
"You can't be serious..." At Jiraiya's words, Tsunade stared in shock. She knew him well, and he wasn't the type to exaggerate about these things.

'Just how talented is he?'

"ANIKI WON!!" Excited, Aito jumped around in joy. Jun shined out there, making him feel like he had the coolest brother in the world. Noticing his excitement, Mikoto and Akane chuckled, finding it cute. "You sure like your brother!"

"Yeah! He's the best!" Gripping the handrails, Aito was all smiling. Noticing that Jun was looking at him he waved as hard as he could.

Although Jun couldn't hear Aito's screams, he could easily read lips through the Sharingan. Smiling, he closed his eyes and walked back to the participants' room.

Watching him leave, Shigeo walked up to Rasa and raised his hand once again. "The winner is Jun Uchiha!"

Once they heard his words, the crowd roared. The whole arena quickly became filled with cheers.

Sitting near Hiruzen, Danzo narrowed his eyes. This boy was undoubtedly talented... It gave him a bad feeling. Just seeing his confident smile made Danzo feel threatened.

Interrupting his thoughts, Mezu flickered and spoke into his ear. "My lord, the Uchiha aren't showing any signs of dissatisfaction..."

"What?" Turning to face his subordinate, Danzo felt like something was wrong. By right, the Uchiha should've felt like the village was against them. 'Am I missing something?'

When he sent them to capture Jun, both of his subordinates were dressed as Anbu. 'Root' was still in its infancy, so no links could've possibly been made to it. Danzo felt like he was missing a piece to the puzzle, frustrating him.

'Don't tell me that Masaki purposefully kept it hidden from his clan... Did he see through my intentions?' Although he was one-hundred percent sure that Masaki did not know 'root', there was a possibility that he wanted to keep things from escalating, and was thus quiet.

By revealing the attack to his clan, only bad blood would be spread between them and the village. It was a possibility that Masaki wanted to prevent that, by not bringing up the situation.

'Then again, if I continue causing problems for them through 'root', Hiruzen will end up getting wind of it...'

Furrowing his brows, Danzo decided to stay patient. After all, his plan would fail if he rashly made decisions.

"I need to be careful..."


Inside the participant's area, all gazes fell on Jun as he walked in. His display had left most of the other contestants worried.

Fuguki and Kushimaru both Glared at him with murderous eyes. They had to admit that Jun had become an obstacle.

Jun smiled. Placing his hands in his pockets, he yawned, acting as if nothing happened.

"That was awesome! Good job out there!" Giving him a huge thumbs up, Nozomi ran up to him with a gleeful smile. Although she didn't doubt the fact that he would win, it still felt good to see her teammate dominate the opposition. "You sure taught him a lesson... That should humble the guy a bit."

"Yeah ..." Clenching his fists, Minato was filled with uncertainty. He wanted to fight Jun, yet he wasn't sure if he was his match. Only Jun gave him this feeling of inferiority... He felt like no matter how much he trained; it was never enough.

"I just swatted a fly. Nothing to get excited about."

Shifting his gaze towards Ren, Jun wondered how he would fare against his next opponent. It promised to be interesting.


Special thanks to Frozoka Swaggins, God Erebos, and Daniil!

Don't forget to drop some stones!


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