Aito's Radio Show (Special)

"Hello, readers! It's me, Aito! Before we start, let me remind you of something very important..."

"Don't read this before chapter 67!"

"Alright, today, we're going to discuss the main characters in Ghost of the Uchiha! As you may know, I'm also one of them."

"Well, let's start with big-sis Akane. Here's the character sheet... let me look for it.. one second..."

"Ayayaya... Where did I leave it!? Ah! It's here!"


"full name: Akane Uchiha. She's currently thirteen years of age, and is still enrolled in the ninja academy! She's known Jun since they were kids because their dads were both on the same team!"

"She's had a crush on Jun since very little and is one of the prettiest girls in the clan. Because of this, she caused him a lot of trouble! But do not fret... Aniki is a true boss! He's always handled the bullies!"

"She's gentle, shy, and always wants to help others! Oh, and it says here that her favorite food is... Dumplings!"

"Right, moving on. Ren Uchiha! Like Akane, he's thirteen... Ren has always been giving me and Aniki trouble, being the main guy from the aforementioned 'bully' bunch. He used to wait outside our cabin to beat Aniki up! Despicable!"

"He's a genin, learning under the infamous Fugaku Uchiha, our clan's rising star! His teammates are Hyuga Hizashi, a caring but somehow still emotionless guy, as well as Shinju Nara, a very lazy, but smart kunoichi!"

"I hear that their team has completed multiple missions, varying from D-ranks to C-ranks, and even a B-rank! Very impressive! Even though I hate to admit it..."

"He's the hardy, emotional type. Also, his favorite food is vanilla ice-cream! What a crime!"

"And, where's he's info card. Let me see..."[1]

[Uchiha Ren]

Ninjutsu: 2.5

Taijutsu: 2

Genjutsu: 2

Intelligence: 1

Strength: 3

Speed: 2

Stamina: 2

Hand-Seals: 3

Total: 17.5

"Oh! His stats are above average! Very impressive, as expected of our clansmen!"

"Alright, on to the next one... Let's see here... Mikoto Uchiha! Ren's older sister!"

"She's fifteen, and a Chunin! Incredible! I didn't know Big sis was this cool!"

"She's very caring, and although her little brother can be stupid at ties, she loves him with all her heart! A truly exemplary big sister!"

"It says here that she's engaged with... Fugaku? WHAT!? BIG SIS IS ENGAGED!? I suddenly feel like jumping in a hole and bury myself in it..."

"Anyways... Here's her info card..."

[Uchiha Mikoto]

Ninjutsu: 3.5

Taijutsu: 1

Genjutsu: 4

Intelligence: 4

Strength: 2

Speed: 3

Stamina: 2

Hand-Seals: 2.5

Total: 22

"Wow! Big sis is so strong! Befitting of her rank!"

"Eehehe, next, is Nozomi Hyuga! She's thirteen, and a member of team Jiraiya, alongside my brother!"

"Nozomi-san loves books, and she spends most of her day reading when she's not on missions or training her clan's taijutsu. She's very disciplined!"

"Then again, she's easily frightened! Because she spends so much time in silence, she's susceptible to sounds and sudden movements!"

"Nozomi-san's favorite food is... Tea! oh, and here's her info card:"

[Nozomi Hyuga]

Ninjutsu: 2

Taijutsu: 4

Genjutsu: 1

Intelligence: 4

Strength: 2

Speed: 3

Stamina: 2

Hand-Seals: 3

Total: 21

"So strong! She's almost reached the average level of a Chunin!"

"Next up is... Minato Namikaze! Minato is my brother's teammate, and they're always sparring together or exchanging pointers! Well, it's more like my brother does all the pointing out..."

"But anyway! Minato is my age, yet he's already graduated from the academy! What!? I know right!? Incredible!"

"He holds a bunch of records, including the best academy score ever, the fastest time to complete the second round of the Chunin exams, completed an A-rank the earliest... The list goes on! Minato is a monster!"

"He's very kind, and always cares for his friend's well being. His favorite food is... Habaneros! How unexpectedly feisty! Here's his info card:"

[Minato Namikaze]

Ninjutsu: 4

Taijutsu: 3

Genjutsu: 2

Intelligence: 5

Strength: 1

Speed: 5

Stamina: 2

Hand-Seals: 3

Total: 25

"He's almost as strong as a special Jonin! Way to go, Minato!"

"Oh yeah! We finally got to my brother!"

"Jun Uchiha, a member of team Jiraiya, just like Nozomi and Minato! He's currently fourteen, and is known throughout the village as useless junk!"

"Even so, some time ago, a switch in my brother's head went off... it was as if he'd become a different person, but his new personality is incredible!"

"Every time we're together, it makes me feel like everything's within his grasp! It's a great feeling! Also, he's tied with Minato for best looking Genin of the year! Also, his favorite food is Dango!"

"Lookie here... Aniki's info card! I can't wait to read it!"

[Jun Uchiha]

Ninjutsu: 5

Taijutsu: 5

Genjutsu: 5

Intelligence: 5

Strength: 3

Speed: 5

Stamina: 3

Hand-Seals: 5

Total: 36

"What!? his stats surpass the average for Jonin!? What the hell!? Is something wrong here!?"

"Aniki, you're too awesome!"


"This concludes my special report. Thank you for tuning in, everybody! Have a nice day, and stop asking for longer chapters, T0X1N-san doesn't like it!"



[1] These values are were given by me, following the Databook system we all know of. Again, I implore you not to take these very seriously, since they are subject to change and are very vague.


05-1.5 = Below Average

2 = Decent

2.5-3 = Average

3.5-4 = Above Average

4.5-5 = Excellent


Average total for Genin: 16

Average total for Chunin: 22-22.5

Average total for Tokubetsu Jonin: 26

Average total for Jonin: 29.5

Here's a link to a handy main series' databook and an explanation: