The incident a year ago (1)

It was the season of fall or autumn, which depicted the slow decline of the year towards winter, slow lingering death for the height of summer into the cold and dark. 

Just like it said, the atmosphere was getting colder day by day. The leaves started to fall from the trees creating a lovely scene for some. 

There was a chill in the overnight air, but with a lingering warmth accompanied by cold winds, reminding that the winter was approaching. 

There was an absence of birdsong, leaves dropping off, and the sound of whistling winds. 

The dry leaves that fall crunched beneath the people's feet and warm air appeared when they talked or breathed. 

There was a faint, dry yet the sharp and prickly smell of frost accumulated on the trees or the bushes nearby.

 Even though it was getting dark, people were still on the streets, some with their partners or some by themselves.