
Sitting in the water with only his head poking out, Jun closed his eyes, rotating his chakra throughout his pathway-system.

Feeling out every nook and cranny of it, he noticed that his chakra reserves were slowly growing.

'Chakra is a mixture of both Yin and Yang energies... The former is related to the mind and soul, while the latter is linked to one's physique. Only by training both of these aspects, can a ninja increase their chakra level.'

Then again, the speed at which one grew was relative to their genetics. Some were simply born with a better aptitude for chakra, or with bigger reserves from the get-go. Being a member of the Uchiha clan, at least his talent was a little higher than a commoner's.

'I'm surprised that my soul was able to completely integrate with this body… Logically, such a weak vessel would succumb under the pressure. A Yin-Yang imbalance would only lead to problems down the road…'

Jun was surprised. Apparently, his soul's energy was locked away... Slowly leaking out its strength as his body grew more powerful.

'For now, I'll go with the flow… I'll dig deeper once I'm stronger'

After ten minutes in the water, he rose to his feet and walked out of the lake, drying himself with a towel he had brought out. He then meticulously replaced his bandages and stretched a little more.

Feeling energized, he walked into the cabin and started cooking breakfast with some ingredients he found in the fridge, along with the leftover fish from yesterday. Being from the warring-states era, he'd learned a quite few survival skills, cooking included.

The smell of breakfast woke Aito up, who rubbed his eyes as he tiredly walked into the small kitchen. Seeing the food on the table, he couldn't help but drool.

In front of him was a traditional Japanese breakfast, complete with fish, miso soup and rice. It didn't matter how little they had, Jun managed to make it all look incredible.

'Who would've thought that the great Madara would one day become someone's cook…? Then again, it's true that I used to do this for my brothers… Father was completely incapable of cooking... Heh.'

Although he could've just cooked some fish half-heartedly, Jun had to admit that he had taken a liking to Aito. His uncanny resemblance to his little brother only made it worse... It made him want to spoil the kid.

"You made this?! Unbelievable!"

Stuffing his stomach with the delicious food, Aito cried in joy. He hadn't eaten this well in a while. With their lack of funds, they couldn't afford to eat anything fancy.

"You like it? Well, eat up… Because today, you're not going to the academy."


With rice all over his face, Aito gave Jun a perplexed look.

"I'm going to personally teach you for the next seven days... It's not going to be easy, so prepare to vomit a few times."

Finishing his sentence, Jun's expression turned evil, sending shivers down Aito's spine. It was as if he had turned into a demon, straight from the depths of hell.


Hearing his brother's words, Aito lost all appetite. On one hand, he wanted to learn from his brother, but on the other, he felt like it would be extremely dangerous… That expression didn't help either.