
"That's unfair!"

"You cheated us!"


Clearing his throat, Shigeo made everyone shut up. Narrowing his eyes, his demeanor changed entirely, scaring some Genin.

"If you're eliminated, leave immediately."


Minato watched as the people dejectedly left, reducing the team total to a little over ten. Smiling awkwardly, he couldn't help but be taken aback by the rate of elimination in this exam.

Out of the original fifty teams, just over ten remained. That was a one-in-five chance! If you checked the numbers, only thirty participants would make it out of the first round.

'This is only the beginning…'

Determined, Minato clenched his fists. He would give it his all from now on.

"Alright, now that they're gone, let us move on. Orochimaru-san, it's your turn."

Moving out of the way, Shigeo gave way for a hooded man. Revealing his face, people couldn't help but notice his pale skin. No matter how they looked at it, he looked like a snake.

Gracefully removing the strands of hair from his face, Orochimaru smiled. Laying his eyes on everyone, he found a few participants that interested him…

Noticing his gaze, the Genin all shuddered a little. For some reason, this man gave off a very weird-vibe.

Seeing him, Jun smiled.

'Orochimaru… So he's here too.'

He knew this person. After all, he was a rat that constantly sniffed around for him in his past life. Jun didn't think very highly of him and his subordinate, Kabuto. They thought they could play god, being mere cockroaches.

Licking his lips with a smile, Orochimaru spoke up.

"Nice to meet you… I am Orochimaru, the head-proctor for the second round of this year's Chūnin exams."

Chuckling, he continued.

"It seems like quite a few of you are left… I'm sorry, but less than half of you will make it past the next round…"


"He must be joking…"

Most of the Genin feared the possibility of his words being right. They had barely made it past the first round, and yet, the second round was even more unforgiving?

"Kukuku… All of you, follow me to the examination site."

With a creepy laugh, Orochimaru started walking. Seeing this, everyone followed. After a while, they reached an enormous forest that was surrounded by a metallic fence.

Standing in front of it, Orochimaru turned around to face the contestants.

"This is the forty-fourth training ground… Also known as the forest of death. The second round will take place inside of it."

"In the center of the forest of death, around ten kilometers away from here, stands a tower. The goal of this exam is for you to reach it within three days."[1]

Chuckling once again, Orochimaru smiled and reached into his back pocket, taking out two scrolls. One was blue and had the kanji for 'earth' on it, while the other was white, with the kanji for 'heaven'.

"Each team will be given one of these scrolls… To pass the exam, you have to reach the tower with both scrolls."

"It doesn't matter how you do it. I'm sure you understand what I mean. After all, there's a few of you here who have decent auras. Oh, and you can't open them. If you do… Well, no one will save you."

Placing the scrolls back in his pocket, Orochimaru then took out a bunch of documents.

"You'll all have to sign these contracts for me… After all, if you die in there, I'm not responsible."

Hearing his creepy laugh, Nozomi got goosebumps, like most other people there. Looking next to her, she realized that both Jun and Minato were perfectly fine, making her feel a little better.

With that said, the participants signed their documents, and each team received a random scroll before being taken to one of the forty-four gates.

Smiling, Orochimaru looked at his watch before speaking into his microphone.

"Open the gates."


[1] The exam lasts three days instead of five here. The times were tougher back then, and Shinobi were less 'Naive' in a way. These exams are not a kid's game at all.


Don't forget to drop some stones!


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