After both captains activated their skills Zero was pushed back from the pressure, when she recovered, she looked up and saw that their appearances changed. Shimo had giant dragon wings made of ice behind his back, he also had one big horn sticking out the side of his head, pieces of ice were covering the rest of his body.
Nikuya's once jet black hair was now a glowing blond and at the tips were flames, her red eyes were now glowing more, as she was covered in bulky golden armor that was decorated with gems of all sorts.
"Let's do this." Shouted Nikuya.
She suddenly appeared in front of Zero and sent a nasty uppercut that blasted Zero in the air. Shimo flew in front of her and swung his sword in a wide arc.
"[Glacier Dragon Crush]!" said Shimo.
Massive dragons made of Ice the size of glaciers appeared in the sky and was sent blasting in Zero who came crashing with them in the ground causing a massive explosion to ring in ever one's ears. Nikuya stood in front of the broken-down glaciers and held her hands out in front of her both arms wrists touched against each other.
"We aint taking a chance again!" said Nikuya.
She was about to use a skill when a black blur broke through the glaciers and appeared in front of the captain. It was Zero who had injuries here and there but she was still able to move.
"[Big Bang]" spoke Zero out.
A purple orb appeared in her hand and with a shout she shoved it into Nikuya's chest causing her to go wide eye and cry out as she was ingulfed in the explosion. When it settled down there was a big crater and, in the middle, layed Nikuya her armor had big cracks here and there.
"Fetch their souls [Anubis]" said Zero emotionless.
A massive pool of black miasma was released from the girl as the surrounding area got very dark, Shimo and Nikuya involuntary shuddered as Zero stood there in a new form. Her white Officer uniform was gone and replaced by traditional clothes of ancient Egyptian women clothes. She had black eye liner underneath her eyes and she was wielding a giant black scimitar that had green veins on it.
Shimo appeared behind Zero and used a skill on her.
"[Ice Flower]!" spoke Shimo.
He wanted to cut the girl on the back but she suddenly appeared behind Shimo and used a skill.
"[Pharaohs Law] "said Zero.
She slashed down the blade and Shimo was launched through the air like a rocket. He crashed in the ground and when he made contact, he vomited out blood staining the floor. He tried to sit up on to fall back down his body was glowing green.
"What the hell?" asked Shimo.
"Whatever I slash will be paralyzed and their mana drained..." replied Zero.
Nikuya suddenly appeared next Zero and her fist was glowing bright orange.
"[Satan Slam]!" roared Nikuya.
Her glowing fist was drilled into the girl's face as she with a tremendous force got slammed into the ground. Nikuya was panting and the flinched as she looked down and saw through one of her armor pieces that was broken was a slash wound that glowed green. She fell to her knee as the paralysis effect took place.
Zero slowly stood up blood pouring out her head injury as she held a shaking hand in front of Nikuya right in front of her face a glowing purple orb growing in front of her.
"[Big Bang] …" spoke Zero.
She couldn't unleash the skill as she was suddenly tackled by Shimo and was flown in the air. Shimo was panting as his wings were slowly dissolving as he threw the girl in the air.
"How can you move?" asked Zero.
"I'm manipulating the ice on my body. IM still paralyzed and I got frostbite all over my body but I'll use the last drops of my mana to defeat you!" said Shimo.
"Freeze all [Kōri no ryū]!" roared Shimo.
The mighty Ice Dragon was released and soared through the air as Zero tried to stop it by using [Pharaohs law] but the sword was shattered due to the extreme temperature decrees and Zero was frozen in a block of ice falling slowly to the earth.
"Now it's up to you Nikuya" said Shimo softly as he changed back into his normal form slowly falling to the ground.
Just as she zero was completely frozen, she looked over to Nikuya and saw she was standing up and surrounding her were thousands of missiles made out of fire.
"Thanks, Shimo for buying me some time..." said Nikuya.
"[Massacre of Kings]!" Shouted Nikuya.
She roared as she thrusted her hands forward causing the missiles to launch towards Zero who could do nothing. When the attack landed a massive storm of flames scorched the earth and a defining bang was heard. After it settled down Shimo fell next to Nikuya and groaned in pain. Nikuya was the same as her hair changed back to black and the golden armor was vanishing.
"Dammit it's been a while since we felt mana deficiency huh and we going to feel the injuries tomorrow for sure." said Nikuya hoarsly.
Shimo nodded at the woman. When the sound of rocks moving drew their attention in front of them. There stood Zero, half of her entire body was burnt exposing the skeleton underneath the flesh.
"For the king..." croaked Zero.
She held her hand out towards the sky.
She said a skill name and 3 purple rings were sent in the sky, after the rings went in the sky Zero was suddenly turned into a skinny gray corps and fell over her one eye went glossy indicating she died.
"What did she just..." asked Shimo as he looked up and his pupils widened.
"What Shimo?" asked Nikuya.
She looked at what he was looking and shortly she was also in the same state as Shimo. What they were looking at was a massive Asteroid was slowly falling towards the earth, every solider on the field saw this and mass panic started to spread as everyone screamed and ran for their life's. At the medical Hut everyone was also looking at the gigantic asteroid the size of the Moon heading straight for them. Emily held on Junak and they both had fear displaying full volume in their eyes.
"How do we stop that Shimo?!" shouted Nikuya looking at the blue haired man frantically.
"We can't we have no mana!" shouted Shimo.
"Dammit!" cussed Nikuya.
"We got to do something c'mon!" shouted Nikuya.
She held her hands out and nothing but small embers came out her mana was gone.
Just as they were talking a sudden red blur appeared in between them. In slow motion both Shimo and Nikuya saw a male in a red kimono with flowing red hair and horns rush past them. The figure then bent their legs and with a thunders bang jumped in the air towards the asteroid the force behind the jump blasted back both Captains a few feat back.
"What the hell was that?!" asked Nikuya.
"That was Sebastian! Don't tell me his is going to try to stop the asteroid?!" said Shimo.
Nikuya looked panicked and suddenly looked at the red blur heading straight to the asteroid.
Everyone on the field saw this red blur heading towards the asteroid.
"WHAT IS THAT!" shouted a hunter solider.
"Is it one of the officers?!" asked a Kreuz solider.
At the hut the group saw this as well.
"Don't tell me that is who I think it is." said Toge.
"Sebastian" said Junak softly.
Sebastian was sailing through the air straight towards the asteroid.
"What the hell who can bring an asteroid the size of the moon straight down on us it will kill everyone!" Shouted Sebastian.
"My mana is running dangerously low...I I got to stop it now or never!" said Sebastian.
The teen was now right in front of the asteroid and he held his sword out, it gained a red glow and then the blade grew to tremendous size cutting straight in the clouds, everyone saw this gigantic red blade suddenly appear above them.
"I'm not losing my family ever again!" Shouted Sebastian.
His eye color glowed red as the veins in his arms bulged when he roared and swung the massive blade forwards causing gale winds to blow underneath it making everyone scream as the wind pushed them down.
"[Kosumosu kuchiku-kan]!!!!!!" roared Sebastian.
The blade made contact with the asteroid causing a massive explosion to ring out clearing all the clouds around the two attacks. The blade was struggling to cut the asteroid as Sebastian cried out, the bones in his arms broke from the sheer pressure and weight of the rock. Everyone saw that the rock was still falling towards them but the attack is slowing it down. The blade was slowly getting smaller but it was cutting in the asteroid.
"No not now mana stay c'mon!" shouted Sebastian.
He shouted and exited his Ma tei form giving more mana to use as the blade grew big again.
"I can't hold it...blood was escaping from his arms and hands while cracks appeared on the katana.
At the hut all the girls had their hands over their mouths as the wind and pressure blew them almost off their feet.
"It's not enough to cut it he is going to die..." said Sapphire softly.
Suddenly Toge ran in front of them and took a deep breath.
The group nodded to each other and stood next to Toge.
"SEBASTIANNN WINN!!!" said Emily
"YOU CAN DO IT!" said Sapphire
"WINNNN!" Shouted Hanabira.
"DONT GIVE UP!" Shouted Rose
"GO FOR IT SEBASTIAN!!!!" yelled May.
All the wounded soldiers at the hut started to scream and shout for Sebastian, slowly the entire battle field screamed for Sebastian to do it.
Shimo and Nikuya looked around and saw Hunter and Kreuz soldiers screaming their hearts out for Sebastian.
"YOU CAN DO IT SEBASTIAN!!" shouted Shimo.
"BEAT IT!!!!" yelled Nikuya.
Sebastian heard all the cries for him to do it and with a roar he poured all his mana in the attack, the blade grew bigger than the asteroid and then suddenly all the color dispersed only turning to black and white showing Sebastian shout and cut the asteroid in two. A massive explosion blinded everyone and when it settled down it showed the big asteroid was now nothing but dust flowing in the wind, Sebastian was slowly falling to the ground. Everyone cheered and cried out in joy.
Junak laughed and picked up Emily spinning her around he then brought her in and gave her a kiss on the lips causing her to blush but return the kiss. Rose and May hugged each other tight laughing, Hanabira pulled Sapphire in for a tight hug, she returned it. Toge had a big smile on her face.
While Sebastian was falling down his katana turned to ash and floated in the sky and his arms and hands were seriously hurting right now. He suddenly felt someone stop his decent and when he opened his eyes, he saw it was Nikuya. They landed softly on the floor and he sent her a small smile.
"I guess you kept your promise of not dying huh?' said Sebastian softly.
He looked up at her and then felt water on his cheeks, he then saw Nikuya was crying and holding him close.
"You damn Idiot! Why would you do that? Why do you have to play the hero?!" shouted Nikuya angrily.
She then felt his hand on her cheek, she could feel how rough the palm was from holding his katana and fighting and the broken bones underneath it.
"I had to protect my family and friends Nikuya..." said Sebastian.
"Yeah and what if you died do you think they would feel happy do you think I would be happy?! Said Nikuya with tears brimming in her eyes.
He then wiped away her tears with his hand and looked her in the eyes.
"No but I had to do something." said Sebastian with a small smile.
Nikuya looked him in the eyes and let the tears fall freely.
"You're never doing something under my watch again I'll put a color and a chain on you if I have to get it?" said Nikuya softly.
"Pretty intense foreplay captain~" replied Sebastian with a flirty smile.
He sent her the smile and Nikuya grew a red blush and stuttered over her words saying it's not like that. Shimo arrived next to the two and helped him stand up.
On the other side of the field stood Minomoto and Tartoris.
"How is this possible???Where did their fighting spirit go??" roared Tartoris.
"Almost dying makes you see things very clear, why did they have to kill each other for weeks while they all are in the same boat of this world." replied Minomoto.
"Let's finish this Tartoris just us two..." said Minomoto
Tartoris glared at the old man and took out a ZweiHandler sword while Minomoto took out his katana. They lunged straight at each other.