Chapter 39

At the Stadium May noticed her entire group was away and she was only left with her new friend's Dante and Blair.

Dante: How are you guys so strong!

May: We just fight everyday to survive that's all.

Dante: Don't you guys watch movies or just chill?

May: Is that what you have been doing since the plague started?

Dante: Uhm yeah?I didn't have to worry that much since the hunter corp prevented any ghouls and bosses from entering.

May: Have you seen a ghoul in person?

Dante: Nope.

May was about to carry on talking when she heard the commentator.


May turned to face Dante and Blair.

May: IF you think the world outside is easy i suggest that you drop out now and head back home she said seriously and then turned to the ring.

May walked up to the ring and looked on the other side to see a girl about 17 years old. She had dark pink hair that reached her hips and blue highlight's. She was pretty tall and had a slim figure. Over her eyes were grey piece of fabric and in the middle was a gold pattern that looked like the Egyptian symbol that was the Eye of Ra. She had a dagger connected on to a chain in her hands.


May quickly brought her bow up and placed a arrow in it while she ran side ways.

May: [Boar Hunter]!

The green arrow sailed through the air and Lucy narrowly dodged it and with a huff threw her dagger at May while she was still taking her next arrow out.

Lucy: [King Cobra]

Her dagger glowed purple and then zig zaged towards May who tired to shoot it away.

May: [Homing arrow]!

The arrow connected making May grin but what she saw she hit was the chain and the dagger was in front of her stabbing her in the stomach seconds later.

Lucy: [Parasites Love]

The blade inside May suddenly glowed yellow and she could see yellow bubbles move back to Lucy on the chain.

May: What are you doing she said and suddenly placed a hand over her mouth but she was to late as saw that she vomited blood.

Lucy: [Parasites Love] If i am in contact with a person i can steal their mana from them and add it to myself.

May: Dammit she cussed and with a cry pulled out the dagger causing her blood to spill on the floor.

She panted and with shaking hand's pulled back her bow string and used her strongest skill.

May: [Apollos Fury]!

The big glowing arrow sailed through the air and Lucy wasn't that fast and got hit with the arrow causing a giant explosion to ring through the stadium.

May panted and wiped away the sweat on her fore head and held her stomach and turned to walk off the ring.

Lucy: Where do you think your going?

May with wide eyes slowly looked behind her and their with in Arms length stood a injured Lucy. The fabric over her eyes slowly fell off and May looked her in the eyes seeing that they were glowing neon yellow.

Lucy: Take a sleep she said looking May in the Eyes.

Lucy: [Medusa's Glare]

May suddenly felt a tingling sensation and looked down to see from her feet stone started to cover her body at a fast rate.

May quickly tried to shoot her with her bow but then the stone accelerated and it covered her completely. May was now a stone statue in the pose of aiming her bow.


The crowd clapped their hands,Tod came to stand next to Lucy who put her fabric over her eyes again.

Tod: Hey is she gonna be a statue permanent?

Lucy: The effect will wear of after 10 minutes she said walking to the rest room.

The stretcher team scratched their heads and with a big huff picked up the stone statue and carried her to the recovery room.


Dante had a troubled look on his face as he walked up to the ring.Mays words rung in his head.

Dante:Is the outside world really that difficult?he thought to himself.

He looked up and saw his opponent. It was a teen about one year older than him. He had short buzz cut brown hair and light brown eyes. He had a steel bo staff in his hands and he went in a stance. Dante took out his gladius sword and also went into a stance.


Dante slashed in the air and his blade glowed a soft blue.

Dante: [Sweeping Slash]!

The blue slash sailed through the air and Adam quickly slammed his staff on the ground.

Adam: [Rocky Mountains]!

A set of jagged Rocks were shot up from the ground and it blocked the slice causing a explosion to happen.

Dante quickly took the opportunity of the dust storm that came with the explosion. He saw a figure in the dust and brought his sword in the air.

Dante: [Water Fall]

His sword was suddenly covered with water and he slashed down. The force of the strike caused the dust to be blown away. That's when Dante saw that the figure was a jagged piece of rock and from behind he heard movement.

Adam: [Troop of Monkeys Meal]

His staff glowed orange and then he unleashed a barrage of thrust on the teen's body making him cry out in pain as he was blown back wards. Dante fell to the ground and wobbly stood up panting.

Dante: Am i really not strong enough to survive?

He spoke to him self softly.


With wide eye he looked to his friend that never shouts.


Dante: But we haven't even seen the ghouls in person!

Dante: Are we really ready?!

Blair: What ever is truly out their you don't have to worry i will have your back.

She sent him a smile.

Dante looked at her and then laughed as he rubbed his hair.

Dante: Damn i'm supposed to be the one say saying cool stuff like that.

His sword suddenly glowed a golden yellow and he held his sword high in the air.


A massive burst of mana was felt by everyone and the small gladius turned into a big buster blade.

Dante: Dragon Slayer:[Ascalon]!

He swung the blade down and a massive blinding light blinded everyone and then a explosion rung out. When everything settled down it showed Adam with a big slash wound on his chest and his eyes white he was knocked out.


Everyone clapped for him and the crowd roared. He turned to Blair and sent her a peace sign and a big grin.

Blair: That dummy she smile back at him and a small blush on her face.

At Sebastian.

Sebastian closed his eyes and took a deep breath in.

Sebastian: Are you sure you want to fight cant you just move on?

Toge: Like i said i'm gonna teach you your place and your place is underneath my boot licking my feet.

She grinned at him.

Sebastian opened his eyes they were glowing red making Toge shiver but still grin.

Sebastian: So be it then.

He suddenly vanished and appeared above Toge his sword in the air.

Sebastian: [Kaminari no kurasshu]!