
Up in the highest floor of the arena, Hiruzen cozily sat on his chair. As he watched the contestants enter, his guest finally appeared.

"Well, well, if it isn't the Kazekage. How's life treatin' ya, pal?" Laughing, Hiruzen greeted the Third Kazekage, who calmly walked over and sat next to him.

He was a tall man of fair complexion, with messy, dark-blue hair and narrow eyes. With a stoic expression, he observed the participants down in the arena, nodding his head.

"You aren't a man of many words, huh... Anyways, I heard your disciple is participating in these exams. What should I expect?" Hiruzen chuckled, smoking his pipe. Although the tension between Konoha and the sand was mounting, it wasn't the moment for that.

"Rasa is strong..." The Kazekage watched his disciple with a rare smile. Seeing this, Hiruzen was a little startled. 'He must like the kid quite a bit...'

Down in the arena, Shigeo stood in front of the lined-up contestants. Rubbing his neck, he turned around and spoke lazily. "Alright, this is the final round. The rules are the same as in the prelims; there are none."

"You fight until one of you dies or admits defeat. Then again, if I determine that the fight is over, I'll step in." Running his hand through his face in an annoyed manner, Shigeo pointed at Jun and Rasa. "Now, for the first fight... Sabaku Rasa and Uchiha Jun. Both of them will stay here while the rest of you proceed to the waiting room."

"I'd wish you luck, but there's no need for that, right?" Grinning, Minato waved at Jun before following the rest.

"Hehe, show them who's boss!" patting Jun on the shoulder, Nozomi threw him a thumbs up before following Minato.

Receiving his teammate's best wishes, Jun confidently smiled. 'I was going to do that anyway.'

Once the rest were all gone, Jun and Rasa stood a few meters apart, carefully analyzing each other.

"Jun Uchiha... I've been waiting for this day. I hear that your clan is full of powerful ninja." Rasa's confidence was on full display. Crossing his arms, he sent a provocative look. "I hope that you can challenge me."

"Ditto." Smiling innocently, Jun yawned, pissing Rasa off. Stretching his arms, a small chuckle escaped his mouth. "You see, my adorable little brother is watching, so I'll have to batter you. No hard feelings, ok?"

"You..." Visibly angered, Rasa breathed in. There was no use in letting anger get the best of him before a fight. "You don't know who you're facing."

"Then why don't you show me?" Now laughing, Jun finished stretching. Seeing this, Shigeo lifted his hand and yelled. "Begin!"

Before Shigeo could even finish pronouncing the word, Rasa raised his hand, and a current of gold dust rushed in Jun's direction. Seeing it coming, Jun slightly bent his knees and disappeared out of sight.

"What...!?" Seeing his gold grasp air, Rasa seemed confused. Where had he gone?

"Coocoo." Flickering behind Rasa, Jun smiled as he kicked him in the back, sending him flying.

"Gah!" Receiving a direct blow, Rasa gnashed his teeth and quickly used his gold to cushion the fall, landing successfully. Struggling to get up, he glared at Jun, who appeared to be having fun.

"If you have the time to send glares my way, you should be careful about what's behind you." Smiling, Jun pointed towards Rasa's back, making him jolt around, raising his defenses... Only to realize there was nothing there.

Furious, Rasa turned back around and tried to attack, only to realize that Jun had disappeared once again. Before he could react, Jun flickered back in front of him, his two eyes now crimson in color. "Naive."

Pushing his foot on the ground, Jun punched Rasa's chin at full force, sending him up in the air. He then started performing hand seals.


Up in the stands, Aito could hardly remain seated as he energetically cheered for his older brother. In his mind, no one was cooler than Jun!


Special thanks to Frozoka Swaggins, God Erebos, and Daniil!

Don't forget to drop some stones!


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