Chapter 25

At May and Mia

The man in front of them came to a stop at a big room that would appear to be the mess hall. He turned to face them while taking his hood off. The man appeared to be in his twenties. He had neatly short cut blonde hair with blue eyes. He placed a hand on his chest and gave a half bow.

Alexander: My full name is Alexander Bronze, I will be your opponent now.

May: Awfully polite for someone that wants to fight us.

Alexander: My parents taught me to respect woman.

He said as he took out his weapon which was a pair of steel nun chucks that glowed neon yellow.

May: Mia, go hide behind that pillar, I'll come fetch you after this fight is over k?

She smiled at the kid making her nod slowly and she ran to the pillar and hid.

Alexander: Lets do this!

Said man sprinted towards the girl who quickly placed an arrow in her bow and shot it. Alexander quickly rolled to the side and missed the arrow. He spun his nun chuck in his hand and pointed one bar towards the girl.

Alexander: Extend..

His nun chuck glowed yellow and shot out like a bullet making the now long pole hit May in the stomach blasting her through a nearby wall.

May gasped and coughed as she looked at Alexander who's nun chucks returned to normal size.

Alexander: This is the power of my weapon [Great Nun chucks]. It can extend either poles or shrink them making them perfectly concealed and powerful at same time.

Alexander: Now stand up, I'm sure that hit didn't kill you.

He said as he spun his nun chucks. He kept one pole under his arm pit and the other in his hand.

May suddenly shot up and her arrow glowed.

May:[Boar Hunter]!

Her arrow shot like a missile but Alexander grinned.

He swung his Nun chuck right at the last minute and the arrow was sent back, but it glowed purple and it was twice as big as the original.

It made May's eyes go wide and an explosion occurred.

After it settled down it showed May on the floor, her clothes tattered and burns were on her body as she was bleeding as well making a small pool form underneath her.

Alexander: That skill I used name was[Don't Break a Mirror] it can take one attack and send it straight back to the attacker twice as strong.

Alexander walked slowly towards the girl but then got a pebble against his back making him stop and turn towards the direction it came from.

There from behind the pillar stood Mia with a rock in her hand.

Mia :Don't you hurt May anymore!

She threw the rock, Alexander caught it and crushed it in his hand.

Alexander: Now Mia you know I don't want to hurt you, hell you shouldn't even be picking a fight with higher level people when your'e only level 5 yourself!

Said girl didn't say anything except shed a tear and throw another rock towards him.

Mia: They were the first outside people to treat me like another person not just some blood bag for their false god!

Alexander didn't say anything till he felt a strong breeze from behind making him quickly look behind him and saw May standing there, her Bow and arrow glowing white.

May: Damn straight your not a blood bag Mia, your'e our friend!

She shouted at the girl as her one eye was closed and blood was flowing from her head.

Alexander quickly jumped back, his nun chucks glowed blue as he pulled them away from each other and they flung back into each other making a pole.

Alexander:I can see that must probably be your final attack girl .So to honor your attempt I will use my ultimate skill.


May:[Apollo's Fury]TIMES TWO!!

May took another arrow from her quiver and used Apollo's Fury on in making it glow very bright next to the other one. Her arm was bleeding and the blood was spluttered everywhere due to the strong gust of winds produced from the power of Apollo's fury.

Alexander:[Blue Dragon]!

He shouted and threw his pole with all his strength making his coat sleeve tear away due to the force towards the girl and on its flight it shined blue and it turned into a blazing blue Dragon which roared defining while flying straight like a meteorite.

May shouted and let go of the string, the arrows shot with tremendous speed and the force of them launching blasted the girl backwards.

When both attacks reached each other a massive white flash occurred and then a very big explosion rung out in everyone's ears as the force behind the blast blew away the roof of the hall making the rain pour inside.

When the dust and light faded Mia looked around holding her wrist, it had been broken when a rock fell on it.


She shouted frantically and saw a pile of rubble move and from it came May, battered, bruised and her bow arm was burned.

May: No need to shout, I'm right here.

She said softly making the little girl sprint towards her friend, when they were within reach she jumped and hugged the fallen teen hard.

May was about to scold her for tackling her so hard but then felt wetness on her chest and realized Mia was crying.

May softly smiled and petted her hair slowly.

May: There there it will be alright.

Mia carried on crying and May sat there not minding the rain pouring on them and not noticing that it wasn't DC rain anymore.

Behind a remaining pillar was a very injured Alexander panting softly.

Alexander: Damn there are strong people out there, I think its time I leave this church and get strong myself. He said softly and limped out the church.

May and Mia heard movement by the door and went alert thinking it was an enemy but when the people walked in they were happy as it was the rest of the team looking fine.

Junak: So did we miss something?

He chuckled and everyone giggled with him.

May: Is the Captain with you guys?

Sapphire: No, I thought he might have been with you guys.

She said as she jogged lightly towards the fallen girl and started to heal her.

Mia: I hope he is, Max was the strongest of the holy five... By the way, are you all alright they weren't the easiest of foes.

Rose: We figured that out the hard way right guys?

She looked at everyone with her broken glasses.

Everyone: Yup they said in unison.

Emily: Still, do you think Sebastian will be alright?

Junak smiled and ruffled her hair making her pout and look away.

Junak: Sebastian is strong, believe in him.

At Sebastian and Max.

Sebastian sneezed and rubbed his nose.

Sebastian: I wonder who's talking about me.

He said looking behind him and swiping his sword downwards making the blood on it fling on the ground and he sheathed the sword in its sheath.

In front of him was the headless body of Max.

Sebastian: That guy didn't even put up that much of a fight, leader of the holy five my ass.

He walked towards the big door at the end of the room.

He opened it and saw that there was a big altar at the end of the room and a person was kneeling in front of it.

???: It would seem I placed too much trust in those holy five.

Said the person turning to face Sebastian.

Sebastian: You!

He held his katana and looked at the person in front of him.