There were two things inside the envelope. A letter that was handwritten and a hundred dollar bill. There were words on one side of the letter while the other side had an insignia with a capital letter C that had the dollar symbol ($) embedded in the empty space in the middle of it.
I was startled by the amount of money handed to me without concern for who could have stumbled upon it before me. With the contents in my hand, I ran to open the door to see if I could still get a glimpse of the person who slipped it under my door. But there was no one there. I was on the tenth floor and it had twelve other apartments.
I would not be able to know if they ran back into their home or took the stairs to avoid being found out. But one thing was clear, they did not want to be found out. Even if I wanted to, there were no cameras to review or witnesses to ask for more information. People have gone missing for less than one hundred dollars in this neighbourhood.
Anyone who lived here needs to be wary of the many underlying challenges that cause many of the undercurrent of dangers here. I grew a thick skin to life threatening situations lurking around the corners but I was the lucky few to not be affected by the desensitization of it all.
I quickly went back into my room and locked the door to the best of my ability before reading the letter's contents. I hid the money in a pouch I had hidden on my ribs underneath my armpits. I could never be too safe and carry that much cash at once makes me a target.
"Hmm. Interesting. Learning to read is still more useful than most of the things I've done so far. They seem to be instructions rather than a note written for me." I thought as I scanned the instructions diligently.
The handwriting was elegant and well organized. It was not hard to read and read as follows:
It is time to inherit a membership.
If you wish to decline, take the money as a gift and never mention it to anyone. Though no one will believe you, we will not take the chance for you to divulge any information.
If you wish to accept, please do as follows. Everything is a test set to maintain membership.
Step 1 - Take the money and go to Polito's Shop. Mention this exact phrase:
I request change that can be traced back to me.
Step 2 - Start your first task. You will have 672 hours to complete it before you are automatically disqualified.
You are to spend the least amount of money possible to buy a cell phone to send a text message to 3334444. The message should be the phrase "The $100 Club". You will receive your qualifications shortly after.
The money usable can only come from the change you obtain from the shop owner.
You may use anything at your disposal to accomplish all tasks assigned except using your own money either for bribes or buying the specific item(s) mentioned. But you may exchange skills, information or manual labor. Everything else will be evaluated on completion of missions.
More to come upon completion of the first mission.