The moment I find that Wang family's heir, everything will be just fine.

After the day filled with enjoyment, both Elaina and Li Wei got to their workplaces. Elaina being in charge of the globalMed Corps and Vice president of Song Industries, it was impossible that she could take any more day-offs, similar to her, Li Wei was also in a tight spot regarding the Li Corporations.

The next day, both of them decided to depart from Moscow, and go back to China. Li Wei and Elaina boarded the private jet of Li Wei from Moscow, Mu Shufen accompanied them, whereas Mia had to stay back because she had to take care of some matters regarding the Vertex Corporations.

Bidding farewell to Mia, Elaina and Li Wei went to the airport together with Mu Shufen. It took them almost eight hours to reach China, and by the time they reached China, it was already night.