Chapter 30

Both alphas started to walk towards May who stood her grounds and activated a skill.

May: [Boar Hunter]!

Her arrow glowed green and it shot like a rocket towards the creatures, which quickly dodged by jumping up in the air when they suddenly heard something above them.

Rose: [Chasm Creator]!

Her axe glowed brown and she hit both alphas causing them both to be launched back to the ground.

Junak came bursting out the shop battered and used his skill.

Junak: [Slithering Snake strike]!

He cut the one alphas Achilles heel while its chest and was about the get its head when he quickly rolled out the way from the other alphas tongue.

A shot rang out and the one Alphas head exploded in a bubble of blood before splattering on the floor. Where the shot came from was from a sniper rifle Sapphire just shot.

Junak: Since when did you have a sniper, I thought shot guns were your thing he shouted.

Sapphire just shrugged.

Sapphire: I like guns ok

She grinned and shot another shot to the last alpha who quickly grabbed the dead corpse of the other one and jumped back next to the red/black tree.

The alpha screeched and after a few seconds a hoard of Barbed wires came out the surrounding buildings and crowded around the alpha.

May: Dammit it called for an army!

She clicked her tongue and aimed an arrow ready at the hoard.

But that was when something strange happened, the alpha screeched again and started to eat the other Barbed Wire's!

Sapphire: What the hell? She said confused.

It took 5 minutes for the sole alpha to consume the lessor creature's and the other alpha dead corpse.

The team didn't know what to do as it was kind of doing them a favor by killing all those barbed wires.

The alpha wiped his mouth as there was still remaining blood on it when it suddenly screeched loud making the ground shake and sent a gust of wind that pushed the team back, they looked at the lone Alpha with wide eyes.

The normally black Barbed wire color changed into a pure white fur and had red patterns on the body, it grew much more muscular as you could see the pure muscles underneath the coat of fur, its jaw got longer and had more teeth inside of it now and had 2 glowing blue eyes.

Everyone was terrified of these new creature as it released an immense amount of killing intent towards the group. They used "Observe" on the creature and saw its new name.

System: [The Lost King][Lvl ???]

The Lost king suddenly vanished and appeared in front of Rose sending a punch towards her, she managed to bring her axe up but the strength behind the punch still launched her into a building making her cry out in pain and spit up blood.

Sapphire roared and shot a mana infused bullet straight at the beast head, it stumbled to the left and its head was smoking, when the smoke cleared it showed that The Lost King caught the bullet with his teeth and spat it out.

The creature placed his hand on the floor and suddenly white ice spikes were shot out with great speed, the spikes pierced Sapphire's body making her vomit out blood on the white ice spike and she passed out from the pain seconds later.


May: [Boar Hunter]!

She launched the green arrow and it connected causing an explosion to blast everyone back. When the smoke settled it showed that the King was burnt here and there but it looked alright.

It was about to lunge at the girl when something crashed in front of it and looked in front only to get an axe blade in the chest blasting it backwards.

Rose in her beserk state roared as she lunged right at the king. The king placed its hand on the floor again and storm of ice spikes rose up again and pierced the girl. Rose cried out in pain but pushed through the spikes and was right in front of the king.

Rose: [Chasm Creator]!she shouted and brought the axe down hard on the beast causing a dust storm to be brought up.

When the dust settled down it showed Rose on the floor knocked out ice spikes sticking out her body, while King had a giant gash on its chest and orange blood was pouring out of it.

Junak: [The clothes make the Hero]!

He shouted and the lion pelt and shackles appeared on him.

Emily: [Mr. Bear]!

The teddy bear jumped from the little girls grasp and started to change into its monstrous form.

Junak lunged like a shooting bullet and tackled the beast away from Rose. King grabbed the kid off him and chucked him into the ground, Junak quickly recovered from the throw and launched himself back up and delivered a nasty headbutt in the mouth of beast, as crunching of bone break could be heard.

The creature being dazed by the attack didn't pay attention to Junak's right arm that was glowing orange and shaking.

Junak: [The Kings Decree]!

He launched the attack in the beast's stomach making it bend all the way over the kid and launch into a building causing it to crash down.

Junak was about to start cheering when he felt a pain come from his stomach, he looked down and saw an icicle stick out of it making him shakenly hold it then quickly pass out from the adrenalin and skill wearing off.

Mr. bear appeared above the rubble and started to send barrages of punches on the rubble making the ground shake.

After the barrage was done the pile shook and from it came the king and swiped its arm up. Mr. bear was suddenly cut in half making a giant gash appear on Emily that looked shocked and passed out.

The two halves of Mr. Bear turned in a puff of smoke and returned back into its small form.

May thought that one creature took out four strong player, this sent chills down her back as she looked at her friends, all of them injured extremely bad, this brought back flash backs from her parents and her previous team being killed as she started to hyperventilate and she passed out from the fear.

This left Mia who was terrified out of her mind as she slowly looked at the beast and saw that it was walking towards her and sent her a creepy grin.


She shouted and moved back wards only to feel a wall behind her. The beast lunged towards her and she closed her eyes ready to die.

???: Bang said a man's voice and an explosion was heard

Mia opened her eyes to see that the King was away from her and its head was bleeding, while it growled at something.

That something was a man that wore a black military general uniform and had a white coat on. On the back of the coat was the number 2.

The man appeared to be in his 20's and had very light blue hair that was messy and reached his shoulders he had light green eyes and had black square glasses.

He also had very pale white skin as if he was cold. In his right hand was a black katana out of its sheath and in his left hand was a silver magnum the barrel smoking.

???: Hanabira heal everyone he said and slowly walked to beast.

Hanabira: Copy that said a female voice.

Mia looked were the voice came from and saw that it was a woman who also appeared to be in her 20's.

She wore the same black military general uniform except instead of black pants she had a black skirt and grey stockings. She also had a white coat on and on its back was the number 5.

She had a black beret on but her hair color consisted of an orange color, she was average height and had a tan complexion, she had yellow colored eyes.

Hanabira: It's going to be alright she sent the girl a smile and her hands started to glow white, that's when Mia passed out from the stress.

After 10 minutes Junak woke up with a gasp and sat up fast, he flinched and looked down seeing that his stomach was wrapped up in bandages. He heard talking and saw that everyone was bandaged up and talking to people he has not met yet.

Emily noticed him sitting up ran up to him and gave him a tight hug, this caused everyone to looked over at them.

Junak: What happened to the Lost king?

Mia: That Man killed it she said pointing at the light blue haired man.

Junak: Whats your name.

The man clicked his tongue and placed his katana back in its scabbard.

???: Got no manners kid he said irritated and sighed.

???: Captain of squad 2 Shimo Nadare

Hanabira: Im Hanabira Kenkō captain of squad 5 nice to meet you she said cheerfully.

Junak: Captain's?

That's when their conversation was disrupted by a giant explosion in the distance.

Hanabira: What was that.

May gasped and started to run that way.

May: That's in Sebastian's Direction we need to go see if his ok! she said fear present in her voice.

Everyone nodded and sprinted in that direction, Shimo and Hanabira followed behind them.