
"Madara...? He died ages ago..." Ren's words were full of disbelief. Had this man gone crazy?

Slowly closing his eyes, Madara continued speaking.

"I suppose that I'm a relic of the past...It's true that if I was not receiving a steady supply of chakra from that statue... I would be dead in an instant."

"In a way... I am cheating death." Madara turned his head slightly, gazing at the giant statue nearby.

Seeing it's horrible appearance, Ren shivered. It had nine eyes, all closed up, and resembled a demon more than it did a person.

"Why would you help me...? Do I know you?" Ren felt like all of this was too shocking. In fact, he suspected that he was still dreaming.

"We're going to break the cycle of cause and effect..." Madara's words became colder as he continued. "With only victors, only peace, only love."

"A world that contains nothing but those things..."

"Why should I care?" Ren didn't understand the man's words, strengthening his belief that he had gone senile. "Look, old man... I just want to go back home!"

Sighing, Madara paid no attention to him.

"If you want to go back to a life of inability and uselessness, it is your choice. but I shall take those eyes of yours before you do."

"Wh-why do you want my eyes? You already have your own!" Scared shitless, Ren backed up some more.

"Look... You can go back, but without your eyes, or your arm, you shall become entirely useless... Your life will become obsolete, as you'll require help for the most basic of tasks."

"Soon, you will grow frustrated and will wish to have never been born. Others will see you as an eyesore, rejecting you over time. In the end, you will desire death, for only in it will you find solace and peace." As his words trailed off, Madara observed Ren's expression grow poignant by the second. "Do you truly wish for such a miserable life?"

His eyes overflowing with sorrow, Ren suddenly remembered his sister, his father, and Akane... He was sure that even if he became a cripple, they would all love him unconditionally.

'I... I'll find a way back!'

Reding the boy's mind, Madara smiled in a cynical manner.

'I leave the rest to you...' Watching two Zetsu come out of a nearby wall, he closed his eyes once more.


Inside the Hokage's office.

Jun stood in front of Hiruzen, slightly bowing. Although it was annoying, he nonetheless had to be considerate in this situation.

"Young Jun, what brings you here today?" Although the sun had barely risen, Hiruzen was already at it with his pipe, exhaling a large cloud of smoke as he spoke. "Is something the matter?"

"Lord Hokage, I came to ask you for a favor." Still bowing, Jun spoke in a monotonous tone, neither respectful or discourteous.

"Hm? And what would that be?" His interest piqued, Hiruzen wondered what his newly promoted Chunin wanted. It was rare for people to come and ask him for things this casually.

"I would like to go on a hunt." Taking out his bingo book, Jun skipped to the page from earlier and placed it in front of the Hokage. "I want to assassinate this man."

Taking the book, Hiruzen narrowed his eyes and checked its contents. In it was the picture of a man with long, brown hair. His eyes were red, with green irises and he wore a face-mask that covered him up to the nose.

"Kakuzu of the waterfall... An S-rank criminal..." As he read through Kakuzu's information, Hiruzen frowned. A Chunin wanted to hunt this person?

"Young Jun, your talent is undeniable, but this might be pushing it a little..."

He didn't know how to respond. This was the first time that a Chunin had requested for an S-rank criminal subjugation mission. Let alone by themselves.

Also, Kakuzu was quite powerful even amongst the others in that rank. From the rumors, he was more tenacious than a cockroach, making his assassination a far-fetched dream, especially for a Chunin.

Not only that, but with the recent problem they faced during the exams, he wasn't sure if it would be alright to let a young, talented Uchiha roam outside.

Frowning, he sighed.


Special thanks to Frozoka Swaggins, God Erebos, and Daniil!

Don't forget to drop some stones!


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