Legally married (2)

"Mr. Li Wei and Miss Eliana Song, legally wedded, husband, and wife."

After being handed their marriage certificates, both Li Wei and Eliana came out of the office with an expressionless face. 

At the exit, both of their secretaries were waiting for them. Eliana handed her marriage certificate to Mia, who kept it with her, to ensure its safety. 

The atmosphere was silent, with no one speaking a single thing. It was awkward for Eliana, even for the sake of the contract, she was still the wife of the person standing beside her. 

As for Li Wei, his mind was filled with the various things that he should be doing to be the perfect husband for his 'wife'.

But first, there was something to be given, which was important. 

Li Wei looked towards Mu Shufen, who then gave a small square box, that looked beautiful and precious.