Chapter 15 - Cafeteria Dispute

Today marks the first day of combat classes taught by Glynda Goodwitch. inside of Beacon's auditorium, the matchup of Jaune and Cardin is currently taking place. The final outcome was obvious to see for everyone present, even with Jaune's newly gained Aura his combat capabilities aren't on par with Cardin's.

Cardin: This Is the part where you lose!!!

Jaune: Over my dead body!!!

Cardin swiftly knees Jaune in the gut, leaving him unable to continue but without relenting Cardin swings his mace down at Jaune's face but was interpreted by a shouting Glynda.


After the match, Glynda started to explain how Jaune's Aura is nearly depleted and how that indicates he lost the matchup.

Meanwhile, Lightning's mood was nosediving thanks to her chatty system.

{He's a lot like you were before you got me, isn't he?}

Lightning: 'Don't insult me like that. I trained for 8 years without getting anywhere. If I was born with his level of natural talent I wouldn't have suffered before I got you.'

{Aww aren't you touchy today, for the record I was referring to his resolve}

Lightning: ' Anyway! Shouldn't I have been given a reward after getting into Beacon? It was part of the world quest after all.'

{You can rather have the reward after each objective you complete or after leaving this world. I thought the second option would be better}

Lightning: 'Can I have the reward now?'

{Retrieving Quest reward…}

{Quest Reward: Restored 1% of your divinity related to Knowledge}

{Race changed from [Human] to [Demigod]}

Lightning: '... I kinda had a feeling I would stop being human at some point but for it to happen so soon... '

{How boring... Shouldn't you be freaking out right now?}

Lightning: 'Rather than freaking out I'm more worried... "Restored" what does it mean by that?'

{Who knows}

Lightning: 'You are single-handedly the best partner I could ask for and the worst'


Glynda: "Remember, everyone, the Vytal Festival is only a few months away! It won't be long before students from the other kingdoms start arriving in Vale, so keep practising! Those who choose to compete in the combat tournament will be representing all of Vale!"



Team Light and Team Ruby gathered inside the cafeteria, It has been about one week since school started the two teams have grown accustomed with spending time with each other and today was no different. Expect this time Ruby called Lightning aside while everyone was eating.

Lightning: What's Up?

Ruby: I need your help... Jaune has been getting more and more depressed thanks to Cardin's group bullying him and I have no idea how to help him.

Lightning: It's not shocking after that display in class on the first-day, bullies see him as an easy target. You've sure got it rough.

Ruby: What do you think I should I do?

Lightning: Why have you come to me? You know better than most I'm not great with people.

Ruby: But your Team has been running smoothly so I just thought you'd have some advice. Plus, you had that problem with Weiss at the start of the week. How did you get around your problem?

Lightning: I Challenged them to a 1 on 4 and beat them mercilessly. Weiss stopped complaining about being captain shortly after.

Ruby: … Serious?

Lightning: Serious

Ruby: I'm almost scared to ask… What would you do about Jaune?

Lightning: Make him more scared of me then he is of the people bullying him, then I'll make him fall into line.

Ruby: … We should get back to the others before they start to worry.

The respective captains made their way back to their teams with polar opposite expression. Ruby looked even more helpless than when she started while Lightning had a smug expression plastered over her face.

Lightning: 'I'm glad I was able to help Ruby'


After a rather lively exchange between the two teams consisting of Nora talking about her reoccurring dream with Ren correcting her as she fabricates certain parts for added effect. Ruby notices a downcast Jaune, who looks to be in a world of his own.

Ruby: Jaune, are you okay? Because you look … not okay

Jaune: I'm fine seriously. You have nothing to worry about.

Yang: Don't think we haven't noticed Cardin's been bullying you

Jaune: "Who? Cardin Winchester? Nah... He just likes to mess around! You know, practical jokes!"

Ruby: He's a bully, we're a team you should rely on us more.

Jaune: (scoffs) "Oh, please! Name one time he's 'bullied' me."

Everyone just looks at with dumbfounded expressions at such a dumb question. Before anyone could say anything, their attention was caught by a brown bunny-eared Faunus being bullied by Cardin.

Ignoring her cries of anguish Cardin continues pulling the girls' ears, without any signs of remorse or sense of guilt.

Velvet: Ow! That hurts!… Please, stop..."

Cardin: I told you it was real!

Which prompts his team to burst out in laughter

Pyrrha: Atrocious. I can't stand people like him.

Blake: (staring daggers) He's not the only o-

Before Blake could finish her retort, Team CRDL was sent flying into a wall breaking the wall on impact and leaving the team of 4 boys knocked out cold, auras shattered and unmoving. This was all Thanks to Lightning's [Telekinesis].

Lightning walks towards Velvet who was now on her knees looking up and the approaching pink-haired girl. The girl holds out her hand to help Velvet up. Velvet cautiously accepts the outreached hand.

Velvet: Thank You

Lightning ignoring the girls' thanks looks around at the packed cafeteria which is primed with would be huntsmen and huntresses stretching from 1st years to 4th years with utter disdain.

Lightning without shouting but speaking loud enough for the entire room to hear her clearly due to the silence which preluded after Lightning's show of strength. Calmly says.

Lightning: You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Aspiring huntsmen and huntresses turning a blind eye to someone in need right in front of you. You'd all be better off quitting now.

A group of 4th years not taking a liking to Lightning's berating decided to intervene.


Lightning: So, you're just a bunch of racists... What. A. Joke.

The leader of the group hearing enough instructs his team to attack in unison.

Unfortunately for the four upperclassmen their levels and abilities were far from being able to contend with their opponent. Much like the group before they were sent smashing into another wall. Left in a near-identical state as Cardin's group.

Lightning: That i-