Chapter Two: It Has Begun

Submerged in the sounds of pencils filing in answers, the sense of concentration filled the room. It was hard not to feel as people relied on these scores.  Many poured out whatever knowledge they could muster in order to take home a passing exam. Akira admired the feeling, their minds weren't on the destruction beyond their sector, but of the future ahead of them. He wondered where this year would take him. What goals he would achieve when the future become the present.

With the relief of filling in the last bubble on his answer sheet, Akira quietly set his pencil down on the desk. All 100 questions led his hand feeling stiff as he stood from his seat, answer sheet and exam packet in hand. He was usually the first to finish these exams, by having the ability to retain information it made answering the questions almost too easy. The amount of time left had him second guessing his work as he came to stand in front of the instructors desk.

With his approach, the old man looked up at Akira with wide eyes, taking a second glance at the remaining time. Akira didn't have the chance to actually place the sheet on his desk before the old man swiped the paper from him. Akira simply smirked at his action, then he turned to take his phone from the tub and made his way back to his seat.

Taking his seat, Akira glanced over a Hideki as his friend filled in the last bubble on his answer sheet. An audible sigh came from Hideki as he placed his pencil down.  A slight glimpse of a smile touched Hideki's lips as he picked up the answer document, then he looked at Akira. Cockiness was evident in his eyes as he loudly stood from his seat with emphasis, already drawing the scowl from the instructor at the front of the room. Akira just shook his head in disapproval, even as a smile formed on his face.

Confident radiated from Hideki as he came up to the Instructor who just watched Hideki with ridicule. Simply ignoring the instructor Hideki slapped his exam down on the desk all while swiping his cell phone from the bin. Spinning on his heel, Hideki swaggered back towards his desk. Reframing from actually dancing as the joy of finishing his last exam shone brightly on his face. Akira didn't miss the crude look on the instructors face, seeing it was the first time he had ever dealt with Hideki. If he had, he would know this was what Hideki did every year. Akira's friend had seemed to make a game out of his scores, this year he was attempting to rival Akira. 

Even if he didn't show it, Hideki was competitive. It showed when he participated in Roseates lacrosse team, or when given a timed assignment and finishing a perfect project days before the due date. Even when he urged Akira to study so he could be sure the competition was fair. Even if he wasn't sure of his own testing ability, he still liked giving a fair chance. 

They both knew they'd be passing this year, but the results of the scores on this entrance exam determined the class schedule based on your major. Hideki and Akira both working toward the same goal, so Hideki was always trying to take the same classes as Akira. Their schedules were never too different and thats how they had become such good friends.

Before Hideki could get whatever was on his mind out, a thundering squeal overtook the class room. The ferocity of the noice rattled the room and pulled most students form their exam to glance curiously about the room. Akira pulled his hands into fists on his desk as he and Hideki shared similar expressions. The Turkonian planes soared above the building, retreating back into their country.

No matter how many times they forecast the inevitable retreat of Turkonian, it all still seemed unreal. The velocity of the war never seemed so real until in that moment as Turkonian abandoned Rose. Hideki wasn't one to keep track of the war, so as the sound of the retreating planes grew distant, the ashen look on Hideki's face was still just as clear. Sure he had ideas of the severity of the conflict the rebellion was causing and how it was all being pushed towards the capital, he just never thought he would be caught in the middle. Akira could understand how he felt completely, so he just rested his hand on Hideki's shoulder.

Hideki just forced a smile, shrugging at Akira dismissively. When the timer for the test rang out over the class, it was subdued by the sound of pencils hitting desk. Those who didn't finish were forced to turn the test in regardless. Unmarked answers were to be docked as double, hurting your score worse than if the questions were just incorrect. Once all the exams were passed in and accounted for they were free to leave and wait for the results to be released in a couple of days.


Akira had leaned himself against the wall near the window in the classroom, he simply gazed upon the great structure that towered over Rose. A wall that was built during the separation of the two countries. It was given the name as Wall Rose, but in all seriousness the wall was created to show the true power Turkonian had over anything beyond it.  Roseate basked in the shadow of Turkonian, a lesser country in truth. The wall had only been to protect those on the inside, to keep juveniles and criminals out.

"It won't stop this rebellion you caused." Akira breathed, looking back into the class as Hideki approached. His friend smiled lightly as he came to stand in front of the window. His eyes just as clouded as Akira's thoughts were.

Hideki looked over at Akira then, "Ready?"

Akira took one last thoughtful glance at Wall Rose before he nodded, "Yeah, lets get out of here." Pulling away from the window Akira let Hideki lead them away from the University. His friend had mentioned a coffee shop just down town he wanted to stop by. A hobby of his was to try them all while he lived in Roseate. Even if he had already been to this one, it struck Hideki as one of his favorites.

Hideki wasn't taking his time about ushering Akira inside. A wall of bold aromas slapped Akira in his face and laughed when Hideki squeezed forward to take a deep breath. He had chosen a seat in front of the quite coffee shop. It was nearly empty today, because most of the community was staying indoors at home. With the appearance of the retreating planes earlier, Akira could only imagine many were too worried to leave the safety of their homes. Up until it were time for them to leave it behind indefinitely.

Sitting across from each other in a booth, Hideki beamed a smile as bright as the sunlight shinning through, "Don't you just love the smell of these cafes, it can just lift the stress form your shoulder, for a moment anyway."

Akira gave Hideki a subtle smile, "I think you just have a caffeine addiction." However, he wasn't wrong, being away from the constant broadcasting of the rebellion and somewhere that almost seemed cozy could alleviate the stress. Slight as it may be, Akira was glad they had stopped here to breathe for a moment.

Hideki shrugged his shoulders, "What are you gonna do, you know. I relied on caffeine to get all that cramming in for the exam."Even with everything going on, even if Hideki gave off how truly worried he was during the test, he still seemed so calm. He stuck with his charismatic self and smiled on. He was never down about anything for too long. Could never hold a grudge or hate. He was just carefree and forgiving. A ghoul could eat his arm and Hideki would just smile and hope the ghoul was satisfied with the taste. 

Akira tilted his head in question, "So you did study, I thought you were just saying things to seem responsible." Akira said, putting emphasis on responsible to poke fun of Hideki. If they were being serious, Hideki was a very responsible guy. He'd been living on his own since his parents shipped him to the country to enroll in the education here. He was on his own basically and had been for these passed three years.

Hideki puffed up defensively, his lips threatened a signature smile as he tried to act tough, "I am responsible, plus it's our last year!" Hideki pointed a finger at Akira, "What about you, you didn't slip again did you? I swear Akira if you slipped again I'm going to be so upset that I spent so much time studying when I could have been doing something else." Hideki stared at Akira threateningly and Akira returned the gaze until Hideki cracked, both laughing at the act.

Akira swatted at Hideki still wavering finger, "You've got to know I don't slip up. Not often anyway." Akira's grin widened when Hideki just rolled his eyes at the comment. They were then greeted by a waitress in that moment, her steps drawing their attention in the almost absolute silence.

"What can I get you two gentleman?" She asked, a note pad and pen in hand. She smiled warmly as Hideki sat back in his seat. Regardless of the distress outside, they kept the cafe open and welcomed anyone brave enough to come in. She was quite pretty, silk brunette hair pulled back, held together by a blue ribbon that complimented her uniform. Her smile was flattering, showing in her eyes to make them shine.

"An Americano." Hideki added without hesitation. He was already calm but his cheeks were still slightly flushed from their jesting.

The waitress then looked at Akira, "Uh, Iced Latte." Akira smiled, getting a smile in return from the waitress as she nodded her head.

"It will be out soon." She gave Akira one last glance before she turned to leave.

Akira nodded, he then looked back at Hideki who stared at Akira with wonder. His eyes glistened knowingly in the sunlight.


"She likes you." He nudged, catching the waitress's extra attention towards Akira. "Honestly I should just leave, she probably didn't even get my order with how focused she was on you."

Akira was taken back by his comment, "No? She was probably just shocked to see you have friends." Hideki just grew more excited as he went to wave the waitress back over, Akira forced his arm down, "What are you doing! Hide, I swear." Akira warned his friend.

"First off, hurtful, secondly," Hideki leaned in towards Akira, "I'm going to get her number for you. A name first to start off." Hideki couldn't hold back his grin as he went to call the waitress back over with his free hand. Akira slammed that arm down on the table as well. The motion had the two employees glancing in their direction as the napkin dispensary at their table rattled.

Being the only two in the shop, their drinks were made quickly. Akira firmly held Hideki in place as their coffee was placed down on the table. Akira looked up at her, a small gleam of embarrassment touched his expression.

"Anything else I can get for you two?" She asked innocently as she looked at them with oblivious curiosity. Hideki just opened his mouth to speak as Akira glared at him from under his lashes.

"Nope that will be all, thank you!" The smirk on Hideki's face still threatened to ask another question. Akira just let out a sigh as the waitress turned away to make her way back. However, Hideki cleared his throat, "Actually, excuse me ma'am-" the waitress stopped to look at Hideki expectantly and Akira just sighed in defeat as Hideki continued, "tell the barista, the coffee is wonderful." With that the waitress nodded her thanks and walked back towards the counter and out of earshot. Akira slowly removed his forced grip from Hideki as he slowly relaxed. His friend reaching for his mug as Akira let a sigh escape.

Hideki eyed Akira over the brim of the cup, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he sipped the hot liquid carefully. Akira took a sip from his own drink, averting his gaze from Hideki, refusing to look at his friend. When Akira finally gave in and his eyes did float back over to meet Hideki's, his friend couldn't help but to laugh out.

"You should have seen the look on your face!" Hideki grinned widely, holding his stomach as he fell back into the booth. "Who would have thought you of all people to be so shy."

"Shut up Hide-" Akira began but before he could finish the shop was submerged in a dark shadow. Familiar rumbles overtook the shop accompanied by the high squealing of engines. The rooms only light coming from the decorative candles that hung on the walls as the glass around the cafe shook and rattled from the close proximity of the planes that flew over head.

Hideki jumped up, coffee sloshed from his mug as he recklessly placed it back onto the table and sat up from the booth to look out the window and up at the sky. "Akira, more Turk planes-" Hideki muttered with disbelief as Akira sat up to join him. "I don't see any Rose insignia on any of them either. Are they just going to abandon the country!" Hideki's once jovial expression smothered with nervousness as he continued to watch the planes return to Turkonian with trails of smoke following behind. "Wasn't the whole idea of them being here to give us enough time to evacuate?" Hideki shook his head in disbelief.

They had taken quite a bit of damage, several flying on three engines instead of four. Other seemed like they may just fall from the sky if the wind blew strong enough. Akira sat back into his booth and looked longingly at his coffee. "We might be deported to Turkonian sooner than we thought." Causing Hideki to look in his direction.

Hideki chewed at his cheek, resting back into the booth as the planes over head came in the dozens, flying against a glassy sky. His hands clasped at the mug he'd been given as he too realized the severity they were in. Hideki risked a look at Akira who sat silently. Akira wasn't worried so much about a retreat, but at the rate Turkonian was returning, the fight would be in Sector One in no time. Akira pulled his wallet out and placed enough change down for both drinks.

"Ready?" Akira asked as he met Hideki's worried eyes. His friend knowing what Akira had on his mind instantly. He knew Akira just wanted to make it back to see if his father had returned. Akira quietly pleaded for his fathers safety as they both stood from their booth to leave for home. Hideki taking one last sip from his mug before following after Akira. Hideki gave the waitress a wave, smiling passed his true feelings.