
'What are they talking about?'

Deciding that he still didn't have enough proof, he kept on listening... As the elders drank, they spoke to each other with gleeful smiles.

"Those fools from the Ryokucha and Wasabi families… Serves them right to have lost all of their daughters!"

"Indeed! I'm sure that Onigetsu-sama will surely know how to keep them company!"

Hearing this, Jun's eyes narrowed. From the way, they were speaking…

Imagining it, anger filled his body as he thought about just killing them right there… But he knew it was better to keep them alive. Lifelong prison was worse than death, after all…

Retreating back to his teammates, Jun emerged out of the roof and told them about what he saw. They all became furious as they got up, ready to storm the place.

"Calm down… Let's be smart about it. Once we're in there, make sure you knock everyone out, apart from the middle-aged man in the center. Trust me."

Hearing Jun's words, the other three nodded. They didn't know what he was up to, but Jun would never do something without purpose.

Surrounding the hall, team Jiraiya waited for their sensei to give the signal. Once he raised his hand, they immediately jumped in and swiftly knocked out everyone in sight, including the guards.

Dropping his wine cup, the family lord took a few steps backward, tripping on his robe as he stared in fright.

"Wh-who are you!? Please don't kill me… I have money! I'll pay you anything!"

Ignoring his words, Jun walked up to him and grabbed him by the collar, raising him up.

"Now, let me crack your head open... Just be quiet, I promise it won't hurt too much…"

As his words trailed off, something happened that surprised Jiraiya and the rest. Jun's irises spun uncontrollably as they took on a red tinge.

A single tomoe appeared around both of his pupils, as he activated his clan's most renowned ability.

"The Sharingan!"

Recognizing his eyes, his teammates rejoiced. Looking at him, Jiraiya nodded in approval.

Blood seemed to drain from the man's head as his eyes reflected Jun's Sharingan. Seeing him fall unconscious, Jun threw him to the side. He then placed a hand on his face, organizing his thoughts.[1]

"I understand now… Onigetsu… Jashinists… They're over there!"

Shifting his gaze towards a bookshelf, Jun walked over to it and pulled one book out, causing the nearby chimney to split in two. Seeing this, Nozomi activated her Byakugan to look inside. A second later, she covered her mouth in horror.

"What do you see, Nozomi?"

"The girls… They're all tied up… They're all… Oh my god…"

She couldn't speak as her entire body trembled in fear. Seeing this, Jun walked up to her and placed both of his hands on her shoulders, looking at her in the eyes. His Sharingan spun, and Nozomi seemed to space out for a moment.

A few seconds later, she stopped shaking and calmed down. Jun had calmed her down through Genjutsu.

"Can you speak now? What's the situation inside?"

Breathing in, Nozomi closed her eyes before speaking.

"There's a bunch of hooded figures, and the girls are all tied up around one man. There's some kind of weird symbol drawn on the ground, and they're all chanting weird curses, something to do with Jashin."


[1] In the anime, it is shown that with advanced enough prowess, via eye contact, the user can even enter the target's mind to look through their memories, and even erase them within a long-range for several targets. Madara has used the Sharingan for so many years that he knows everything about it at this point.


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