Representative from GlobalMed (1)

A black low key Sedan stopped in front of a gate and woman of not more than twenty-seven of age, came out of the car as soon as its door opened. 

Shortly afterward a man in his early twenties got out of the car from the front seat. 

The woman was wearing a tank top pairing it with tight fitted jeans, with a leather jacket, and back long boots. All in black. 

Behind her, the man was wearing a specific uniform like a black commando. His body was muscular and with sunglasses, anyone could tell that he was a bodyguard. 

They both headed towards the big bungalow in front of them. It was in all white and was situated in a highly secluded area covered with big trees around it. 

It was guarded by high security, with guards almost in every corner of the bungalow. 

Entering the bungalow that seemed no less than a palace, so big that anyone would easily get lost in it, they both headed towards the underground compartment of the bungalow.