God, this is so embarrassing.

"It's okay. Don't be sorry. By the way, I am going to visit the restaurant after work to tell my Ex-Boss what she lost. See you there. Bye." You take your bag and leave her house.

Staring at your back, Jeongyeon bit her lips, afterwards continued to eat her breakfast.


Looking at yourself wearing Nude colored Business attire in the mirror, you sigh "Why do I have only one of these? I thought I had at least five attires. Ugh, Should've bought it yesterday. Y/N, if you keep sulking about these right now, you are going to be so late. Let's just manage for now."

Then, you grab the heels and look at it as your mind turns blank. After a while, you slap yourself to snap out of it "It's not time for thinking that. What if these are Jeongyeon's, she will understand. The problem is I have to buy heels too cause I don't have any. I am not used to these, how will I walk? Can't I just wear sneakers?"

Looking at the time, you gasp. 'Oh No!' You quickly wear it, grab your bag, and fix your bangs before leaving.

You try your best to walk as fast as possible in the heels. 'I should take a cab. It would take at least half an hour if I walk. Only if I could run.. These da*m heels."

Looking around, you see a cab coming your way. You hastily wave your hand in front of it. But, instead of stopping, It speed off past by you. You stare at it disappearing on the street with infuriated look.

Controlling your anger, you look around once again. Either, the cabs would be packed or it would speed off by you like last time.

Clenching your hands into fist, you look at the time. 'What a great day. Now, even if I run I can't possibly reach there in ten minutes. But, I don't have a choice. Y/N, You can do this. Get ready to prove your running skills.'

You crack your neck and hands, getting ready to run. "1..2..3-"

As soon as you take a step further, you hear someone calling your name.

You turn around to see Lee Hyun looking at you with coffee in his hand.

"Mr. Le- I mean Sir." You walk up to him and greet him.

"What are you doing here, Sir? Shouldn't you be in the office right now?" You ask in wonder.

Lee Hyun shakes the coffee in his hands as he says "As Boss will be late today, I thought I should grab morning coffee before heading there. Miss Bae, I assume you are also on your way to office."

You nod your head, as you speak feeling embarrassed "Actually, I was about to head much earlier, but No cabs were available. So, I was planning to run."

"Run?" Looking at your five inches heels, he asks you. "Are you sure? With those?"

You peer at your heels, squint your eyes. Clearing your throat, you clarify yourself "Don't underestimate me, Sir. I am actually good at running. Want me to show you."

He tries to stop you but you turn around and start to run. However, Midway you stub on your own feet and stagger nearly falling head first.

Horrified, Lee Hyun swiftly runs to you. Helping you get up, He asks you "Are you okay, Miss Bae?"

Flushing red in awkwardness, you try to laugh it off "Ha I am totally fine. It was the stone that came on my way."

'WHY? Why is this happening right now? On this day? In front of him? God, this is so embarrassing. I want to dig a hole and bury myself.' You thought as you patted off the dirt from your clothes.

"Miss Bae, if you don't mind, we can go to the office together in my car." Lee Hyun asks, gesturing towards his car parked nearby.

"Your car?" You look at the car he was directing to.

"Yeah, Only if you don't min-"

"Thank you so much, Sir. Let's go." You say flashing him your signature smile.

"Oh..Okay. Let's go. But before that would you like to have a drink?" He probes.

"No, It's okay. Thank you."

Lee Hyun leads you to his car and opens door for you. 'What a gentle man.'

Thanking him again, you hop inside. While he got into the car, you put on your seatbelt. Then, He started driving.


It was unusually quiet inside the car. Unable to keep up with the silence, you speak up.

"Sir, you said Boss was coming late. Yet according to what I have heard, he never arrives late for work. Is today something special?"

Lee Hyun looks at you, tilting his head, he remarks "Miss Bae doesn't know? Today is his birthday."