Chapter 36

Before the tournament took place the Head Captain used observe on the recruits and said all under level 40 must go to a other stadium. The majority of people left leaving only 16 people in the stadium. All the contestants started to talk to one another and then they formed into a single line.

In front of the line sat a person writing down the recruits name and there number which will be randomly paired with another number for the fight order.Next to the woman was the captain of squad 7 Tetsu Burn busy placing his hand on the recruits shoulder and they started to glow orange softly seconds later.

When it was Sebastian's turn he pulled the number 30 and then Tetsu walked forward placing his hand on his shoulder.

Tetsu: This is only a protective skill that will activate and prevent a death blow majority of time's. We don't want you guys to die now do we he said and laughed.

After the Last person drew the screen against the wall turned on and few minuets later it showed all the fighting pair's

Sebastian looked for his name and saw that he was the fifth match against someone called Shinzo Altair.

Sebastian: Shinzo huh he looked through the crowd and saw a male staring right at him.The male looked to be 18 and had long flowing black hair that had green highlights. He had brown eye's and was wearing a germ mask. He winked at Sebastian and turned back to talk to people.

People looked for their opponents and ten minuets later a bell was rung.

Tod: Allrighhhhtttttttttttttt people you ready?!The first match starts now!

The first match was pretty uneventful it would appear that they had some training but they didn't use it they only used flashy skills instead drawing the match out.

The second match was the same,how these people going to survive the world out there he didn't know thought Sebastian. The third match was finally one where one of his friends were fighting.

Tod: OK Match three Number 23 John Table VS Number 22 Emily Marsh!!

When they walked up the crowd broke out into a swarm of murmurs.

Crowd Member: Hey is this allowed?

Crowd Member 2: Yeah wont she be killed?

What they were referring to was that John Table was a mountain of a man that looked like he bench pressed car's! He had messy brown hair that rested on his shoulders and had brown eyes. While Emily was a little girl carrying a teddy bear and a shield.


John: Look i don't wanna hurt a little girl so why don't you just go back home.

Emily: Don't look down on me!

She shouted and charged at the man wobbling slightly with the iron shield.

John sighed and placed his hand on the floor.

John: [Earth wall]!

A giant slab of stone suddenly appeared in front of Emily making her gasp and fall on her back. When she looked up the stone stab started to fall towards her and a sudden cloud of dust was brought up as a yelp was heard from Emily.

Dante with his mouth agape looked at Sebastian and the group and saw that they were not fazed one bit.

Dante: How are you guys calm!She just got squashed!

Junak: Just watch he said and a small smile on his face.

Dante shook his head and turned to face the ring again when a loud bang was heard and from the dust cloud came the stone slab flying straight back at John who narrowly dodged it.

When he looked up again he was shocked! There were he was expecting a hurt little girl stood a massive buff bear that had a feral grin on its face and its red eyes bore straight into John.

Emily: [Mr Bear] Get him.

John looked up and sitting on the big bear's head was Emily unscratched and her eye's had no emotions in them.

Mr bear roared and stomped towards John who quickly took out his weapon which was a two handed sword and sprinted towards the bear.

John:[Swamp Slasher]!

His sword glowed green and he slashed against the bears stomach making him grin thinking he just cleaved the bear straight in two.

But when he tried to pull the blade back he saw that the sword didn't even pierce the bears skin as he slowly looked up he received a menacing grin from the bear and Emily as well.

Emily: [Honey Barrage]

She ordered seconds later Mr bears fist's glowed yellow and its started to send punch after punch on John making the entire stadium shake.

After 2 minuets Mr bear stopped and shrunk again making Emily hold the small bear and smile at the group.

When Tod came over he looked in the big crater and saw a beat up John missing a few teeth and his eyes were white due to them being rolled back showing he was knocked out.

Tod: Winner EMILY MARSH!

The crowd screamed and roared making the girl blush from the attention as she quickly ran back to the group who praised her.

Dante and Blair's jaws hit the floor as they didn't expect her to be such a power house.

At the captains chair's Love looked at Emily and stroked the gecko on her shoulder.

Love: It seem's you might get a strong play mate Sally what you think?

The gecko made a small screech and looked at Mr bear in Emily grasp.


Rose had a grin on her face and she walked up to the ring they quickly fixed from the big crater that was present. Her opponent was a girl that was 17 years old,she had brown hair with black highlights in a twin pig tail style, she had gold colored eyes just like rose and she was average height.


Rose immediately started to sprint towards the girl but Leah suddenly appeared in front of her and sent a up wards kick that launched her in the sky. Rose quickly recovered in the air and spun with her axe down wards.

Rose: [Chasm Creator]!

She slashed in the ground making it glow slight then it suddenly exploded making Leah quickly jump in the air. When the dust settled down Rose was no where to be seen when Leah suddenly felt a breeze behind her and Leah got a hook in the face making her blast in the ground. Rose panted a bit and jogged to the fallen girl when she heard something.

Leah: [Animorph]!

Rose looked confused when she saw a flash and then felt pain on her stomach making her look down. On her stomach were 5 deep gashes bleeding already.

Rose: What the hell? She said feeling the pain.She couldn't recover as she saw another blur and a new set of gashes were made on her back making her cry out in pain.

Rose: [Chasm creator]!

She slammed her axe down on the ground and that made a explosion happen sending up a cloud of dust.

When the dust settled it showed a bleeding Rose panting and leaning on her axe for support. On the other side of the ring stood Leah except she was different from before. Her arms were covered with yellow fur and black spots, her hands was also covered and from her fingers were razor sharp black nail's her legs were the exact same and from her head were two fuzzy looking ears that was also yellow and covered with black spots.

Leah: Clever knowing that i was gonna continue to hit yah you made a diversion and caught your breath.

She sent Rose a grin showing that her teeth also got more jagged.

Rose: Whats with that skill she stood up straight and spat some blood out.

Leah: Its called [Animorph] It allows me to become a human animal hybrid, Brains of a human and power of a beast. My animal is non other than the fastest land mammal the Cheetah!

Leah grinned and suddenly disappeared and appeared next to Rose cutting her side making her cry out in pain and swung her axe in a wide arc causing Leah to quickly bend her body and dodge the attack.

Rose tried to block her but she couldn't that well and got cuts and injuries all over her.

Leah: [Finch Flash]!

Her claws glowed brown and she slashed upwards making 5 big slashes cut Rose from her feet to her head making her cry out in pain and blast her back a bit. Rose slowly stood up and her blood was littering the floor.

Leah: Time to Finish this!

She shouted and lunged straight at Rose who was resting against her axe again when she suddenly caught both Leah's hands with one hand in a vice grip making Leah's wrist bleed.

Leah: What the?

She said shocked and groaned from pain.

Rose slowly raised her head and her once yellow eyes were now blood red and she released steam from her mouth Berserk mode as activated. She roared and Delivered a [Hercules] infused punch in Leah's stomach making her vomit out blood and launch like a rocket straight in the ground.

{[Hercules] is basically the same move as [The Kings Decree] Junak uses except it has more power.}

Rose appeared in front of her and delivered a devastating axe kick on the girls back causing a crater to form under neath the poor girl. Leah vomited up more blood and shakily stood up from the crater.

She looked up at Rose and felt a massive amount of mana as said girl roared her hair grew longer until it reached her hips and she jumped in the sky.

Berserk Rose: [Enlarge] she said in a growl her axe glowed grey and then grew to tremendous size making the clouds part from the sky.

The axe blade suddenly started to glow yellow and black lightning bolts shot from it.

Junak: Damn it since when did Berserk make her loose her mind so bad! If she releases that skill the stadium will be blown up! He looked to his side and saw Sebastian running to the ring.

Berserk Rose: [E for Extinction]!

She swung the axe down and it slowly moved downwards making the crowd scream and try to move away. Leah saw her life flash before her eyes when she suddenly saw a figure in front of her and had a sword drawn out.

When the axe touched the ground a massive blinding light was seen and then a tremendous explosion was heard making everyone cover there eye's and ears. They all thought they died but when they checked they all the stands had a orange barrier in front of them making them sigh out of relief.

At the captains chairs Tetsu's hands were on the floor and they were glowing orange.

Tetsu: Damn that was close he sighed and released the barrier.

Summer: I had a shot on her before she released the attack if only i knew it was going to be such an attack id let the arrow fly she said putting a bow back into her inventory.

When the dust settled it showed Rose on the floor having severe burns with multiple injuries on her body and her eyes were white showing she was knocked out.

They looked over expecting the burnt corps of Leah but was very shocked to see, she was perfectly fine and in front of her was Sebastian sheathing his sword his right arm sleeved was burnt of showing some burn on it.

Love: How did he survive that! She said having stars in her eyes

Nikuya: He used his own skill to hit the move back while disrupting the force to the side so that the girl behind him didn't get hurt.

Shimo: That Sebastian he sighed and shook his head.

Nikuya: Is that his name? She said looking over at the blue haired captain.

Shimo: Yes Sebastian Topaz last i heard from his friends he was level 43 but head Captain said he was currently now on vice Captain level so he must have leveled up.

Nikuya: Curious she said and hid her smile behind her hand that was resting on her cheek as she looked at the teen.

Sebastian flexed his hand and saw that it was still smoking a bit.

Sebastian: I'm glad i used [Mondschnitt streik] at full power other wise i would be dead he thought to him self.

He started to walk to wards his fallen comrade when he felt something grip his back so he looked behind him and saw Leah still in her animorph form holding him

Leah: What's your name she said softly looking right at Sebastian in the eyes.

Sebastian: Sebastian Topaz he said and then he suddenly felt a force and saw cheetah arms wrap around his stomach seconds later he felt a hug from the girl.

Leah: Thank You i really thought i was going to die there said the girl in between sobs as Sebastian sighed and stood still letting the girl cry on his back till she is done.

Sebastian: Sapphire check on Rose will you? He said looking at the girl who nodded and activated [Mad Doctors Student] and started to jog at the fallen girl.

After about five minutes Leah stopped crying and let go of Sebastian and stepped back.

Sebastian: You good now?

Leah nodded her head.

Sebastian: That's good now if you'll excuse me he said walking back to Rose.

Leah looked at Sebastian's back and then she grabbed her chest her heart was beating very fast and she had a blush on her face.

Leah: What is this feeling she thought to her self and walked back to the rest room where the contestants rested after their match.

Sebastian: How is she he said seeing the majority of wounds healing but the more serious one left scars on her body.

Sapphire: She is healing good i'm just worried about her berserk perk she never went out of control like that before.

Sebastian nodded.

Sebastian: My Theory is that when ever Rose levels up the perk gets stronger.

Sapphire: So your saying if she reaches high levels she will turn into a mindless beast!

Sebastian: Yeah he said softly that's when they were interrupted by a groan as Rose started to stir and she slowly opened her eye's.

Rose: Wh...What happened she said holding her head.

Sapphire: Berserk activated.

Rose: I cant remember she said softly and looked at the crowd who was looking at her fear clearly shown in their eyes making her feel ashamed.

She suddenly felt a arm under her arm and was picked up,she looked to her left and saw it was Sebastian that helped her up.

Rose: Sebastian I... she tried to say only for Sebastian to cut her of.

Sebastian: Its not your fault.

Rose: It is!If i ever go berserk like that again i could kill innocent people!

Sebastian: Ill stop you like today ok he smiled at her.

Rose looked at Sebastian and then started to tear up slightly.

Rose: Thanks captain she said between her voice breaking from crying.