

Check the auxiliary volume! There's a little surprise there!


When Shigeo confirmed his victory, Ren fell to his knees, still holding his shoulder as it profusely bled. Looking at the roof, he let out a small smile.

'I made it…'

After that, he fainted due to blood loss. Seeing this, medical-nin quickly ran into the room and took him and Ozawa away.

Watching Ren being transported away, Fugaku nodded. Finally, his student was maturing.

Ren was a big concern for both him and the clan-head. Because Fugaku was engaged to Masaki's daughter, Mikoto, that meant that the position of clan-head would end up in his hands and not Ren's.

Either way, this was mutually beneficial, as Masaki couldn't see Ren leading the clan. Then again, he entrusted him to Fugaku, in hopes of seeing him improve to become one of the clan's pillars.

Shifting his gaze towards Jun, Fugaku sighed. In the past year, Ren had been neglecting training to pursue a woman. Thankfully though, he was finally getting back on track. And for that, he knew who to thank.

On the other side of the room, Jun had his hands ion his pockets. Ever since the first day he was reborn, he didn't hold a grudge. Although Ren was despicable in the past, he could tell that it was just a child's rash behavior.

After all, he had lived for several decades and knew how to forgive, especially if the one in question was of his blood. He knew how prone they were to feelings and emotion.

Jun decided to give Ren time. He needed it to understand his feelings. Observing him till now, he was heading in the right direction.

Interrupting Jun's thoughts, the board got to rolling names once again. Once it settled, Shige spoke up once more.

"Namikaze Minato vs. Shinju Nara. Both of you, please come down from the platforms."

Hearing his name getting called, Minato rejoiced, walking down with a wide smile. Finally, it was his turn.

On the other hand, Shinju was feeling conflicted. She'd heard of this 'Minato'... He graduated from the academy in one year, set a bunch of records, and completed an A-rank mission a mere month after becoming a ninja.

So far, his track-record was monstrous. Even if one was stupid, they could tell the kid had talent.

'How annoying… If I forfeit, uncle Shigeo will get pissed. Whatever. I guess I'll give it a go.'

Massaging her neck, she dejectedly made her way down and faced the young Minato.

"Shinju-san, was it? Let's have a good fight!"

Seeing his pure smile, Shinju was a little taken aback. Was this the guy from the rumors? He looked so innocent, it almost sounded like a joke.

"Yeah… Good fight."

As Shinju was thinking of a possible way out of this mess, Shigeo raised his hand, signaling the start of the match.

Not wasting any time, Minato threw a smoke bomb right in front of him, confusing everyone. As Shinju was wondering why he would do such a thing, Minato burst out of the smoke, running towards her at full speed.

'Fast..! I need to stop this guy…'

Since she didn't have any information on his abilities, she couldn't formulate a plan just yet. Deciding to play it safe, she squatted and performed a 'rat' seal as her shadow came alive.

'Kagemane no Jutsu!' (Shadow-Posession technique!)

Before Minato could react, she caught him, stopping his movements entirely.

"Not good..!"

Nozomi placed her hands on the handrails as she noticed that Minato had just gotten caught. This was bad!

Massaging her neck once again, Shinju got back up. In front of her, Minato was struggling, trying to get out of the possession, to no effect.

"Don't waste your energy… I'll make you forfeit anyways…"

Slowly raising her hand, she watched as Minato did the same.


Don't forget to drop some stones!


There are currently 15 more chapters on P.a.t.r.e.o.n!

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