
A/N: For those who thought it might've been too much for Nozomi to learn the hakkesho. Although it was to give it some more 'umph', after further consideration, it might've been pushing it, so I'm changing it.

Although don't confuse this with me giving importance to the people that got angry. I'm doing this because I felt like yeah, it made more sense if she didn't just learn hakkesho like that.

Anyway, I hope you guys stay passionate about this story, seeing as some of you loved it so much that they'll drop paragraph-long comments, full of fervor. Thanks!

Ok, I'll stop my author's note here. Buckle up, this chapter's crazy!


During the Hyuga clan fight, inside a nearby hospital.

Having left Aito with Akane, Mikoto and Masaki came over as soon as they hear Ren's condition was stabilized.

"Father... Ren..." Mikoto's voice was full of grief. She knew that without an arm, her brother's life would inevitably change.

"I know... Don't worry; we'll support him." Patting his daughter's head, Masaki's lips curled into a warm smile, lifting Mikoto's mood a little.

Reaching Ren's room, Masaki reached for the door handed and twisted it open. Once the inside was revealed, both of them could only stare in shock.

On top of Ren's unconscious body, a white creature with swirling patterns was on top of Ren, staring into the boy's closed eyes.

"What's going on here!?" Masaki roared furiously, bolting towards it at a monstrous speed. "Leave my son this instant!"

As if it hadn't heard Masaki's furious words, the creature quickly wrapped itself around Ren, covering his entire body.

Turning its head towards the incoming ninja, the eerie hole in its face stared at the man before it placed a hand on the ground, causing it to tremble.

Suddenly, a large tree-like mass of vegetation sprawled out of the ground, blocking Masaki's path.

"Mokuton...!" Masaki opened his eyes in shock. Wasn't this the First Hokage's bloodline limit? 'How does it have access to...'

"Katon: Gōryūka no Jutsu!" (Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique!)

Performing hand-seals at blinding speed, Masaki spat out three dragon-shaped fireballs, quickly burning down the trees. Gathering chakra into the soles of his feet, he flickered into the room, only to realize the creature was already gone.

'I can't feel its presence... Shit!'

"No..." Tears filling her eyes, Mikoto fell to her knees. Trembling all over, she looked at her father with fearful eyes. "Father, you'll catch that thing, right? You'll bring Ren back, right?"

"..." Masaki wished he could console his daughter, but it was too late. Clenching his fists, he looked at the ceiling, his body trembling with rage. 'Ren, please be safe!'


Back in the arena, a masked Anbu member flickered right next to the Hokage. Walking up to Hiruzen, he whispered into his ear.

"What..!? Is that true?" A Mokuton user appeared and kidnapped the Uchiha clan head's son? It sounded like a joke! How did that person pass through the Yamanaka clan's barrier?

Seeing the Anbu nod, Hiruzen felt a headache coming on. Rubbing his forehead, he let out an exasperated sigh. 'If this is true, then we have a big problem in our hands... there's someone that can use the Mokuton? If so, we are in danger...'

Recalling Hashirama's strength, Hiruzen felt a chill down his spine. If someone were ever to reach that level, it would become a problem for the entire world. Especially if they were out there kidnapping Uchihas.

"Send the Anbu's sensory division to the scene. Also, call up the Hyuga clan and the Yamanaka. We can't leave this as it is." Smoking on his pipe to hopefully relieve some stress, Hiruzen continued. "Find that person."

"Hai!" Fiercely nodding, the Anbu flickered away, disappearing into thin air.


Although Konoha was currently panicking behind the scenes, the Chunin exams were to continue uninterrupted.

"Kushimaru Kuriarare vs. Jun Uchiha! Both contestants, please make your way down to the arena!" Shigeo's words resounded across the arena, drawing the audience's attention.

"Aniki! It's Aniki's turn again!" jumping with excitement, Aito tightly held Akane's sleeve. Just like him, Akane's heart was also beating with excitement. 'Jun!'

Staring right into his opponent's eyes, Kushimaru was no longer in the mood to play. Still feeling the searing sensation n his flesh, hatred exuded from his body like a miasma.


Special thanks to Frozoka Swaggins, God Erebos, and Daniil!

Don't forget to drop some stones!


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