Chapter 47

The sound of feet moving was heard as it showed Captain Nikuya walking into her office and sat down in her chair a heavy sigh escaping her lips. A mere minutes later knocking was heard at her door so she said a soft "come in" while she rubbed her eyes.

Nikuya looked up and saw that it was Captain Shimo and Captain Toge,speaking in terms of power these three Captains were the strongest in the hunter corp.

Toge: Care to explain what happened Nikuya she said in a tone of anger.

Nikuya: We were supposed to go to Jumba the artificial jungle, while we were on our way there we saw a town that wasn't raided yet so i split up the soldiers into separate groups to loot it.

Shimo: How were the ghouls?

Shimo: Did the rookies struggle?

Nikuya: Struggle was a understatement she sighed.

Nikuya:Two of the 4 squads were completely overwhelmed and this cost them a lot their friends.

Nikuya: In the night they made so much noise complaining that it drew in more ghouls they had to fight.

Toge: Where were you?

Nikuya: While i was exploring with my squad a mini boss spawned in, it was [The Minotaur]

Shimo: What level?

He asked taking a seat in front of the Nikuya, Toge following suit.

Nikuya: 63 she said taking a bottle of water out of her inventory and taking a sip.

Toge: That shouldn't be to much of a problem for you.

Nikuya: It wasn't i just thought this would be a perfect chance for the 4 rookies with me to get good experience you know trial by fire type of thing.

Nikuya: Some of them were doing well for the first 30 minuets but then we got interrupted by another Boss coming in [Death Mantis Level 70]. This boss was tougher and for some strange reason they were working together the fight lasted for the entire day until i just got pissed and killed them myself due to the incompetence of the soldiers with me.

Toge: You should have just done that in the beginning.

Nikuya: Yeah i know we all are only humans Toge we make mistakes.

Nikuya: Then after the fight another group coming in. The group was Matt,Jim,and Rex,Matt was injured and was being carried by Jim.

Toge: Did a ghoul hurt this matt?

Nikuya: Well Jim was a babbling mess not speaking complete sentences so i gave him a quick slap and then he told me they were fighting and clearing the hospital through the day but Sebastian was currently fighting a woman that was really strong and hurt Matt.

Nikuya: I wanted to run to the hospital to help Sebastian but then the two boss corpses suddenly fussed with one another creating a entirely new boss.

Shimo: You had to take care of the boss before you could run to the hospital correct?

Nikuya: Yes so i took care of the boss that took about 40 minutes

Nikuya: While fighting i could hear explosions and the occasional mana burst behind us and then when the boss died i felt a massive surge of mana turning to face the hospital i saw in the distance a giant black lighting bolt drop from the clouds but right before it reached the ground a red blade pierced through multiple buildings and then swung upwards clashing with the bolt a deafening explosion followed after words.

Shimo: That red blade must have been Sebastian's [Kosumosu kuchiku-kan] he muttred to himself.

Toge: Is it a strong move?

Shimo: Very much so

Nikuya: When i arrived at the hospital it was completely destroyed and the surrounding area as well.

Nikuya: I saw a woman in white uniform hold her hand out and shoot something to a dusty crater but when the dust settled down it showed a beaten and badly injured Sebastian knocked out,so i prevented the woman and interviewed.

Toge: Hanabira told me they were Kreuzfahrer officers.

Nikuya: Correct the one that was heavily injured i guess was the one who fought Sebastian.

Nikuya: He didn't have a uniform on but only Officer level people can could have possibly injured Sebastian to such a degree when he is currently at vice captain level like Head Captain said.

Toge: Damn Kreuz bastards hurting Sebastian.

Nikuya: Oh my i didn't know you were that angry for them hurting Sebastian she sent the girl a sly grin.

Toge blushed and turned to look away from the grinning girl.

Toge: Shut up his a friend of my sister that's all then she started to mumble to herself.

Toge: Plus why do you sound so sad your soldiers get hurt majority of time and you don't sound so sad for them.

Nikuya had a small blush on her face and then glared at Toge.

Nikuya: I don't see any reason to tell you

Both woman suddenly glared at each other and metaphorically lightning sparked between them

Shimo just calmly drank some water seeing the sparks of jealousy between the two.

Their conversation was cut short when they heard the door of the room getting locked making them stop arguing and looked towards the door.

There at the door stood a girl who appeared to be 17 years old, she had a white uniform on and her hat hung at her hip, she had dark tan skin and bright purple hair cut in a chinese bob her eyes were a very dark shade of brown almost making it seem they were black color.

Toge: What the hell i didn't even sense her she thought to herself.

???: My King has asked me to keep the 3 strongest captains busy she said in a emotionless tone.

Nikuya: Your from Kreuzfahrer correct she said standing up and slowly walking towards the girl.

???: Correct My name is Zero, Head officer number 2.

Nikuya was right in front of the girl and she was half a head longer than her so she looked down at the girl in her eyes.

Nikuya: You are really stupid or suicidal if you came here out of your free will to fight us

Nikuya: I got a bone to pick with you all for hurting MY soldier.

She started realising her killing intent making the room shake,yet this didn't affect Zero as she simply patted some dust of her shoulder that got there from the roof shaking.

Zero disappeared making Nikuya looking around when she saw the girl appear behind her and send a purple glowing leg right at the captains head blasting her out the building wall causing a explosion to happen outside. Shimo and Toge were shocked seeing Nikuya one of the strongest Captain got sent like a ragdoll flying.

Zero: Nikuya Krov Level 77,Toge Kenkō Level 75,Shimo Nadare Level 74

Zero: Weak

The girls eyes glowed grey and she took out two black daggers.

At the hospital

Sebastian slowly opened his eyes and he saw he was staring straight at a white roof as per usual. The fallen teen slowly sat up but then winced as he saw his entire body was wrapped up in bandages.

A gasp was heard as the teen looked forward and saw that his friends were all there sitting in the room. Mia jumped up to the fallen teen and started to cry on Sebastian's chest. Memories came flooding in of his fight with Krieg and how he lost so he was probably in a hospital.

May walked up to the teen and she was hanging her head down making Sebastian stretch his hand out and rub her head causing her to hold his hand and cry.

Sebastian: Don't worry guys im not dead yet he told them in a raspy tone and sent them a smile.

Sebastian: How long was i out?

Rose: Hanabira had to work for 4 hours straight on you to heal you...

Sebastian merely nodded at the girl.

Everyone was wiping their tears away and asked their friend who fought him. The door opened up and it showed Hanabira and Sapphire walking in. When they saw Sebastian awake they were shocked and Sapphire ran in and hugged the teen.

Hanabira: You had us worried there Sebastian she placed her hand on his shoulder and sent him a smile.

Hanabira:How are you feeling?

Sebastian:My muscles feel pretty sore.

Sebastian: Thank you for healing me Hanabira.

he sent her a small smile.

Hanabira nodded her head while giving him a smile back. She asked everyone to get off Sebastian so she could take off his bandages,when they were removed Sebastian saw new scars littering his body though what stood out was that the previous big X scar on his chest was gone and the shoulder scar as well, but on his right upper arm the skin was red and covered the entire bicep to his elbow and on his hands across his knuckles was a big white scar with more scars going up along the knuckle bones.

Hanabira: I urge you to not over work your right arm Sebastian she told him seriously.

Sebastian:What happened to my scars and arm?

Hanabira:I used my strongest skill [The Messahi]

Hanabira: It allows me control the healing process on a cellular level, this allows me to heal all the wounds much better but takes extreme amount of mana and control.So i first healed your life threatening wounds and then seeing as how girl don't like seeing a guy look like a punching bag i healed your major scars so only small one still remaining she smiled and winked at him.

Sebastian chuckled and stood up stretching his body.

Hanabira:Your right arm though took more effort to heal as the muscle and bones were completely destroyed, so it everything out of me to heal it as you could see with the red skin

Hanabira:The same with the bones in your hands they were completely shattered and i had to cut the skin open to get direct contact with the bone healing it.

Hanabira: All im saying is be careful with it if you want to keep using the arm but the hands healed perfectly though so don't worry about them.

The teen looked at his arm and then flexed his hands and nodded towards Hanabira.

A sudden explosion drew their attention as they rushed outside and saw explosions and fire filling the city as people screamed and shouted in panic and fear.

Junak: What is going on?!

That's when a giant blue pentagram cross shown in the sky through the blue clouds above the city.

At the Head Captains office Captain Minomoto was walking to his office as he just had to go see on the SHIFT core and check if everything was running smoothly like usual.

That's when he noticed his door was broken and smoke was escaping from his office. The man opened his eyes and took out his weapon which was a black katana.

When he entered he was shocked, the wall was broken showing the burning city and pinned to the wall was Kuro badly beat up and a sword sticking out his chest as his lifeless eyes were peering at the floor. That's when the explosions went off and a giant cross was seen in the sky Minomoto walked closer to his close friends corps and saw a message was written in blood on the wall.


Minomoto released so much killing intent and blood lust that the entire building shook with the ground.

From the Glowing blue cross it started to spin and then shot arrows out, these arrows pierced the people in the street killing them. After 5 minutes the cross stopped spinning and it turned into particles, the sound of screaming and crying out in anguash flooded the city as it showed people holding on to people that had a glowing blue arrow sticking out their chest or head or people crying over already dead corpses.

Minomoto looked at the carnage going on in the city and with a shaking hand he took out a holo disk and spoke into it.

Minomoto: Calling all Captains report to Head office

Minomoto: We are going to war...

He crushed the holo disk out of fury.

`````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````Volume end``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````