Chapter 33

While on the helicopter ride Hanabira started to explain things to the group.

Hanabira: Since you all are going to join the corps you going to have to wear the uniform.

Everyone took their own uniform and equipped it, showing it to be the same black general military uniform that the Captains had except they didn't have a coat.

Sebastian quickly entered his inventory and took out his last spare white katana and equipped it making it hang snuggly on his hip.

Mia: Can I ask which squad I would be since I'm not that strong she said softly.

Hanabira: You said your only skill was [Holy Grail] and if someone consumes ur blood it would boost the user's level by ten for 5 minutes correct?

May: How'd you know that?

Hanabira: While you all were knocked out from the Barbed Wire Mia explained everything to us about the church of Utopia and why she was a key factor.

Hanabira: And to answer your question I'm going to explain what all the squads are.

Shimo: Theirs Squad 1 that is the strongest out of all the 8 separate squads. They specialize in offensive skills and are Hitters.

Junak: Hitters?

Hanabira: Yes, Hitters they are players that can only have offensive skills and can't use defensive skills. Then you get Blockers which as the name suggests specialize in defensive skills and support while not offensive skills are used. But you get a third type which is called Hybrids that can use both and special skills such as summoning and building.

Emily: There are people like that?

Shimo: What you mean people out there we all are separated in those groups.

Hanabira: Have you noticed that when you in the skill shop that there are only offensive skills available to buy and no defensive skills and vice versa?

Everyone nodded their heads and then let out an Ah.

Hanabira: Exactly, Shimo here is a hitter and I'm a blocker.

Shimo: By the way you can't use the shop in the city.

Sebastian: Why?

Shimo: It can give rise to conflict and give people that crave power to start riots and such.

Sebastian just nodded and kept quiet.

Hanabira: The 10 squads are like this.

Hanabira: Squad 1 focuses on offensive skills and have the job of exploring the outside world and reclaim it.

Squad 2 also focus on offensive skills and are usually on the front lines with Squad 1 when exploring the outside world and keep peace within the walls.

Squad 3 are hybrid based and they all specialize in summoning creatures to fight for them

Squad 4 are battle crazy offensive skill user and always want a fight so they usually spear head any boss/s that spawns in.

Squad 5 are support as they heal all the wounded soldiers and usually be on standby when facing bosses or ghoul swarms.

Squad 6 is the research squad that finds us new ways to fight the ghouls and medicine we can use to help the city people.

Squad 7 is the impenetrable wall that focuses on defensive skills and they usually protect the city when all the offensive skill squads are out.

Squad 8 is the last squad and the focus on range skills and usually team up with all the squads as they provide back up from a far.

Shimo: There is also the head Captain Hanzo Minomoto that is in charge of the entire Hunter Corps.

Sebastian: He must be strong to keep the entire corp's under control.

Shimo: He is indeed.

May: Im so defiantly gonna join Squad 8 she said excited

Mia: So uhm which one should I go in.

Hanabira: Squad 6

Sebastian: Research squad you want them to experiment with Holy grail, right?

Shimo: Her skill isn't that special he said bluntly.

Mia: Eh?

Hanabira jabbed her elbow in the male's side making him wince and rub the spot.

Hanabira: What Shimo meant is that you won't be treated as a lab rats as they have players that have similar skills there and have already made a product that helps us in the field.

She then took something from her breast pocket and it was a small black container that held 5 white pills that had a black x on them.

Hanabira: These are called Field Pills, they increase the person who ingests it, level to spike up by 5 for 10 minutes.

Sebastain: They could come in handy a fight he said nodding his head.

Hanabira: They are but also very addictive, a solider that was on the field ingested all five pills at once and then he exploded in a pool of blood.

This made everyone gasp except for Sebastian that just listened.

Emily: Uhm I think I'll go with Squad 3 she said timidly.

Junak: Yeah! Mr. bear will totally rock all them he sent her a smile.

Said girl blushed and hid her blush by holding Mr. bear in front of her face.

Shimo: We are here he said looking out the window.

The group scooted up and looked outside and they released a gasp.

There stood a glimmering city that had giant Metal Walls around it. It took another 5 minutes before they landed and when they landed armed soldiers donning the same uniform as them opened the door and everyone got out.

Looking up close the city had massive sky scrapers and small business everywhere, people walked around with their families and children playing in the parks smiling and laughing.This was what all the survivors at their old city dreamt for this place seemed truly happy.

May stood next to Sebastian and the older teen saw that she was shaking slightly.

May: I wish everyone was here to see this paradise with me she said her voice breaking in between sentences, she felt an arm around her shoulder and pull her in for a side hug, when she looked up she saw Sebastian giving her a small and gentle smile making her cry and burrow her face in the teens chest crying.

Junak didn't fare well as Emily also hugged him and cried as well. Rose and Sapphire also shed a few tears, Mia came between them and also cried while hugging the two friends.

Sebastian: We are not going to lose any more people I promise he spoke to his group making them nod.

After a while everyone calmed down and Shimo spoke out.

Shimo: Now that everyone has calmed down, I need to go report this to the head captain follow me.

Just as they were walking to the Head Captain as they were admiring the city when someone bumped into Sebastian making both stagger a bit. Sebastian ignored this and carried on walking bowing his head as an apology.

???: Hey what the hell bastard! said a female voice.

Sebastian looked at the person who bumped into him and saw it was a girl.

Sebastian: What? he said in a monotone tone.

Said girl just growled and got right in Sebastian's face.

???: Your Dead!