Chapter 13 – Emerald Forest (2/2)

Lightning who was running along with Serah and Blake as they followed the debris of broken trees and pulled up mud. Was lost in thought

Lightning: 'How do I even work in a team against something I could easily one-hit?'

Serah seeing her younger sister in deep thought assumed she was panicked about the upcoming fight and attempted to reassure her.

Serah: Just fight how you did against Pyrrah and that dumb scorpion won't be able to touch you. Plus, I'm here!

Lightning: Huh? Oh right… Thanks.

The Death Stalker comes in sight moments later. Its gigantic black frame towered above the tree surrounding it and its tail which had a golden glow is almost mesmerising.

Lightning decided to take the initiative and arrange her makeshift team.

Lightning: Serah Blake grab its attention. Once it faces us I'll keep it at bay.

Serah readies her bow and Blake transforms her weapon into a gun and both begin to open fire.

Serah's arrows consistently hit the part of the tail which connects to the telson as it had already been nearly chopped off.

The Death Stalker who had been fruitlessly chasing Pyrrah turned to face its new prey. Quickly scurrying towards the 3 newcomers.

Pyrrah: Light?

Lightning: Both of you catch your breath then join us in taking it down.

Lightning began deflecting attacks from all 3 of the scorpion's appendages not giving up any ground.

About 2 minutes after Weiss and Pyrrah re-joined the fray.

Lightning: Pyrrah can you keep it's left claw at bay and give me some breathing room?

Pyrrah: Of course

Without wasting a single moment Pyrrah began easily parrying its claw and managed to counterattack on occasion inflicting damage to it.

Lightning: Weiss, can you freeze its right claw for me?

Weiss: (Sarcastically) Can I?

Lightning: You can't?


Weiss changed the cylinder of her rapier which controls the type of dust it exerts to Ice and stabs it into the ground creating a glacier of ice protruding from her. The entire right claw promptly becomes encased in ice.

Lightning: Now, leave the left claw to me while you guys cut off its tail.

Lightning swaps places with Pyrrha and the four of them concentrate all their attacks onto the same spot. Not long after the Death Stalker's tail was separated from its body.

While the Death Stalker screeched from the pain of having its tail cut off it went into a mad fury easily shattering the ice which encased its right claw and focusing all of his rage out on Lightning. She readily parries all incoming attacks.

Lightning seeing that the Death Stalker has forgotten all about defence judges it's about time to end this 'fight'

Lightning: Use your strongest attacks and end it!

Weiss using her glyphs to increase the propulsion of Serah's arrow what now is travelling at an inhuman level of speed comparable to Ruby's [Petal Burst]. Serah's arrow finds itself in the mouth of the Death Stalker as it's been screeching non-stop since it lost its tail. And pierces through the entire body of the Grimm.

While Blake and Pyrrah use this time to jump up and strike downwards towards the forehead of the Death Stalker. swiftly Impaling it.

The now motionless Grimm falls lifelessly to the ground collapsing under its own weight.

Lightning seeing the level 38 icon above its head had disappeared promptly dropped her guard.

Lightning: Everyone okay?

Pyrrah: I'm okay

Blake: Fine here

Weiss: Alright here

Serah: I'd be better if I had a hug from my sister.

Lightning: We should go to support Ruby's team if everyone is good.

Weiss: Ruby's team?

Lightning: I'll explain on the way

Serah: Stop ignoring me!

We managed to find Team Ruby fighting a nevermore on the bridge of a temple looking area. By the time we got their Nora was swinging her Hammer at the soles of Ruby's feet launching her towards the nevermore. she swiftly used her semblance to increase the speed further.

The force of which she was launched was enough to cleanly decapitate the massive crow shaped grim. Leaving the scene of an almost 15-foot body falling into what looked to be an endless abyss.

Serah: Woah

Weiss: That was unconventional but impressive nonetheless

Blake and Pyrrah can only nod in agreement to Weiss

Lightning looks up at the cliffside which Ruby is now standing on top of looking down at everyone.

Lightning: (Smiles) Show-off… Looks like they didn't need our help after all. Let's get our chess pieces and finish this exam.

Everyone after retrieving their chess pieces was escorted towards the familiar stage where Ozpin gave his first speech yesterday. The reason everyone was gathered was to be sorted into teams for their next 4 years.

Ozpin: ...Team CRDL, led by... Cardin Winchester!

(Audience gives a round of Ovation)

Ozpin: Now onto the next team. As you would all know Us as Beacon and other combat schools normally create teams of four…

Lightning: 'Here it comes'

Ozpin: ...Due to the increase of Grimm attacks on villages outside the safety of our walls. Myself and the other headmasters are experimenting for possible solutions and that brings me to my potential solution. This year we will have two teams of 5 people. My hope is that the increased numbers will in turn increase efficiency.

(The crowd start muttering to each other)

Ozpin: Now… Can Blake Belladonna, Lightning Farron, Pyrrah Nikos, Serah Farron and Weiss Schnee come up to the stage… Four of you collected the White Knight pieces and one of you collected the pawn piece. From this day forward you will work together as Team L****

"Led by… Lightning Farron"

Lightning just nonchalantly nods.

(Audience gives a huge round of applause)

Finally… Can Jaune Arc, Lie Ren, Nora Valkyrie, Ruby Rose and Yang Xioa Long come up to the stage… Four of you collected the White Rook pieces and one of you collected the pawn piece. From this day forward you will work together as Team R****.

"Led by… Ruby Rose"

Yang: I'm so proud of you!

(Audience gives a huge round of applause comparable to the last)