
Not giving Ren any time to complain, Aito immediately got into the offensive. Running up to him, he threw a direct hook at his face.

Surprise by the kid's speed, Ren lifted both arms and blocked the hit with his left forearm.

Seeing his punch getting parried, Aito faked another one with his left arm, before rotating on his right leg and lowering his body to deliver a spinning kick.

Deceived by the fake, Ren got hit right in the stomach, sending him back a few steps.

Bending back his suspended leg and lowering it to the ground, Aito calmly got back into his stance.

Akane watched their exchange, disbelief written all over her face. When did Aito get this strong? Ren was unable to keep up with his sheer speed and precision!

Seeing Ren clench his stomach in pain, Aito was also surprised. Was Ren always this weak, or did he just get that much stronger?

"You little… I refuse to believe I'm weaker than you...!"

Ren had never felt this humiliated. He was fighting a ten-year-old kid, yet was unable to see his attacks coming?

Gnashing his teeth, he ran up to Aito and jumped up, spinning in the air before delivering a powerful kick towards his head.

Seeing the look on his face, and the amount of power behind the kick, Akane worriedly ran outside.

"Ren! Stop-"

Suddenly, a firm hand blocked her, locking her in place... It was none other than Jun.

"Whoa there, Akane-san. Relax... Just enjoy the show."


Seeing the kick coming, Aito shifted his body ever so slightly, accurately dodging it.

Taking advantage of the fact that Ren was in the air, he placed both hands around his leg, before shifting it a little.

Because of this, Ren lost his balance and plummeted on the ground, injuring his elbow upon impact.

Making use of this opportunity, Aito tightened his grip around Ren's leg and wrapped his own around it, performing a leg-lock.

"Please surrender... I don't want to break your leg!"

To Akane's surprise, Aito had dominated the fight. Completely taken aback, she couldn't help but look towards Jun with a curious look.

With his leg now apprehended, Ren struggled to no avail. No matter what he did, he just couldn't get out of the leg-lock.

Looking up, he saw Akane and Jun, both spectating. Noticing Akane's hopeful smile, a dark flame lit up inside him as he roared in anger.


Suddenly, his strength increased several folds as he grabbed Aito's legs, forcing them off his own. He then picked the boy up by the collar, throwing him against a wall.


Aito growled in pain as his back hit the wall at full speed, landing on the ground.


Akane cried in fear as she ran up to him, checking his condition. With her help, Aito got back up, cleaning off the blood trail from his lips.

"Interesting... To awaken the Sharingan now of all times... Not bad at all."


Hearing Jun's words, Akane and Aito disbelievingly shifted their gaze towards Ren.

He stood in the same spot as before, fists clenched and breathing chaotically. His eyes had now become as red as blood, with a small tomoe hovering around his pupils.

'What did he just say…? The Sharingan?'

Realizing what he had just done, Ren placed a hand on his face as he made sense of the situation. Looking around, he noticed his vision had tremendously improved...

"What just happened to me…?"