
"Get out of my way." As his words trailed off, both of the guards exploded in a million pieces, painting the walls with fresh blood.

"You! Stop this instant!" Taking out a katana, the only ninja present rushed at Kakuzu with killer intent. A blue aura appeared on his sword as he slashed down at the criminal.

Turning to face him, Kakuzu easily dodged the strike, grabbing his face with one hand.

The guard wrapped his hands around Kakuzu's but was unable to move him. Seeing his useless struggle, Kakuzu cackled, his arm turning dark brown.

"Argh!" Feeling the grip on his face strengthen, the guard screamed in pain. Pressing harder, Kakuzu mercilessly crushed this head, causing even more blood to splatter.

Because of this, the guard's body dropped to its knees, landing chest-first on the soil.

With blood dripping from his fingers, Kakuzu glared at the rest of the guards, unleashing a powerful presence.

"M-monster!" Abandoning their weapons, they all scampered away. With their leader dead, any form of resistance would be like serving their lives on a silver platter. Minamoto didn't pay them enough.

"Tch. No backbone." Shaking off the blood from his hand, Kakuzu retrieved his hair as his skin lost its dark brown color. "Now, onto the target."

Furrowing his brows, Kakuzu reached for the door, trying to slide it open.

As soon as he did, A purple streak blitzed past him as Jun stabbed right into his heart, yanking it out.

"Kuh!" Falling on one knee, Kakuzu held his chest in pain as he looked back. Behind him, Jun crushed the heart before deactivating his jutsu.

"You bastard... Who are you?" Furious, Kakuzu slowly got up, facing Jun. The brat still reeked of his mother's milk, yet he had already destroyed one of his hearts.

"Oh...? You're still alive?" Burning off the blood on his palm with the remnants of the electricity, Jun raised his eyebrows in surprise. 'I could've sworn that I crushed his heart..'

"Tch. As if I'd go down that easily, brat. From that flack jacket and headband, I can tell that you're from the leaf..." Filling the hole in his chest with hair, Kakuzu turned his wrists. "Many have come before you, brat... Guess what I did to them."

"You spoke to them this much?" Smiling provocatively, Jun slid his tanto sword out of its sheath. "You talk too much..."

Hearing Jun's words, Kakuzu grimaced, visibly irked.

"Egotistic brat... Since you're so confident, I'll let you know." Spreading his arms out, Kakuzu snickered as hair rushed out of every single tear in his body.

"I ate their hearts."


Staring at the jagged ceiling above him, Ren thought about this own situation and everything that happened up until now. As he did do, Jun and Akane's faces popped up in his head.

Narrowing his eyes, Ren suppressed his tears. All he had now was regret. He wished he could go back in time and not become the person he ended up becoming.

Too many things happened in the past month. Just when he felt that things were getting better, this had to happen.

"Maybe... Just maybe... I could have become their friend..." If he hadn't let jealousy blind him, maybe he could've been on good terms with Jun... And quite possibly...


"There, he repeated it! Akane, Akane!" Laughing giddily, guruguru mocked Ren. Next to him, Shiro Zetsu had his usual, laid-back smile. "He really does look like an idiot."

Irritation showing on his face, Ren yelled in anger. "Quit laughing!"

Startled by Ren's sudden tantrum, swirly tensed up and saluted in respect. "Sorry! I won't do it anymore, promise!"


Special thanks to Frozoka Swaggins, God Erebos, and Daniil!

Don't forget to drop some stones!


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