Unknown Rich Woman

Until you were done hitting him, You hear footsteps from behind. Following which you see police and the middle-aged woman who was screaming earlier, coming towards you.

"Officer, Take me with you." The thief seeing the police hastily shouted fearing you will beat him to a pulp.

The Police seized the thief and praised you saying "Thank you for your help. We will take on it afterwards." before he headed towards the middle-aged woman.

He respectfully gives the purse to her, bows then leave with the thief.

You pat the dust off your clothes as you murmur in frustration" What a day!"

As soon as You begin to walk away, you hear the woman's voice " Wait!"

You look back to see the woman coming towards you with gratitude clearly flashing in her eyes.

" Me?" You point towards yourself.

The woman grabs your hand as soon as she catches up to you. " Thank you so much, pretty lady. If it weren't for you I would've lost my precious thing."

You feel awkward about what and how to respond to her. You just pat her shoulder lightly and tell her the truth " Aunty, it's fine. To be honest I ran after him because he spilt my food all over the street. So, you shouldn't be too grateful for me."

The woman shakes her head " No-No Despite any reason, It's undeniable that you retrieved my purse. You don't know but it was like saving my life. This pouch is really special to me."

Saying that the woman looks at the purse, it was an ordinary purse and looked rather old fashioned. But You sense deep emotional attachment in the woman's eyes when she sees it.

" You told me your food was spilt,  why don't I treat you to lunch. " The woman voices excitedly.

Before You could refuse her offer, She gazes at you with puppy eyes " Please don't say no, otherwise I will feel bad."

You sigh, thinking there is no other choice you agree with her.

Seeing you agree, The woman became exhilarated as she grabs her phone and excuses herself for a moment to make a call.

After a while, she returns and says " I just called the driver. He will be here after a while. By the way, What is your  name?"

You answer " My name is Bae Y/N. "

The woman looks at you nodding her head and wanting you to continue your introduction.

" Err..I am 21 years old. I live nearby  here..." You continue your part until a car stops nearby you and the woman.

Your eyes nearly pop out of your socket seeing the flashy black car. It was freaking Maybach 62s which cost more than hundreds of thousand dollars.

The driver gets off the car,  bows deeply towards the middle-aged woman and greets her " Madam Kim."

The woman nods her head and turns to look at you only to see you looking at the car in utter shock. She shakes you a bit " Y/ N?"

You return back to your senses, " Oh, Yeah!"

The woman smiles " The car is here. Let's go." Your eyebrows shot upward " This car?" You say as you point at the Maybach.

The woman nods her head. The driver opens up the car's door for you. You flash an awkward smile as you get into the car. Following which the woman also gets into it, and the car drive away.

Your thoughts begin to wander around at a rapid pace ' Wait, Am I dreaming? I am sitting in this exclusively expensive car with an unknown rich woman whom I wasn't even intentionally helping. Why do I feel so broke right now! Y/N...Y/N You need to calm down. Just breathe deeply. CALM DOWN Y/N.'

"Y/N?" While you were deeply immersed in your thoughts, The woman was calling you but you didn't respond.

She moves to your ear and calls out your name again which freaks the hell out of you as you nearly bump into the roof of the car.

"Oh I am sorry, I didn't mean to startle you like this. But you were so preoccupied that you didn't even hear me calling out your name so many times. Are you okay? " The woman asks worriedly.

"I am truly sorry. To be honest, it's my first time sitting in this type of expensive car so I kind of feel like this is a dream. Sorry. " You apologize politely.

" Haha, You don't have to apologise. Actually, I can totally relate to you." The woman says as she looks outside as though remembering the past.

" Relate to me?" You utter in perplexment.