
"I think that the most efficient way would be to use your Byakugan in conjunction with my Kagemane…"[1]

"What do you mean?"

"Picture this... Hiyashi finds a team, we lure them into a trap, I capture them with my shadow, and you two can beat them up. Simple enough, right?"

"That could work…"


As they were discussing, Ren felt a disturbance in the air and threw a bunch of shuriken, startling his teammates.

After a while of silence, nothing happened.

"What the hell, Ren?"

"Ren… What was that for…"


Ren could've sworn that he felt something earlier. Looking at that spot, he narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

Unbeknownst to them, there was someone there. The shuriken had been blocked by a wall of golden dust, as Rasa stared at the three ninja in front of him.

At his rear, two other Genin from the sand were lying in the shadows. One carried a puppet on his back while the other carried a Wakizashi on his hip.[2]

Rasa was surprised by Ren's sudden reaction. He thought they had arrived undetected.

"It doesn't matter what they do… We're getting their scroll anyways. Both of you follow me."

"Yes, Rasa-sama."

Angered, Rasa jumped out of his hiding spot, landing in front of the three Konoha nin. Behind him, the other two stood guard.


Ren and his teammates all got up, raising their guards.

Not wasting any time, Rasa raised his arms, and gold dust flowed out of his canister, rushing towards the three.

Ren immediately activated his Sharingan and dodged it, Hiyashi similarly activated his Byakugan, jumping away. As for Shinju, she wasn't fast enough, and the dust got to her.

Rasa moved his hands as the gold wrapped around her body, confining her entirely. Raising her in the air, he shifted his gaze towards her teammates.

"I don't have time to waste on trash like you three. Give me your scroll, and I'll let you go. If you don't obey, I'll kill her on the spot."

Emphasizing his words, Rasa slowly squeezed his hand into a fist as Shinju started screaming in pain.

Seeing her suffer like this, Ren and Hiyashi both sweated coldly. They had never expected to face such a troublesome opponent this early.

Gnashing his teeth, Ren could only surrender. Seeing his actions, Hiyashi did the same. If they lost Shinju, they'd be disqualified anyways.

Taking out the scroll, Ren passed it over to the guy holding a sword. Catching it, he nodded at Rasa. It was the one they were after.

"At least you're smart. Let's go."

Lowering his hand, Rasa released Shinju, who fell on the ground, clearly in pain. Running up to her, Hiyashi checked her condition with his eyes. At least there were no internal injuries.

With one last look of disgust, Rasa and his team left for the tower, leaving their team in shambles.


Gnashing his teeth, Ren wanted to punch something. Once again, he felt powerless. That guy was just too strong. Even with his Sharingan, he doubted that he could even pose a fight.

Not to mention that he seemed younger than him.

Suddenly, Jun's figure flashed in his head. Recalling that night's events, a look of anger spread across his face.

"I… I need more strength!"


[1] 'Kagemane' stands for shadow-possession.

[2] A 'Wakizashi' is a shorter version of a Katana, measuring around thirty to sixty centimeters in length.


Don't forget to drop some stones!


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