I will be back

 After making sure Eliana was comfortably lying down, Li Wei went towards Eliana's makeup table, and taking out an ointment from it, Li Wei sat beside her. 

Looking at the sleeping Eliana, Li Wei felt a sting in her heart. He some time ago was not the person who he was. He would never want to hurt his Yu Yan, but unknowingly today he had hurt her, both mentally and physically. 

He knew, what he did today, was not acceptable. And he was ready to take any punishment that Wang Yu Yan would give him, but no way he would accept her going away from him. 

The whole year, every single day, there wasn't a single minute, when Wang Yu Yan's name did not come to his mind. Only one wish, to see her again. 

But he didn't expect to see her again like this, ignoring him, walking past by him as if he was no one. 

With shaking hands, he started to apply ointment, first on the lips, then the chin, and then the hands.