Chapter 11

Name: Sebastian Topaz Age: 18

Title: Slayer of beasts {user get an permanent 25% damage increases towards beast type monster}

Money: 20150$

Level: 23

Fatigue: 0/80

HP: 250/250[regen 4 hp per minute]

MP: 315/315[regen 5 mp per minute]

Strength: 98

Intelligence: 164

Dexterity: 70

Vitality: 90

Luck: 44

Stat points available: 5

Skills :

Power Shot: lvl 6/10

Sneak: lvl 6/10

Swordsmanship: lvl 5/10

Hawk Sight: lvl 3/10

Knife Throwing: 7/10

Mana Control: 6/10

Mana Infusion: 6/10

Mondschnitt streik : 1/10

Lying: 1/10

Pain endurance: 5/10

Katana Skills: 10/10

Cloud Clones: 5/10

Ancient Beast: 1/10

Observe: 5/10

Skill Points Available: 15


~The Pen is sharper than the sword~


~Burning will~


~When you fall you always bounce back up~

Sebastian: It appears I have leveled up three times. Not to bad but also not the best....

He held his chin and looked at his hip and quickly placed the odachi on his lap.

System: Red and Black Odachi [Durability 1/10]

Sebastian: Dammit this is going to break soon, I'm going to have to buy a new katana.

He opened the store and scrolled down the countless weapons. When he arrived at the katana section his eyes caught something.

System: White and Black Katana[A rank][2% damage increase to humans ][Durability: 50/50]

Sebastian noticed with the fight with Leo that other people could be just as strong as him or even stronger... So he needed a weapon that could damage humans just as deadly as ghouls.

So with out another thought he bought the sword, making it appear in his hands. The sheath was white and had a black wave design on it. He took the sword out of the sheath and saw that it was a pure white blade that had a black edge and the Kanji symbol for Soul at the end where it meets the hilt.

The teen placed the old red and black odachi in his inventory and quickly bought a few more throwing knives as he used a few of them in the earlier fight. So with that out the way he finally did what he told the others, clean his inventory...

Inventory: Torn Clothes X35

Broken Sword X21

Torn Shoes X31

Degrading Flesh X54

Protective shin guards X12

Wizard Staff X 10

Red and Black Odachi X1

Midnight Scarf X1

White and Black Katana X1

Sebastian sighed when he thought of how he was going to get rid of the junk items, then his eyes saw a little dustbin icon and curiosity filled him. He held one torn clothe in his hand and placed it on the dustbin icon. A message popped up in front of him.


Sebastian pressed yes and the clothing turned into pixels. The teen smiled and for about 10 minutes he cleaned his inventory. Afterwards he finally went to bed.

The following morning everyone woke up and left at day break. It would seem that Sebastian found himself to be in a team with Junak , Sapphire and May. There were a few ghouls that tried to attack them but May quickly dealt with them with a new bow she bought earlier, it seemed that she had a new found hatred for ghouls that fueled her.

Tim: All right I can see the base there in the distance!

Everyone looked at where he was pointing and saw a big military base.

Tim: You all split into your separate groups and look for any survivors if you don't find any then loot the place!

With that everyone split up. Sebastian and the group went through the east entrance. The Solid concrete walls and barbed wired fences that were around the base in the past were torn down as if it was a candy wrapper holding a sweet inside. There were bodies all over the place and the smell of blood assaulted anyone's nostrils who came into close proximity.

May: I think i'm going to be sick she said as she held her mouth.

Sapphire came to her side and placed a hand on her shoulder and made her turn away from the bodies. Sebastian looked over to a hanger and saw that the door was pried open and claw marks littered it.

Sebastian: Be on guard everyone he said as he rested his hand on his hilt.

They slowly opened the door and inside they saw more bodies but they didn't seem to be killed by ghouls as ghouls usually eats the corpse and you can clearly see the bite marks, these bodies were utterly butchered...

Junak: Hey look the control room is up ahead maybe the guy that sent the SOS is hauled up in there. He said pointing to a sign that said Control room.

Sebastian nodded and took point. It was even more strange because there weren't any ghouls around. They arrived at the room and saw that there was indeed a person inside but he was dead.

He had a pen inside his throat and his eyes were gouged out making May throw up in the corner and everyone looked away. Sebastian walked forward and saw that there was a red light blinking on the camera.

Sebastian: The cam coder is recording, maybe it captured what happened to this guy and the rest of them.

He clicked open a file and saw that there were 3 videos on separate dates, the last one on the day they received the SOS signal.

The teen clicked play on the first video.

In The Video:

SOS Guy:So the guys told me that I should really try to record myself, talking my emotions out yeah, here I am. We explored the city a'bit today, me and my squad. We found a'lot of canned beans so everyone was very happy and called us heroes when we came back; I was too bashful and just smiled, I couldn't say anything, we also heard from a few survivors that there was a base set up at the previous Eco park... Maybe we can go talk to them to merge our bases making us stronger in the end.

He chuckled and the back door opened.

Stranger: Hey Joe, boss man wants you to come check up on Billy, He's had a very high fever and has been acting strange since we came back.

Joe: Sure thing I'll be there now. It seems it isn't easy being the only doctor here he laughed and he turned back to the camera. Well I guess that's all for today, I'll do one video again in a weeks times.

The Video Ended and Sebastian played the Second Video.

In The Video

Joe Had a troubled look on his face as he looked over a stack of papers.

Joe: I haven't had a good nights rest in a few days, this thing with Billy is concerning... We checked his body for any bites marks as the fever didn't go down when we administered antibiotics and the usual medical practices, he didn't have any on him, he was semi awake majority of the time but saying delusional things such as the beast will come for him if he closes his eyes and that its growing inside him. We took that last remark a bit more serious and took him to a nearby hospital that we cleared and took a x ray of his body. He was clear, nothing in his stomach yet he was still very persistent.

Joe sighed, rubbed his eyes and looked at the door.

Joe: Yes come in. He said but after a while no one came in.

Joe: Guess I heard nothing he looked long at the door and them back to the camera. I'll take another video later, I need to go see how Billy is doing.

The video Ends.

Sapphire: It could have been a parasite he was was talking about?

Junak: And how do you know?

Sapphire: Oh both my parents were doctors so I know a few things here and there when it comes to medicine.

Sebastian played the third and final video.

In the Video

Joe had a frantic look in his eye and blood was covering his clothes.

Joe: Everything has gone to shit! Billy wasn't kidding, there really was something inside his stomach... We were looking after him when suddenly he started to scream and as we held him down his stomach suddenly blew open covering us all with blood, I backed away out of fear, that was not biologically possible... From the cavity rose a black furry like creature, it seemed to be a type of mammal or something except that it had no eyes. It slowly turned around and opened its mouth and lunged at a nearby nurse. The creature ripped the poor woman to shreds and bit her head off, everyone screamed and ran out of the place.

Joe: So I came here to send an SOS signal out to come help us, he then sent the SOS we heard , then he suddenly stopped and looked around frantically.

Joe: I can hear them moving around he said in a pure panicked tone and then he looked down to his body. He started to scream and held his head and started to scratch his face violently and he clawed his own eyes out making him scream in pain and he grabbed a nearby pen,

I will not give birth to one of these monster! Craziness displayed in full volume in his voice as he stabbed the pen in his neck, making him gargle and choke on his own blood as he died seconds later.

Behind him the door slowly opened and one of those creatures stood by the door and growled in a raspy tone and left the room closing the door behind itself.

Everyone was shocked and scared at what they had just saw.