Why is he touching her lips? (2)

Where am I? 

Liu Roulan thought as she felt a slight pain in her chest, as well as other parts of the body, were somewhat in pain too. 

I had an accident.

She recalled, as she tried to open her eyes. 

Am I at the hospital?

Thousands of questions raised in her mind, and the only answer was to open her eyes and see herself. 

But she had great difficulty in opening her eyes, her eyelids felt heavy. Somehow, she opened her eyes, but everything was blurry. 

Her senses started to work, as she smelled the disinfectant and other medicines. She heard the beeping of the machines. 

I am in hospital, but who brought me here? Liu Roulan thought. 

(Your future daughter-in-law...uhm)

Her vision started to become clear, and the first thing, she saw was the white ceiling of the room.