•Pov today's the day I see if there fake or real friend's....• (Zak) Sara, Knashi helped me l-learn to~ (Sara) HOLD UP YOU CAN TALK????!!!! (Zak) I was n-never mute...as I was saying Knashi helped me learn not to st-stubber as much. (Sara) Thank you so much Knashi! without you he may have been like this forever, so thank you! (Knashi) No problem it was fun. *Knashi gets ahead of them and before they turn the corner a "random" dog comes running twords Knashi* AAAA! HELP •pov if they don't run they are loyal..if they do then I need to forget them• *the dog knocks Knashi down barking at her* (Sara) HEY GET OFF HER MUTT *Zak goes over to pull the dog off and Sara trys to scare it off* (Knashi) okay boy, that's enough. *the dog gets off of her and sits* Knashi thank y'all (Sara) so it wasn't real? what's going on. (Knashi) Don't be mad but all my friends we're fake and I wanted to make sure that I could trust y'all, and turns out I can. (Sara) That's kind of messed up but I guess I can respect that, does that mean we can actually be friends now though? (Knashi) Sure! (Sara) great! let's go ahead and go to our house first so we have more time to talk. (Zak) b-but (Sara) She won't care, she's like us. (Knashi) What do you mean? (Sara) Zak since you brought it up explain to her. (Zak) bossy. (Sara) What was that "Zakky" (Zak) I said I would love to! (Sara) good continue then. (Zak) W-we live in the c-crime part of town because houses there are abandoned due to no-nobody wanting to go there, and we live where our par-parents were kidnapped..We only stay in search of them. (Knashi) Well I would love to help sometime, but are we almost there? *it goes silent for a good ten minutes* (Sara) We're here.. *people with guns and crazy similes stare at the children as they walk down and giffitii Ali* (Knashi) What's that smell? *a flame starts to rise and people start laughing* (Sara) wait, OUR HOUSE!! no,no,no *she gets on her knees about to cry and Zak runs into the house. (Knashi) ZAK COME BACK... *a few minutes later* I'm going in Sara.... *Sara sits there crying* get out of here Sara now. (Sara) Where do I go? (Knashi) my house, go now (Sara) okay *sniff sniff* (Knashi) I'm coming Zak. *she enters the flaming house.*