Chapter 19

The team walked out the cabin and started their journey to the main gate and on their way there they saw a bunch of other player groups walking up to the gate as well. When they arrived at the gate they saw standing in front of the gate was 3 individuals. In the middle was a middle aged man with glasses on and wearing a black cloak and in his hands was a stone club about the size of himself. He appeared to be in his 30s.

This was the assault team's main captain, Theodore Brooks. The other two people next to him were the sub captains, the one on the left was Liam Scoop, a man that appeared to be in his late forties and was holding a sniper rifle. The last person was a woman in her 30s, her name was Sandra Peak, she was holding a giant tower shield in her hands.

Theodore: Now now everyone settle down, I'm going to start the debriefing.

Everyone quieted down and looked straight at the man as he fixed his glasses and stood up straight.

Theodore: As you all may have heard that the hydro plant upstream was damaged by a boss spawning in... Damaging it beyond repair.

This caused everyone to start to murmur and become scared as electricity was one of the few luxuries they can afford and other bases could not.

Theodore: Fear not! The whole goal of us venturing out today is to find power sources, generators, solar panels hell even if a we pray for a miracle such as a SHIFT energy core! But for that we have to go deep into the city and as you know the ghouls have evolved at a tremendous pace since the start, their levels averaging at 20 and above, and that bosses are not only mutated Beasts anymore they have become the norm while strange creatures made out of nightmares are now the holder of the title boss.

Sandra leaned next to Theodore's head and whispered something into his ear. This made the man rub his forehead and sigh.

Theodore: I just heard that Sandra detected a DC storm was approaching and will stay over the city for a period of 2 days.

Sebastian sighed rubbing his eyes as well.

Sebastian: Damn, this is gonna be a bother... He turned to his team.

Sebastian: Do you guys have your DC rain coats in your inventory?

Everyone: Yes!

DC rain stands for Decomposer Rain, it's was a new phenomena that appeared 2 months ago, when a team was exploring the city a sudden rain storm appeared and at first they didn't notice that anything was strange, but when one of their team mates suddenly started to scream in pain they looked at him and was horrified.

Said team mate was slowly starting to melt until he was nothing but a puddle of blood, another member started to melt too and that's when the captain ran inside a building and saw that he wasn't dissolving so he figured out it was the rain.

He did a few experiments and saw that the rain dissolves any living organism. The man waited 4 days out in the building until the storm passed over and came back telling us the story.

DC rain suits aren't anything fancy its just 5 layered hazmat suit materials attached onto each other so that the layers dissolve while you skin doesn't and you quickly have to look for cover and wait the storm out.

Liam held out an I-pad to Theodore making him read it and sling the club over his shoulder.

Theodore: One more thing before we move out. Scouts ahead have told us that right before we enter the city center there are Two Barbed Wire nests and 4 Barbed Wire Alphas are guarding it, so you know the drill... Put you anti parasite mask on when you enter the zone, we don't wanna kill you if a Barbed wire suddenly pops out of your belly.

That was another thing they discovered in the past few months, was that the barbed wire was a Parasite that entered the body when breathed in while the parasite seem to be small flowers on a stalk when actually that's the creature entering your body and stealing your nutrients and blood to grow.

So Doctors advised us to wear masks that filter out any thing expect oxygen and carbon dioxide inside so the person could breath. The masks look like a more modern version of a gas mask with out the top part covering the head only the mouth piece.

Theodore: Alright, every one move out!

He shouted and the main gates opened and everyone jogged to the city in a slow pace.

Sebastian and the team equipped their choice weapons, starting with Junak he carried around two knifes in each hand.

Emily carried a big iron shield that made her wobble a bit when she ran and clutched her Bear which she calls Mr Bear very tightly.

May had a new compound bow in her hands and strapped on her leg was a military knife.

Sapphire held her shot gun on her back and another one in both her hands.

Rose was running next to Sebastian as both of them have a very high Vitality stat which in coloration is equal to your stamina and endurance.

Her weapon of choice was a two handed broad axe where one blade was bigger than the other.

Sebastian's main weapons stayed the same as he got use to them through the months.

On hip rested his white katana which he had to buy another one as the previous one's durability was done and it turned into pixels, on his thighs were 2 rows of throwing knives that were bit bigger than the previous type and on his hip was a black magnum pistol.

Rose: Hey Emily want me to carry you? I'ts going to be about 30 more minutes of running and I can see you're already panting slightly.

Said girl was indeed panting and nodded her head while blushing. Rose chuckled slightly and slowed down and grabbed the little girl in her arms and carried her princess style for the rest of the run.

Sebastian: Don't tire yourself out guys, you know how dangerous the city is.

Sebastian: I'll switch if you get tired.

Rose: Nah I'll be OK, we are almost there.

They all looked in the distance, past the tree line and saw the empty skeleton of the once booming City.