The After party (2)

Sometime back

"Yes, I am just heading there. Hmm," said Feng Jing as he disconnected the call, and threw the phone on the passenger seat, beside him, in the car. 

Starting the car, he stopped it in front of the Feng Corporation. At the door, he spotted Fei Hong already waiting for him. Quickly getting out of the car, Feng Jing rushed inside, followed by Fei Hong. 

"Did you look into the matter?" asked Feng Jing, to his secretary. 

"I did, but it will be more better if you look into it personally," answered Fei Hong. 

As if he had realized something he stopped in his tracks and taking out his phone he made a call to Feng Ji.

"Hello Ji? Pick your sister and Wen Mei up on the way. I am a little busy," he said. 

"Huh? Brother, you were given the task. I am here all caught between fans and media, it will take time as well," said Feng Ji.