
No wonder he felt extreme pain when Aito hugged him. These injuries were done with tremendous acrimony.

Madara couldn't help but feel that the person who did this certainly didn't like the previous owner of his body, Uchiha Jun. Surprised, but not resentful, Madara decided to learn more about the situation.

"How did this happen?"

"Ah… I forgot that you lost your memories… Well, it was Ren's gang who did this to you. He's the son of the clan-head and a genius of his generation. You and him… Don't get along well."

"We don't get along well…? Could you elaborate?"

If he was reincarnated, it would be useful to know about any grudges he had. Especially with the son of the Uchiha clan-head, of all people.

Sighing, Aito put on a pained expression.

"Jealousy. Ren is known for having a huge crush on big-sis Akane and will beat down anyone who gets too close with her. The problem... Is that she's your childhood friend."

It seemed like this 'Ren' was of the feisty kind. As a favor to Jun, who previously owned this body, Madara decided to teach the kid a lesson.

"How strong is he?"

"Ren? He's a Genin. Last year, he graduated at the top of his class and has been on duty ever since. He's a real ninja."

A Genin picking on an academy student? Madara's image of Ren grew worse by the second, writing him off as a despicable individual. He hated these kinds of people, who preyed on the weak…

Madara was a battle-maniac. He despised weak opponents and respected strong ones. This 'Ren' was going against all of his principles.

"Alright, take me to this Akane."

"Sure! This way!"

Together, they ventured deeper into the clan's complex. Soon, they started seeing clansmen, and Madara noticed that they gave him dismissive looks... Interested, he decided to ask about it.

"Oh, that? Well… I don't know how you'll take it… Aniki... I just want you to know that for me, you're the best!"

"Don't worry about me, just talk."

"Aniki, you're known around the village as... Useless Junk[1]. Although you're an Uchiha, your talent is below average and you've struggled to graduate the academy, taking twice as long as most people in our clan."


Holding his chin as they walked, Madara looked up at the clouds, drifting through the sky. Closing his eyes, he started feeling the chakra around him.

Soon, he opened them back up.

'No wonder… This guy is utterly talentless!'

Not knowing whether to laugh or to cry, Madara sighed. His body's chakra reserves were tiny for an Uchiha, and his muscles were extremely under-developed. Performing a small hand-seal, Madara tried to mold his chakra into fine needles, extending them outward.

After stretching out a little, they broke down and disappeared, leaving him with a bitter taste in his mouth.

'Not even ten centimeters… Even with my experience, this body's chakra control abilities are sub-par, to say the least. I'm surprised.'

Smiling, Madara massaged his neck. This was a challenge, and he'd never reject one.

"We're here!"

Soon, they reached a small residence. Like all other buildings around the area, the Uchiha crest was a recurring decoration among the walls.

Standing outside the house gate, Aito placed his hands around his mouth and yelled out.

"Big sis! Are you there?!"

A moment later, the front door slid open and a charming girl walked out. Like Madara and Aito, she wore traditional Uchiha clothes, albeit more casual. Her hair was long, stretching to her waist.


[1] 'Useless Junk' is a small pun made using his name, Jun, and the fact that he's useless.