The point where everything started (1)

The Wang Family, known for its secretive nature and its prestigious history with the medicines from the time of the ancient kings, had accumulated so much wealth from the ancient time that its heirs could spend all their lives in luxury and without even doing anything. Its descendants over time became more and more wealthy, thus strengthening its roots in the list of the prestigious households

but with this increasing wealth came greater threats, and bigger enemies. And something that needed to be protected from the eyes of the people was their heirloom, which was passed from one descendant to another, and only to those, who were interested in studying medicine, and had a pure heart to help mankind and those in need. It was a book, 'Spooky little thing' was its new name that had the recordings of the precious medicine and their formulas from the ancient time, that were made by the Wang heirs, passed on to the next heirs, so that they could write the same and pass it on.