Part Fourteen: Meeting with Vice-President.

(A/N: Remember as amateur Writer, I am not good at elaborating things in detail, but I did a lot of research, still I myself feel it is insufficient, Sorry about that. Enjoy.)

As soon as you open the door, a sweet fragrance drift into your nose making you feel relaxed.

Following by your eyes first lands on the Big Glossy white working desk where laptop, files & documents, pen holder, & a cute small plant were placed neatly on it. There was also a high black office chair behind it.

Your eyes begin to wander to the left side of the room. There you see a huge bookshelf containing various colorful books and some decorative accessories were placed.

In front of it there is two separate navy-blue velvet tub chairs and a simple round coffee table where little candles were lit, and flowers were placed.

"Miss Bae, this is your working place. From tomorrow you will be working here." He says as he pats the desk in front of you.

You excitedly look around like a child wondering about new world. You slowly touch the aquarium, the bookshelves, the plants and last your neat desk, a big smile pasted on your face.

"You aren't lying, are you?" You ask as you look at the handsome Secretary Lee.

"There is absolutely no reason to lie to you, Miss Bae. " He nodded his head.

"Then, Can I sit here?" You point at the leather black comfy chair.

This time he walked towards the back of the chair and pulled it out gesturing you to take a sit.

As soon as you see that you quickly sprint toward the chair. "So comfy." You mumble softly.

"So, Are you okay with your office here? Or You want me to change-" As soon as he mentioned the word 'change' You cut him off hurriedly.

"No-No, I mean I am really satisfied with this arrangement. No need for any change. Thank you for this beautiful office. It feels so surreal like a dream."

You look around once more happiness and huge contentment clearly flashing un your eyes.

" Miss Bae, Please Follow me." He says as he walks towards nearby office. You follow him closely.

*Knock knock*

"Come in." A girl's voice rang out from inside.

You and Secretary Lee both enter the office.

"Secretary Lee, what brings you here in my office?" A girl in her twenties wearing formal business attire sitting elegantly in the chair working on some paperwork, asked softly. Her voice was sweet yet sounded aloof.

"Vice-President Cha, I came here to introduce someone to you." He said as turned to look at you, signaling you to introduce yourself.

"Hello, I am Bae Y/N. I am newly recruited employee here. Please take care of me. Thank you." You say as you deeply bow your head.

"Bae Y/N? Newly recruited? Secretary Lee, I am confused. You have never introduced any new employee to me before since you are the one handling all those types of stuff. So, why now? Is she someone special?" Cha Yoona, Vice-President of Kim Enterprises, asked as she raised her brow.

"Yeah, she is special. She is directly recruited by CEO himself. So, it would be wonderful if Vice-President can help her adjust in this new environment and help her." Secretary Lee said as he bowed.

"What? CEO himself?" The seemingly not interested Cha Yoona, after hearing his words, began to examine you from head to toe.

'Why is she gazing at me like that? Ugh, I hate people staring at me. It makes me feel so uneasy.' You thought but you try your best not to show any awkwardness.

However, Secretary Lee notices it and clears his throat to break that atmosphere.

"*Ahem* Vice-President, you seem to be busy, and I also have to take Miss Bae for the company tour. So, please excuse us."

Cha Yoona nodded her head as she said, "Okay You may."

Just you both were about to leave; you hear her say something that makes you frown.

"I cannot help but think why would he do so? *scoff* I mean I can't see anything special on her."

'Woah, she doesn't even know me, and we are meeting for the first time, but she is already judging me.' You think as you try not to mock her back.

"Vice-President Cha, are you trying to judge CEO's preferences?" Secretary Lee asks as he turns around to face Cha Yoona.

Both Cha Yoona and You were taken aback by his abrupt question. "When did I say that? Can't I have my own opinions." She refuted.

"You can. But Let me remind you, Vice-President Cha. Miss Bae is not a normal employee; you should respect the CEO's decision and her. Even if she was ordinary, she is now a part of the company. So, I hope you can understand. And I apologize for my rudeness. Please excuse us." Secretary Lee said as he bowed, took your hand and left the office.

It happened so fast that no one could react on time. You were so dumbfounded that the moment you realized what had happened you were already outside the office. Secretary Lee was walking in front of you taking your hand.

His words surface your mind as you look at the joined hands. You could feel your cheeks burning up. You also notice other employees exchanging shocked glances. You shake your head to dismiss your thoughts.

"Psst! Secretary Lee...Mr. Lee" You call out his name.

"Yes?" He turns around and looks at you, visibly confused.

"I don't mind you touring me around grabbing my hand, but I think it is inappropriate in everyone's eyes." You say as you swing your joined hands in front of him.

As though getting electrocuted, he hastily flung off his hands. He bowed his head as he shouted "Please, Forgive me Miss Bae. I was too carried away that I did such a horrendous thing. I hope you forgive-"


He stares at you in puzzlement.

"Oh, Sorry. I am not making fun of you, but you looked so cute that I couldn't help but chuckle. Don't worry it's not a big matter. Let's go." You say as you help him straighten up.

He nods his head before helping you tour the company.