chapter - 14 sweet but bitter moments.

Continue from the last chapter

Water God, God of nutriment , and nature God Goddess of beauty and God of Fortune, God of love were there to drop them .

When they entered the mortal realm they were great by land God who was there to serve them and tell them to their residence . Ahn yun was shocked to know that the dominant Gods arranged one house for both of them . That mean that they will live together under one roof , but weren't they given punishment because they love each other and disgraced the heaven ??!.

When Ahn yun was in shocked state gui xiang showed no other emotions than pleased and satisfied . The truth was it was indeed punishment but gui xiang's visit to mortal realm was necessary because the task ( demon misson ) they were given was highest level demon many God and their combative troops weren't even able to kill this demon thus gui xiang's coming was obvious to be the God of war and imposing than any other God in strength that home was arranged fo rgui xiang. Things just happened to be more fortunately and gui xiang got Ahn yun and came as if they were full filling their punishment.

Lang God - " senior lord brother Shen and senior lord brother luo , this junior brother is excusing , if senior lords need or wish for something , they only need to summon this junior."

Ahn yun - " we appreciate junior brother's yu's efforts."

Gui xiang - " let us rest now. "

It was still noon and because of Ahn yun's personality he wanted to look for the demon when he heard gui xiang saying " let us rest " he glared at him with eyes showing disbelief and said -

Ahn yun - "are you here to rest , be more energetic where is the war God who gets excited to kill demons , why being lazy gui ??"

Gui xiang - " that demon is nothing , why i should let slip my golden moments with you. "

Ahn yun's face flushed and his eartips turned red he lowered his head avoiding looking at gui xiang and said -

Ahn yun - " what golden moment !!!"

And walked forward to explore the house. He hadn't expected that in his punishment he will get a beautiful and nice house to stay , there was even a pond with pink lotus blooming on it's surface of the pound . Gui xiang told him about whenever he comes he get a beautiful residence it's not new for him . The nature near the pond was rich with lovely flowers. Unaware of Gui xiang following him as he stop there to sit gui xiang sat next to him . Ahn yun thought that gui xiang must have gone to rest since he said ' let us rest '

Then what he was doing sitting beside him .

Ahn yun - " why you aren't resting , i thought you wanted to take a nap."

Gui xiang - " even if i want i will only rest when you will be next to me."

Ahn yun was already suspecting since last night gui xiang has been more clingy to him , barely leaving him alone if this happened before they came down gui xiang will surely keep some distance so Ahn yun won't feel uneasy. But things are now different that how it should have been , Ahn yun knew that gui xiang last night didn't sleep well and thus he wanted gui xiang to rest but just now gui xiang cleared that he won't if Ahn yun won't be with him , with defeated face he approached gui xiang and said -

Ahn yun - " let's go then ."

And he stood up and gui xiang stand up too. They both walked and entered same room and gui xiang head to bed but stopped when he felt that he is the only one , the other one in the room was looking at the bookshelf and about to sit and read the book he was holding gui xiang said -

Gui xiang - " yun - yun , what are you doing??"

Ahn yun - " gui , you take rest i want to read this book. Okay?"

Gui xiang thought that he has been clingy to Ahn yun that maybe he is feeling uneasy and with a " okay " he lean on the bed with his guard on and pretend to sleep, but was secretly looking at Ahn yun with protecting look in his eyes , Ahn yun looked up and saw gui xiang's eyes closed and looking harmless and attractive again and with those light colored robes he looked like an angel sleeping peacefully , if he were to tell anyone that this is the Mighty War God no one will trust him , up until now gui xiang actually really fell asleep not able to know the second one's thought on him.last night after his nightmare when he came to Ahn yun and sleep with him he didn't has any bad dream or any dream at all but now again he saw same dream , because Ahn yun's eyes were already pinned on him , be saw gui xiang's eyes fluttering rapidly . With his eyes still closed and his body struggling to move . He felt something wrong again , he went to bed and put his hands on gui xiang's forehead his head was sweating. Without thinking Ahn yun hugged Gui xiang and stroked his back. Gui xiang opened his eyes . He looked pitiful , far less a war God . Ahn yun was not able to say a word then Gui xiang said -

Gui xiang - " I am fine yun yun ."

Only after hearing this Ahn yun collected himself and said -

Ahn yun - " how are you fine, you don't look fine at all."

Ahn yun was at his limit but when he heard gui xiang lying he no longer restrained his thoughts or what he wanted to say .

Gui xiang - " no baby , i am really fine."

Ahn yun - " do you take me as an fool a idiot who can not notice a big change. "

Gui xiang - " clam down baby , i don't think anything like that and nothing is wrong."

Ahn yun - " luo gui xiang , since last night you have been overprotective , clingy , and acting strange , begging me not to leave you , crying and obedient more than before . Do you think that I won't notice that, luo gui xiang , tell me what is bothering you, why don't you trust me after.. after all the things between us, why can't you tell me your problems???"

Gui xiang was tongue tied for a minute then said -

Gui xiang - " i trust you , baby please don't get angry , i am fine as long as you are with me ."

With anger covered his sense and feeling of not being trusted by his lover Ahn yun went on saying -

Ahn Yun - " as long as i am with you.....

Gui xiang - " yes baby , as long as you are with me. "

Ahn yun - " then what if i died , what will you do ? Follow me to death.???"

Gui xiang looked white as ghost like his blood was sucked out of his face , with white paled and shocked face he said -

Gui xiang - " yun yun , please never ever say this , please never mention dying or dead word. Forgive me baby please."

Ahn yun - " i will , i will never say that again but you need to tell me what is wrong, mind telling me what is hurting you gui ."

His tone was showing carefulness and forgiveness , Gui xiang felt defeated and told him about his dream . After hearing his dream Ahn yun didn't showed any glimpse of uneasiness or anything when gui xiang finished telling him he raised his hands towards gui xiang's face and pinched his cheeks gently. And said -

Ahn yun - " silly gui , just a dream . Don't need to think more about it okay??"

Gui xiang - " there is no problem in being alerted. "

Ahn yun - " now it clears everything, that in heaven you were trying to console them not to seal my divine powers. "

Gui xiang - " alright baby , don't tease me.

Ahn yun - " it's already evening."

Just as he finished saying this, they heard a on door and a voice-

Land God - " senior lord brother Shen , senior lord brother luo , the dinner has been served."

Ahn yun walked to open the door and said

Ahn yun - " so humble of junior brother yu , we are coming in a moment."

Land God - " senior lord brother Shen , Take your time , this junior brother is in dining hall the dining hall is in front of the pink lotus pond."

And he turned and left , Ahn yun come and said to gui xiang -

Ahn yun - " get up , we are going to have dinner."

Gui xiang - " okay yun yun ."

And he get up and they both walk out of the room and went to the dining hall , the scene was best to look while eating , there was a beautiful pond and many beautiful flowers around it, there were hydrangeas , anemone flowers, white chryusanthemum , purple lilac , sho yu¹ , orchids, and white tulips.

After eating the land God excused himself and left the two Gods alone , Ahn yun was sitting in front of the pond gui xiang was giving him company. In the moonlight , the pink lotus pond and all flowers looked very beautiful , as the heaven's celestial vatika's little half was placed right here. Staring at flowers for a long time he said -

Ahn yun - " gui , do you know which flower resembling you are right now.??"

Gui xiang - " I don't , yun yun tell me ."

Ahn yun - " it's the white orchid."

Gui xiang was puzzled he thought a God of war like him , fierce and dangerous how can he resemble white orchid and said -

Gui xiang - " yun yun must be mistaken , how can i resemble orchid. "

Ahn yun - " do you know right now in light colored clothes you are looking as pure as white jade, and as innocent as child . And white orchid symbolize innocence and purity and elegance."

Gui xiang - " my baby yun yun knows lot about flowers. "

Ahn yun - " mnn."

Gui xiang - " yun yun , you know what flowers you resemble ??"

Ahn yun - " no "

Gui xiang - " my yun yun resemble 'sho yu¹ '."

Ahn yun - " sugar coated lord gui , sure knows how to please one."

Gui xiang - " there are more flowers here who showes sorrow and grief. ."

Ahn yun - " such as purple lilac and hyacinth, hydrangeas and white tulips and white chryusanthemum. It's really strange."

Gui xiang - " alright yun yun let's go and sleep tommorow we have a thing to deal with. "

Ahn yun - " alright ".

They both walked inside bedroom a Ahn yun just go and laid on the bed , not giving Gui xiang a single glance or a goodnight wish in the edge of the bed , it was like Gui xiang did not understand what was making Ahn you behave like this , gui xiang was unexpectedly very calm around Ahn yun , it was a surprise to himself too. Gui xiang laid on the other edge of the bed. There was a awkward silence then gui xiang said -

Gui xiang - " yun yun ...are you awake??"

Ahn yun - " mnn "

Gui xiang - " yun yun turn , let me see you ."

Ahn yun - " what is to be seen ."

Gui xiang - " it's my sho yu ."

Ahn yun wanted to look at gui xiang too , after been called to turn cutely he slowly turned , they were sleeping a bit closer but there was still space .

Gui xiang - " yun yun , are you thinking how ye yao is doing."

It was exactly what was on Ahn yun's mind he was thinking how is little brother is doing in heaven.

Ahn yun - " how do you know?"

Gui xiang - " it's written on your face."

Ahn yun - "....."

Gui xiang come closer to Ahn yun who was already on the edge of bed with no space to retreat stay still and said-

Ahn yun - " coming close for...go away..

And he went silent , when he finished saying away Gui xiang place his hand on Ahn Yun's waist and pulled him in his arms and locked him in his embrace. Ahn yun struggled he was trying to free himself but it was not possible for him to free his body from gui xiang's powerful yet gentle hug.

Ahn yun - " What...are.. you.. doing... RIGHT NOW GUI LET ME GO.....

his mind was in turmoil , not thinking straight he thought that gui xiang is thinking about something that he is not ready for, and if Gui xiang is up to do that , he knows he can't defend himself. One reason - Because Gui xiang is far more upright in strength and second Ahn yun knew that he can't be able to stop him because he loves him too , he was shaking and continuesly trying to free himself . Well whatever Ahn yun thought was just his thinking . Gui xiang was only thinking of sleeping like this , he knew that his lover is afraid of a certain thing and misunderstanding him he caressed his hair and said -

Gui xiang - " yun yun , Don't be afraid. what are you thinking , I won't do anything , stop shaking like kitten."

Ahn yun stooped shaking after hearing but acting brave.

Ahn yun - " who is afraid , you , who you are calling kitten!."

Gui xiang - " alright ,now rest baby , you didn't even rest at noon too."

Ahn yun - " mnn. "

And Ahn yun wrapped his hands around around gui xiang , that gui xiang didn't expected and a surprising and Happy smile appeared in his lips . Ahn yun first fell asleep and was cuddling in his sleep making Gui xiang unable to sleep. Gui xiang finally sleep in early morning.

Not after gui xiang fall asleep Ahn yun woke up due to his habit of waking up in early morning and saw himself cuddling and clinging on gui xiang's body . His face turned Scarlet and he Rushed and get up and left to take bath. He was so embarrassed that he wished Goddess of earth to let him hide inside the earth. So embarrassed to look at gui xiang . When Ahn yun went to bathroom , he was delighted to see that the bathroom had such a pool not a little wooden box what he thought he will get for punishment , there were fragrant wood of two incense tree . He take off his robes, his body looked like white jade carved specially. He free his golden hair and half lay on the pond , he was thinking about the dream gui xiang told him about , suddenly he noticed something he failed to notice at night , the dream that gui xiang saw at midnight he remembered once he and ye yao had an incident like that when ye yao saw that ye yao will be ill and a person he don't know ( when he dreamed ) is comforting him when ye yao told him this Ahn yun said him to ignore this but later when xun cha steeped in ye yao's life and made his life miserable and he was sick , that was when the dream came true . Not only this one he had heard that it was believed that if someone dream something at midnight it has chances to come true. The second thing that came in his mind was that the dream was repeated twice. He stayed in pool for two long hours. After gui xiang woke up and head to the kitchen , obviously Mighty God of War Never cooked in his whole life time but he wanted to cook for his lover he summoned land God and told him that he can rest until they call him again and thanked him , as he gave land God a day off . He started to make fire , but he don't know for what reason the fire came with black clouds of dust . He still managed to make food , up until now Ahn yun was done taking bath and dressing he wore light green robes with pink colored flowers designed on it. And came to the kitchen he saw black smoke all over the kitchen for a second he thought that kitchen was on fire but then he looked a figure wearing light blue robes covering a dish by plate and face with black dust on it he nearly laughed ,but restrained himself from laughing , gui xiang walked to him and said -

Gui xiang - " yun yun , i have cooked breakfast for us."

Ahn yun - " alright, good."

And he grabbed gui xiang's shoulders from behind and walked gui xiang being dragged by him towards bedroom , he can't help but think just what his lover is thinking to do this then Ahn yun stooped in front of the big mirror a bit bigger than Ahn yun but still gui xiang's head was half out of it , he was higher than then the mirror too! He bent his legs and looked in mirror , his face was looking as if he was cooking his own face , his face got black dust almost all over his face and dark red shade , just after seeing gui xiang's expression Ahn yun won't control his laugh and laughed wildly , Gui xiang looked at him in amazement , up until now he has never seen Ahn yun's this laugh . Ahn yun coughed while laughing but he was still laughing with no option to stop him from laughing gui xiang turned and cupped Ahn yun's cheeks and kissed him , ahn yun's lips reacted and the kiss turned passionate , when gui xiang entered his tongue in Ahn yun's mouth , Ahn yun's all strength left his legs and he fell on carpet , the carpet was soft so he wasn't hurt , just as he fell gui xiang lose his body on his body with their face this near to each other they started kissing again just when gui xiang's hand was reaching Ahn yun's chest gui xiang somehow recalled that his lover is still not ready , he slammed his hand on the bare tile and got up , just now Ahn yun by the loud sound of gui xiang's hand hit on tile , came back to his sense , the truth was that he was aware of everything and knew if this goes on what will happen but he didn't stooped gui xiang and when gui xiang's hand half reached his chest he do not stop that either, the reason was when gui xiang told him about his dream , he didn't cared but when he recalled that it was a midnight dream he felt a bit uncomfortable because it was a believe that if someone dream something in the midnight , it has chances to happen in real life , the second reason was that gui xiang dreamed it two times , a meaningless dream never appears twice but dreams with significance or hold any warnings repeats . Ahn yun wasn't afraid of dying he was afraid for his lover , who is the most powerful but he was weakest when it comes to Ahn yun , he needs Ahn yun more than anything , he thought about ye yao he felt relief that he signed the contract that if he dies his property and respect will belong to ye yao , when he heard gui xiang's hand slapping the tile he holds gui xiang's hand and looked . His hand looked as if gui xiang's blood was gathered there , but it was nothing for gui xiang Ahn yun looked at him and said -

Ahn yun - " gui , is your hand alright , what.. what happened??."

Ahn Yun's voice sounded Horace gui xiang regretted and stand up Ahn yun stood up too.

Ahn yun - " what is wrong gui , do ......

His words were cut by gui xiang -

Gui xiang - " sorry.....

Ahn yun - " what...??"

Gui xiang - " sorry yun yun , i should not have done that , i am going take bath. "

And he Walked out of room in the speed of light , Ahn yun was quiescent , he stayed in that position his light green robes were a bit messy , I is golden hair curled up , his eyes tear up and he bitterly smiled tear drops fell down from his face and landed on the carpet , Ahn yun looked up his eyes stuck in the mirror which reflected a weak crying Ahn yun . After a while he collected himself and went to the kitchen , to make sure gui xiang not loathe his own cooking he recooked what gui xiang cooked and worked to make better Gui xiang's meal . And took them in the dining hall and sat down and waited for gui xiang but he was taking time so Ahn yun thought to walk around pink lotus pond until gui xiang comes , he was walking by pond until gui xiang finally appeared they both were looking at each other between them there was pink lotus pond . Wind blew and with wind Ahn yun's hair floated in thin air and flowers petals flew around him . Both didn't say anything and ate their breakfast . Ahn yun ate the ones that gui xiang cooked and Gui xiang already knew that the meal he was eating was Ahn yun's cooking , it was delicious after all . He do not know where is the dishes that he made . Ahn yun served him his cooked meal and was eating his handmade terrible cooking . Ahn yun gave gui xiang a look in his eyes like he wants to beat him at this moment. Gui xiang suddenly cocked Ahn yun stand up help him . Gui xiang stop however he no more ate anything.

Gui xiang - " yun yun why you ate only a little. "

Ahn yun - " please don't ever cook anything again , ok gui ??"

Ahn yun smiled and said this just jow gui xiang realized that Ahn yun has been eating his cooked meal.he said while taking away the meal from Ahn yun -

Gui xiang - " yun yun why did you ate that terrible food. "

Ahn yun - " I can't throw it , it will be insult of God of nutriment , so please next time don't even think of cooking ."

Gui xiang - " if I won't, yun yun will you cook for me ."

Ahn yun - " what other options do i have , I can't let Mighty God of War face battle while starving so i think you can think that i will."

Gui xiang with a wide smile hold his chopsticks and dumpling the cabbage and reached Ahn yun's face and said to him -

Gui xiang - " yun yun open your mouth ."

Ahn yun - " noo i have my own hands to to eat , take that back ."

Gui xiang - " yun yun , please eat it , this one is very delicious. "

Ahn yun with no option left open his mouth and let gui xiang feed him.

They both finished eating but after that there was still silence between them , and gui xiang was unwilling to say anything and gui xiang was still thinking about what happened in the room . He did not notice when Ahn yun summon land God and asked him where they can search for the demon.

Land God - " senior lord brother shen , that demon is seen in the forest destinated in the mountains , killed many humans . But all the killings and sucking their blood everything hunt of that demon happened in night fall."

Ahn yun - " so the demon hunt in night . "

Land God - " yes "

Ahn yun - " many thanks to junior brother yu . "

Land God - " then i am excusing myself if senior lord brother shen needs something please call this junior brother. "

Ahn yun looked at gui xiang whose eyes were glued to the ground. He looked like he was lost in his thoughts because Ahn yun was already confused he don't understand what just a thought of that dream coming true made him want to be near gui xiang more , touch by him , kiss him.... , doubting himself he walk out and went to bed room , just as he walked in and crossed the mirror his legs stooped , the scene of gui xiang appeared in his eyes . After looking that empty area front of mirror he let put a deep breath and ignoring the place he laid down on bed . He wanted to sleep but couldn't . Who knows after how much time he finally falk asleep the bed had gui xiang's scent on it , it made Ahn yun sleep even late . The fragrance of gui xiang is intensely sweet lemony . Gui xiang who was thinking what was about to happen this morning for a fine two hours do not dare to go inside the room , he was afraid that he might lose his control on himself. Only after when he was sure that Ahn yun is sleeping , he entered and was looking at sleeping Ahn yun . He slowly hop on the bed and laid beside Ahn yun. He keeps staring at Ahn yun . Ahn yun was sleeping peacefully . Some hours later Ahn yun opened his eyes, gui xiang who was lying beside him was still awake and their eyes met , then who knows what got in gui xiang's mind he turned !

This was the first time gui xiang ever did this Ahn yun have not any clue for what gui xiang turned, because he was obviously staring at him while he was sleeping . Now what happened??

Because he just woke up he was not in his all sense , he thought that it's a dream and moved forward and gui xiang did not do anything he just stayed like that Ahn yun said -

Ahn yun - " turn "

Gui xiang body as if it was hypnotized by Ahn yun's word turned , as he turned his red lips were captured by Ahn yun's and his eyes left wide open . With his open eyes he looked at the flushed face of Ahn yun who was kissing him , they were kissing then gui xiang gently touched Ahn yun's neck. Then jis hands slide down on Ahn yun's chest and his other hand joined , he unwinds Ahn yun's coller covering his chest . Ahn yun's White jade body showed up gui xiang tore Ahn Yun's clothes covering his chest and take his head down and start kissing Ahn yun's neck his lips slip down to Ahn yun's collarbone and he bite him after biting gui xiang kick Ahn yun's collarbone and reach to his lips again to kiss them and touch Ahn yun's lips by his slim fingers and stare him for a minute , as for Ahn yun it was a dream actually from his mental state right now even if it was reality ( which it was ) he wouldn't have stooped gui xiang , but gui xiang who was hit by his own self again he gently pushed Ahn yun abd get off from bed and flew out the room. Just now Ahn yun realised that it was actuality , what he and gui xiang did was not a dream , he thought - just now i am gui were,but why did he left .

Ahn yun feel his body cold as if his blood was frozen , he felt like each single cell of his body was plough through thousand pointed needles. His heart ached , he felt rejected he grip the loose of his collar and hid his eyes by his wrist. After walking out from room gui xiang walk towards the pink lotus pond and punched a stone and break it on two . He was resentful on his own self . Bec last night Ahn yun was afraid of him to do something and he told him that he won't do anything then he nearly did what he saidhe won't . Gui xiang was fearing if Ahn yun start to keep distance or ignore him . After receiving Ahn Yun's love he can't face Ahn yun ignoring him . He wanted to rush to room tell Ahn yun that this won't happen again but the threat of Ahn yun abandoning him from his lofe stooped him and slapped him hard. He entered the pool with his robes on and stayed in for a good one hour , water of the pond was cold , it somehow cooled his mind, he come out of water and head to bedroom , Ahn yun was still lying on the bed and tears falling from his golden eyes when he heard foot steps he harshly wiped his tears and dried his face, and adjusted his clothes . Gui xiang entered with gloomy face and drenched in water . Ahn yun didn't said a word . Gui xiang came to him stopped for a moment, he was stunned to see Ahn Yun's swollen eyes and red nose , but he wasn't looking angry he thought - " he was crying, why i lost my control and did that not even one time i did twice, he must hate me now , no please don't hate me baby , just why you did not stop yourself you fool . Then he snapped out his thoughts and said -

Gui xiang - " yun yun , forgive me , that won't happen again , i am going to take bath then we will head to mountain ok??"

He felt his heart will stop beating if Ahn yun was to leave him.

Ahn yun - " mnn. "

And Ahn yun walk out the room and shut the gate and sat in front of gate . Gui xiang's words repeating in his head - won't happen again , won't happen again.....he get up and walked towards the pink lotus pond and sat in front of the pond , looking at white orchid , then his gaze went on purple lilac , his heart ached and chest tightened. He laid there with his hand squeezing his chest collar and eyes fixed on purple lilac his eyes showing deep sorrow. Just then a figure wearing show White robes , stood next to him. Ahn yun felt his heart stabbed by knife , he bite his lips unknowingly , blood rush out from his lips gui xiang bent down to reach his hand to wipe his blood but Ahn yun gently slap his hand and said -

Ahn yun - " it's fine , let's go ."

Gui xiang felt rejected , but it was nothing to be compared to Ahn Yun's.

Gui xiang - " yun yun , your lips are bleeding . You don't look well , let me wipe blood from your lips."

Ahn yun roughly wiped his lips then gave gui xiang a gentle face , he tried not to show his sorrow but his eyes betrayed him , his eyes were showing sorrow and hurt.

Ahn yun - " it's done , let's go. "

Gui xiang wanted to say " let's not go you don't look well , just rest " he was sure that Ahn yun is now distancing himself from him but he can't do anything he was afraid if he pushed Ahn yun , then Ahn yun will surely leave him . He said-

Gui xiang - " okay ."

And they walk out of home and bead towards forest in the deep mountain , actually the home itself was in mountain but the demon is not going to apper himself so they needto search . They both were walking but there was distance between them , Ahn yun was walking a bit fast gui xiang was following him from behind. Meanwhile in the depth of the forest of mountain , a demon dark and gaint and Chong yin chao ( demon king's step brother) were talking.

Chong yin chao - " i have given you my powers now. Make sure to kill both Gods who comes to kill you , their divine powers are sealed , they can only harm you physically . Don't give them any chance. "

Demon - " you are overacting , with the powers you have given me , it's impossible for them to take me down without any divine power."

Chong yin chao - " Don't dare to take them in air , one of them is intensely powerful and strong even without his powers . But is weakness is the one who is with him , focus on powerful one , Don't harm the other if he gets angry , you will be dead next moment."

Demon - " okay , i will go now i need to eat something to fill my stomach . "

Chong yin chao - " remember you must not anger him."

And he flew. Gui xiang and Ahn yun walked deep in the forest but they did not talked a word . Suddenly Ahn yun smelled blood , gui xiang as s well they head to the way the smell of blood is coming from . A fox was lying on ground blood was rushing out of his body . Ahn yun hurried to heal the fox .

Note - ( because his healing power were not sealed because healing can harm no one , it only helps to save someone . But his spiritual powers and the actual powers of his sword ( yin calen) were sealed.)

Fox was hardly breathing but as soon as Ahn yun hold it and started healing her , her breathing was stabilizing . In some time fox was like it was not harmed at all. She bowed to both of them , showing that she is thankful . Actually there was no reason for her to bow to gui xiang but the fox was intelligent it seems to sense that gui xiang was important to Ahn yun so she bowed to him . And run in deep forest.

Gui xiang - " yun yun are you fine , how do you feel , you should have just half healed that fox . "

Ahn yun - " she was severely injured , i wonder who must be that heartless to hurt this much. If i wouldn't have healed her she could have died. Don't worry about me i am fine. "

Gui xiang - " yun yun , your body will be effected if you use much of your healing power , your spiritual power is low too , don't be reckless next time. Don't heal any other animals , if they die let them ."

Ahn yun - " i was born with this to save those who are in need , i can be careful but not let any animal die if i can save it."

Gui xiang - " what about you then ?? Yun yun , you need to be more careful, i have promised to ye yao to come back heaven with you without any hurt."

Ahn yun - " i understand, you don't have to mention A - bao . "

Gui xiang - " yun yun , we're almost at the end of the forest but there is no trace of demon , let's go we'll return tomorrow."

Ahn yun was feeling tired Because he healed the fox his spiritual energy decrease and felt dizzy .

Ahn yun - " mnn."

They turned the distance between them was no longer there , they were walking together , all of a sudden they heard sound of branches and someone's running around. They tuned , sure enough it was the ophidian² spieler demon . The one they were sent to kill and stop his rampage.


Sorry for this long chapter , i have been writing from the last chapter but was uninspired so it took time , ok if someone has some feedback , feel free to tell this naive writer.

1. Sho yu - Chinese name for the peony is sho yu , which means the " most beautiful ".

2. Ophidian - a reptile group of ophidia ; a snake . Related to denoting snake.

Thanks for reading.