While Ruby was supporting her friend to the infirmary, they were both stopped when an older Pink-haired girl was heard behind them.


The girl shouting was Lightning's elder sister Serah. Serah has the same shade of pink hair as Lightning. Although She ties her hair into a ponytail on the left side of her head whereas Lightning's hair is draped over her left shoulder.

Lightning: Sparring accident

Serah: Like I'd believe that! Tell me who did it right now!

Lightning can only sigh at her overprotective sister.

???: So how's the other guy?

The girl who asked was a mature looking Blonde wearing a tanned jacket.

This girl was Ruby's older sister and one of the other people who Lightning can call her friend. Her name is Yang Xiao Long. She has helped Lightning countless time. If anyone would try to bully her with Yang around they would normally be sent flying from the thrill-seeking teen.

Lightning: Maybe before the fight

Yang: Yikes. That bad?

Lightning just nods.


Yang: She's going full Siscon again.

Serah hearing "siscon" glares at Yang and then returns to normal.

Serah: If you don't tell me what happened right now, I'll tell Mum when we get home.

Lightning: Please don't. It's my birthday tomorrow and I don't want her to worry about me.

Serah: Then tell me.

Lightning: (Sighs) A girl in my class, kept insulting me saying things like "All you have is a pretty face" and all that. It didn't bother me but she then insulted Mum saying how only an incompetent parent could bring up such an incompetent child. In a fit of rage, I challenged her to a duel and had Qrow be ref. Blah Blah Blah I lost convincingly… again

Serah: She dares say that about our mother, take me to her.

Lightning: Please don't, she's from a very rich family who has political strength too. If you get involved, I'm afraid mum will be dragged into this mess.

Serah: We (Points at herself and Yang) won't be here to help from the start of next week. While we're attending Beacon, it will just be you and Ruby. So, you should just accept our help while you can.