Chapter 27

Sebastian quickly jumped up and threw 12 mana infused throwing knives right at the man and said man simply jumped out the way.

When he looked up, he saw Sebastian holding something in his hands.

Sebastian: I wanted to save this for when I really needed it guess it's that time.

The object that Sebastian were holding in his hands were two big Golden Ram horns, he simply moved his hand up next to his head when each horn on either side of his head stuck to his head now and yellow lighting sparked on his body.

Theodore: Just admit defea...

He couldn't finish his sentence as a sudden crackle sound was heard when Theodore looked behind him and saw Sebastian was there and dripping sound was heard.

The man looked down and saw that his two lower arms were chopped of making him step backwards and scream in pure agony.

Sebastian: Why don't you just shut the hell up already he said turning to face the man and dropped both Theodore's arms on the floor his sword was coated in purple blood.


Sebastian: {Golden Horns of Ares} Its a S rank item that triples the users speed. It does this by super charging the nerves of the body sending live lightning through them.

Theodore: You be dead if lightning runs through you!

Sebastian: You would be dead your correct unless you use lightning-based skills which make your body resistant towards it and not kill you.

Sebastian took a step forward and suddenly appeared in front of Theodore and his sword was coming downwards.

Theodore: [Dark Star] he shouted scared and aimed two of the black balls straight at the teen who simply dodged them and brought his sword sideways.

Sebastian:[Kaminari no kurasshu]+ One sword style:Inu no gochisō pakku!

The sword glowed yellow as it cut through the remaining arms and was about to lob of the head, before Theodore opened his mouth and a glowing red orb appeared.

Theodore: [Volcano Cannon]! He shot the blast on the ground blasting Sebastian backwards due to the force behind the blast.

When he looked up, he saw that Theodore was sprinting towards the fountain and dolphin dive into the pool of blood shouting that the blood will heal him.

Sebastian was about to follow him when he saw that both his arms were twitching a lot and his muscles started to hurt.

Sebastian: Dammit he cussed as he with shaking hands took of the horns and stored them.

It's true that Sebastian can't die to lightning from the horns but that doesn't mean that he can't sustain it for long. The muscles and nerves starts to wear down crazily when they reached their limit indicating why his arms were twitching.

The horns also put heavy strain onto his internal organs making him experience even more pain.

Sebastian panted and spat out some blood as he looked at the altar. The church started to shake and suddenly the altar started to shake as well and all the blood was shot up making it rain blood.

Through the bloody rain he saw a tail of something when a huge dust cloud formed and crashing happened.When it all settled Sebastian saw a humongous shadow tower out of the church and a small speck bellow it was a terrified Theodore still not healed.

Theodore: NOOOO WHAT DID YOU DO TO THE OFFERING! He looked up angrily but then stopped when he saw a giant mouth in above him and bite him and the alter away.

Sebastian looked shocked and looked up at the top and saw a black name.

System:[Androminus Snake][Lvl 60][Nightmare Class]

That's when with wide eyes Sebastian saw the full Creature.

It was a pure black Snake the size of an skyscrapers put together and with piercing yellow eyes it looked up in the sky releasing a pure primal roar that shook the earth.

Sebastian: Don't tell me it was lured here with the large amount of blood present.


Said teen looked to his left and saw his team run straight at him.

Junak: What is that thing!

Sebastian: It's a nightmare class boss he said grimly.

Sapphire noticed the hole in his side and started to heal him while he was talking.

Emily: Nightmare?

Sebastian: Remember how Theodore said back at the base that bosses were also changing well they changed into that he pointed at the giant snake busy eating the black cloaked people around the church.

???: It really is a real pain don't you agree?

Everyone looked shocked and turned their head from the direction of the familiar voice and saw that from a purple portal walked out a figure clad in a purple coat and a black suit under Neath it with white gloves.

Sebastian: Chase...

Chase: Yes, it's me he grinned wildly and hugged himself

Chase: Did you miss me?

Chase's appearance hasn't changed that much in the past 3 months the only change was that his messy white hair was now combed backwards and though his tie was up to his neck you could see a big scar on his neck leading up to his chin.

Junak: What are you doing here his tone dripping with venom.

Chase: Well the boss man sent me here to take care of that nightmare as it is nasty image in front of his face, and the supplies are getting damaged.

Sapphire: Supplies? Are you talking of Mia's blood?

Chase: Well I don't know who this Mia is all I know it's called Level up blood on the market.

Chase: By the way

He looked at Sebastian and bit his lip.

Chase: Damn those scars make you look so sexy...

Sebastian looked at him and stood up straight, as he was fully healed.

May: Why are you not saying anything Sebastian! He killed your parents.

Chase: Oh, that was a lie by the way my boss did that he said and laughed to himself.

Everyone was shocked and looked at Chase doubtfully.

Chase: He said and i quote "Let's see what he can do, Rage is the strongest key to unlocking an individual's strength" then he sent me to the base to kill Tim since the old man raided one of our supply bases at the start of the plague and to fight you.

Sebastian slowly walked towards the white-haired teen and stood right in front of him, Sebastian was equal heights with Chase.

Sebastian: What's your Bosses name he said strictly and why did he want to see what I can do?

Chase waved his finger in front of his face and skipped backwards.

Chase: I can't tell Sebasty-poo since I don't know myself he sent him a grin.

Sebastian sighed and turned towards the group.

Sebastian: His telling the truth sadly.

Everyone: What! How can you tell?!

Sebastian: If your lying skill is at a high enough level you can tell if someone else is lying.

Just as he was talking a huge crash happened and they looked outside to see that Androminus staring straight at the them blood dripping from its mouth.

Sebastian: Everyone get out of here now he commanded and stretched his shoulders and walked slowly forward.

Sapphire: We are not leaving you with that crazy! She pointed at Chase that was walking next to Sebastian.

May: That's right!

Sebastian: Just leave now! I don't want you to get in the crossfire that's what made Theodore start the church of Utopia and heaven forbid if something happened to you all if I fight all out.

Everyone was silent after the fact and nodded slowly not really wanting to agree.

Junak: You better come back we will be waiting for you at the hotel from earlier!

The group nodded and wished him luck as they all ran off.

Chase: You got a good group of friends Sebastian he said in a serious tone which was opposite of his usual crazy tone.

Sebastian: It would appear so now let's kill this thing so I can beat your ass for lying about my parents murder his eyes glowed red and he held his katana in a stance.

Chase: Oh, you can beat something ~ he said in a flirty tone and took out his scythe and went in a stance.

Sebastian just rolled his eyes and payed attention to the boss in front of him

At the group

Emily: Are you guys sure Sebastian is going to be ok?

Junak: I hate to admit it but Chase is about just as strong as Sebastian.

Rose: You can't be serious she said shocked.

May: Both of them are level monsters she said.

Sapphire: Uhm guys are we going in the right direction?

Everyone stopped and looked around, they were not near the hotel and black and red trees were in the middle of the road, on their branches were red pollen balls.