
The big-lungs technique, which used yang release as its base, could even be called a hiden jutsu. Knowledge of both the yin and yang nature transformations was a tightly kept secret between certain clans, like the Nara and Akimichi.

Although yin was standard in genjutsu, and yang was the basis of healing techniques, further derivations of these nature transformations were rarely found, even amongst select groups of ninja.

As Masaki read through the scroll, he couldn't help but sigh at the ingenuity of the 'big-lungs' technique's yang release usage. It even made him --Someone with extensive knowledge and experience-- learn a few things.

He couldn't believe that such a perfect jutsu for his clan existed. With this, their fire release techniques would tremendously rise in power.

As for the dustless cover technique, it was an intelligent application of water style. Reading through, Masaki was increasingly speechless.

'It utilizes water vapor to bend light around the user, essentially making them invisible... How clever.'

Classified as a B-rank jutsu, This technique allowed its user to completely erase their presence, causing them to have neither a physical form nor detectable chakra while active. As such, they wouldn't be detected through traditional means, such as chakra detection.

"With these techniques..." Masaki held his breath, looking up at Jun. It didn't fit in his mind how a mere chunin could develop techniques this advanced.

Although the big-lungs technique was but a C-rank in difficulty, to create it wasn't child's play. After all, knowledge on yang release was scarce.

"May I ask, how did you develop them?" Masaki had his interest piqued. Both of them --Seemingly made by a chunin-- would be useful even to him. Realizing this, he had to know more about how this stroke of genius came about. "What inspired the creation of these amazing techniques..."

Faced with Masaki's question, Jun crossed his arms and thought a little before answering with a plausible scenario.

"For the first one, I was inspired by the Akimichi's expansion techniques... As for the second, the idea came after seeing one of the mist ninja's techniques in the Chunin exams." Although it was blatant lying, some things Jun said were true.

"Unbelievable..." Masaki had no words. If Jun was telling the truth, then their clan was too lucky. Not only did they produce a genius of Jun's caliber, but he was loyal enough to gift techniques like this without a second thought. There was also another section on the Sharingan, which he would check later when his mind was clear.

"I don't know what to say... You have my thanks, on behalf of the entire clan. These techniques will greatly boost our survivability." Speaking in a thankful tone, Masaki rose and placed a hand on Jun's shoulder. "Your contributions today shall be remembered."


After the night passed, the sun rose as birds chirped, and trees danced alongside the wind. While most of the villagers were asleep, Jun was out in the garden, meditating in the middle of their large pond.

A small leaf slowly fell through the air, swinging down as it landed on his head.

Opening his eyes, Jun woke up from his morning meditation. Feeling great, he rose and dusted his shoulders off.

'It's time.' Smiling, he walked over to the veranda and slid the door open. Inside the room, Aito was snoring, buried inside his futon. Having awakened his Sharingan just yesterday, he definitely required a good night's sleep.

Not making any noise, Jun slowly made his way to the closets and slid them open, putting his clothes on.

He wore the traditional high collared shirt of the Uchiha, coupled with some knee-length pants and tight bandages that he wrapped around his forearms and shins.

On top of everything, he wore the pastel-green flack jacket they had given him after the exams. It lacked pockets, neck guards, and scroll pouches. To make up for this, Jun wore an additional equipment pouch on his lower back, as well as a short tanto sword strapped to his upper back. [1]


[1] I did some more research, and the traditional flack jackets that you see in the anime were not yet created at this point. If you want to know more, look up 'flack jacket' in the narutopedia website. Scroll down some, and you'll find the ones I'm talking about, used in the second shinobi world war.


Special thanks to Frozoka Swaggins, God Erebos, and Daniil!

Don't forget to drop some stones!


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