Chapter 66

Once the group arrived at Sebastian's house after a 20-minute drive Chase and Arata looked at it.

"This place is a dump..." stated Chase and Arata togther.

"The hell you say?" shouted Sebastian.

What they were referring to was the state Sebastian's house was in. It was an old apartment building which was covered with graffiti and pieces of the building were falling off.

"Boss Arata said this place is a …" started Akame only to be cut off.

Arata quickly clasped his hand over Akame's mouth seeing Sebastian send a glare at the girl.

The teen sighed and walked into the building everyone following behind him. Once they walked through the corridors Sebastian took his key out of his Inventory and opened his door. As they walked inside, they saw the interior was defiantly better than the exterior. Inside they were 3 black couches that faced an open window, there were 3 bedrooms over all.

"I'll go make us some tea... are the tea bags in the same place Sebastian?" asked May.

Sebastian nodded at the girl as Emily and Sapphire followed May.

"Let's get these fancy clothes of and into something Comfortable." stated Hanabira.

Sai nodded and walked after Hanabira and Akame to the kitchen were the rest of the girls are. Junak de equiped his suit and was soon replaced with a khaki colored jean and a black and green blocked shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He messed his hair up so that is was messy again like usual. Arata equipped his usual clothes which consisted of baggy camo pants, and a plain grey shirt with a golden colored hoodie that was zipped opened. Chase had only taken off the purple undercoat while losing his tie showing the scar running up from his neck. Sebastian's replaced his suit, with a pair of black jeans with a plain white t-shirt.

Just as they sat down the door bell rung causing Sebastian to sigh and grumble as he walked to the door. Once he opened the door, he was shocked to see Gale, Lio and Angel standing there worry etched in their face, behind them was a girl that was wearing a lab coat with a pair of yellow rimmed glasses.

"CAPTAIN!" shouted the trio.

They all lunged on Sebastian giving him a group.

Sebastian: How did you guys find my house?!

"I let them drive me here." said a female voice.

"Mia?" asked Sebastian.

The girl that stood behind the trio appeared to be 14 years old, she had dark green colored hair held up in a messy bun with her fringe covering her right eye. She was wearing a pink hoodie underneath her lab coat and she had a pair of black woolly pants on.


The trio quickly sensed an attack and rolled off Sebastian blocking his vision on to see Mia come falling down on to him her knees digging in his stomach causing him to get his wind knocked out. He comically made as if he was knocked out causing Mia to look up guiltily.

"Oh no Sebastian don't go towards the light! I'm sorry!��� shouted Mia panicking

Sebastian suddenly started chuckling and sat up slowly causing Mia to shift in front of him he then gently rubbed her head.

"I did try to visit you multiple times but the other squad 4 members told me you were too busy to talk." stated Sebastian.

Mia slowly nodded.

"Yes, since I got the skill [Genius] my mind was filled with ideas and theories I simply had to complete." mumbled Mia.

Sebastian stood up and pulled Mia up slowly with him.

"Why did you come here in the first place?" asked Sebastian.

May: I called her over.

Sebastian looked over his shoulder and saw the girls in more casual clothes walk out the kitchen with trays of tea. May was wearing a simple black pants with a green vest showing her prosthetic arm very clearly and the other scars on her body. She put her hair in a high pony tail. Sapphire wore blue jeans with an orange shirt that had a picture of the beach on it. Hanabira had baggy white sweatpants on with a normal black collared t-shirt. Emily was wearing a pair of baggy shorts and had a red hoodie on. Sai was wearing a black sweater jersey with a pair of black sweat pants, while Akame dressed similarly to Sai.

"Alright then." said Sebastian nodding.

Everyone sat down on the couches while some had to stand which was Sebastian, Gale, Chase and Lio.

Sebastian informed the trio of what happened at the party causing them to looked shocked.

"So, who is this Sterben guy?" asked Sebastian.

"He is quiete popular in the underworld." started May.

Everyone turned to May who was quietly sipping her tea.

"Apparently, he was Squad 6 Head researcher before Captain Kaguka took over and banned him from the squad, saying his experiments were to intense and would have been no benefit to the common man." said May.

"So, after he was kicked out, he found his way in the underworld were he slowly built up an empire to support him and his goals of taking the city over." continued May.

"Dunno why you would want to take over this dump of the city maybe in the past but now?" asked Gale.

"It's all about the title, you control the city that won the war of Hunters and Kreazfurer." said Hanabira taking a sip of her tea.

"Why don't we just leave and just go before this guy comes and tries to attack us." asked Lio.

Just as they were about to respond Sebastian's Danger perception suddenly blared in his ears as he shouted at everyone.

"GET DOWN!" shouted Sebastian.

A massive explosion suddenly erupted in the house causing a storm of flames to escape the now open wall. On top of a neighboring building stood two figures, one had a rpg launcher that was smoking.

"Think that got them?" asked a male voice.

"Defintly not Sebastian for sure." said a female voice.

Inside the burning building was a glowing blue bubble, within the blue bubble was everyone unscathed.

"What just happened?" asked Emily.

"I protected us from the explosion with my skill, [Under the blue Sea]" mumbled Mia

Blood was escaping her nose as she struggled to keep the bubble up.

"LIO!" shouted Gale.

"Right boss!" shouted Lio.

The red-haired man jumped through the bubble causing everyone to shout his name in worry.

"[Breath of the Ice Giant]!" said Lio.

He took in a deep breath and released a massive tornado of spinning blue winds that stopped all the fires causing water to flood the room. After a few seconds the flames had died down and Lio was panting.

Sebastian quickly ran to the now broken wall and saw the two figures on the roof causing his eyes to glow red.

"It was them..." stated Sebastian.

Everyone arrived behind Sebastian and saw the two figures as well. The figures suddenly jumped off the building roof on to the road causing the group to jump out the broken building and confront them. When they were a few meters away from each other they were shocked at who the one figure was.

"Rose?" asked Sapphire.

Indeed, it was Rose Hope. Her once short bob cut hair was now long touching the base of her neck. She was wearing a black shirt and over the shirt was a brown leather jacket, she was wearing black denim jeans and black iron spiked military boots. Her black rimmed glasses sat in front of her now cold golden eyes.

"Now isn't this an awfully big surprise the entire group is here!" shouted Rose.

"Why did you shoot a freaking Missile at us Rose!" shouted Emily.

"I got hired to get Sebastian's Head by Sterben for a hefty number of weapons and food vouchers." stated Rose.

"You want to kill Sebastian! After everything he has been doing for you!" shouted Mia.


"You just don't realize it but he kept the entire hunter corps from coming after your ass since you always leave a mess if you do kill bounties." shouted May.

"Lies!" said Rose.

"He never checks up on me!" stated Rose.

"We all try to call you every night!" shouted Sapphire.

"Lies,Lies,lies,lies..." mumbled ROse over and over.

She mumbled over and over to herself and bent over scratching her head violently causing her to bleed, until she suddenly stopped and looked up to everyone, her once golden eyes were now pitch black was emotionless and staring in straight into the souls everyone presents.

"Sorry but Rose isn't in right now..." stated Rose coldly.

She sent them a crazy smile and almost bent her neck 90 degrees.

"What the hell?" stated Junak.

"You take care of the rest the red Demon is mine..." said Rose.

She looked at the figure next to her causing a soft chuckle to be heard as they took of their cloak revealing the second figure to be a boy who appeared to be 16 years old. He had deathly white pale skin and snow-white hair that was messy reaching his ears. He had black eyes with glowing yellows eyes, while he was grinning you could see his pitch-black teeth.

"You sure you'll be enough to handle him?" asked the boy.

"I'll be enough" she told him her crazy smile still present on her face as she took out her axe in one hand and replaced the Rpg with a pitch-black spear.

She suddenly disappeared and sent an axe strike towards Sebastian who took out his katana and blocked the strike but the force behind the strike launched him away from the group. The man quickly recovered and skidded to a stop he gazed at Rose who was laughing crazily as she lunged at him.

"I'm not going to kill you Rose but i will help you get off this path of darkness you've strayed on." stated Sebastian.

His eyes glowed red as he swung his katana in a downward arc when Rose brought her axe up for an upward slash causing an explosion to ingulf the two.