
"Hahaha! I had such a good time! I have to attend a meeting with the Daimyo, but I will be back here right after!" Putting his clothes on with a grin plastered on his face and a rosy complexion, Minamoto strolled out of a room full of women. "Guards! Let's get going; We can't let the Daimyo wait!"

Stepping out of the building, Minamoto froze.

In front of him was a gruesome scene. All of his guards were either dead or missing, with the remaining ones mutilated in a way where they were unrecognizable.


Falling on his back, Minamoto fainted from the shock. He would never make it to the meeting.


In a nearby forest, Jun sat on the ground, his back against a large tree. Next to him, Kakuzu's corpse lay motionless on the ground.

Reaching into his pouch, Jun took out a small vial, before unscrewing its lid and pouring a soldier pill into his hand. Popping it into his mouth, he crossed his legs and started recovering his chakra.

After a while, he opened his eyes and noticed that his entire body was sweating. Rising to his feet, he picked up Kakuzu's dead body and flickered away.

Using his Sharingan and sensory abilities, he looked for a river. Thankfully, he quickly noticed a wild fox and followed it silently until he finally started hearing sounds of running water.

Deactivating his eyes, he made his way to the river and dropped Kakuzu by the shore. After that, he took off most of his clothes and slowly walked into the water.

"Ahh..." Feeling alleviation in his muscles, Jun popped another soldier pill and slowly replenished all of his chakra.

An hour later, he was back at peak performance. Getting up, he watched as the small bird that had burrowed itself on his head flew away in fright.

Smiling, he walked back to the shore and dried himself using fire chakra before getting dressed. Zipping his flak-jacket up, he laid his eyes on the dead Kakuzu.

Thinking about the fight, he tried to understand where he could've done better. After all, on the path to become stronger, one always had to analyze their battles and improve upon them.

'The only thing that gave me a hard time was his masks' jutsu...' Thinking back, he remembered having to dodge every single time, unless it was the lightning mask. His thunder god technique could quickly suppress other forms of electricity.

'It sucks that I don't have my gunbai...' Clenching empty air, Jun fondly recalled his paper fan. With it, all ninjutsu became useless in front of him. 'I can't get it back for the time being... But I should be capable of recreating its effects...'

Getting an idea, Jun sat down next to Kakuzu and stared at his own palm. Recalling his fight against the allied shinobi nations, he thought of the Rinnegan.

'Through the Preta path, I gained access to chakra absorption, no matter the form it came in. If I could recreate that ability, even if just a little...' Scouring through his knowledge, Jun soon reached a conclusion.

'Seals... Maybe, if I use Fuinjutsu...' He hadn't made use of seals in this life, but he still remembered everything. Being Madara Uchiha, he had a lot of knowledge in this area, enough to be called an expert.

Remembering the inner workings of the Preta path's ability --which only a previous wielder would recall-- he quickly got to planning.


Special thanks to Frozoka Swaggins, God Erebos, and Daniil!

Don't forget to drop some stones!


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