
Near the lake cabin in the Uchiha complex, two figures could be seen sparring... One had dark hair, and the other's was completely blonde.

Aito, Akane, and Nozomi watched attentively as Minato and Jun traded blows... Their levels were way higher than theirs, so they were trying their best to learn something.

Minato ran up to Jun, jumping a little and spinning in the air, aiming a side-ways heel-kick towards his head.

Jun smiled and ducked, pressing his foot on the ground and throwing a straight punch at Minato's exposed stomach.

Reacting quickly, Minato placed both hands on Jun's arm, using it as a pivot as he front-flipped in the air, aiming a bunch of shuriken at Jun's back.

Turning around, Jun took out a kunai and accurately deflected all of the shuriken, before charging at Minato's neck with it.

Surprised, Minato bent his knees and lowered his back, narrowly dodging the kunai swing. Even so, Jun was so fast that a strand of hair got sliced off.

Sweating coldly, Minato placed his hands on the ground, regaining balance as he back-flipped away.

A second later, he pushed the ground with his feet and propelled himself towards Jun with his own kunai.

Seeing this, Jun smirked and parried as they both reaching a deadlock.

Both kunai produced sparks, and the two of them pushed each other back, as they retreated a few meters.

Smiling, Jun placed the kunai back in his pouch... Looking at Minato, he couldn't help but be impressed.

Although he was holding back, Minato continuously got better as they traded blows, making Jun have to raise the level a little every few seconds.

Breathing out a large breath, Minato let himself fall down as he placed both of his hands on the ground and looked at the sky, panting.

"Jun-san... You're way too good!"

Smiling, Minato looked at Jun with determined eyes. Every time he thought he was breaking through, Jun turned up the speed, making him struggle to keep up.

"Hahaha! It's been a while since I've had such a nice spar... Don't belittle yourself, Minato, that certainly was impressive."

Jun felt good. It really had been too long since he had enjoyed a fight this much, so he had to thank Minato for that.

"Come on, Jun-san… You didn't even use your Sharingan, yet you still had the advantage the whole time…"

A little dejected, Minato wiped the sweat off his forehead. Sparring with Jun was really beneficial, but he didn't really like feeling inferior. Then again, he could feel himself getting stronger, so he just dealt with it.

"Wow… Are you two even human…?"

Akane was struggling to keep her cool. Those two were in a realm she didn't think she could even fathom.

"You'll get used to it… I see this every day, believe me. Those two are not meant to be comprehended."

Next to her, Nozomi sighed, opening her book. She had grown resistant to them by now.

Nearby, Aito's eyes had become star-shaped... He wondered if he could one day reach their level. Minato was the same age as him, yet he was so good already...

Smiling, Jun walked over to the lake and slowly disappeared underground. After a while, he came back with a massive fish in his hand.

"Who's hungry…?"


Aito jumped in joy as he heard the mention of food. They had been training for the entire day, making him feel like he could eat an entire cow!

Nearby, Minato, Nozomi, and Akane also struggled to hide their appetite... Like Aito, they were suffering the wrath of Jun's devilish training regime.

They hadn't eaten since they'd woken up, and it was already noon…


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