Chapter 68

At Sebastian and Rose.

The clash between the two weapons quickly went away as Rose quickly let go of her spear causing Sebastian to stumble forwards. The girl took this as her chance sending a glowing fist into Sebastian's chest causing him to gasp out of pain as he was sent barrowing backwards through the buildings behind him. While flying Sebastian quickly recovered and jumped off an incoming wall, he used Air jump and flew straight towards Rose who sent him that creepy grin.

"Don't hurt me Sebastian" said Rose as her pupils regained their emotions which showed her being full of fear.

This caused Sebastian to slow his lung as when he arrived in front of Rose her eyes went black again.

"[Banket of Thorns + Chasm Creator]" activated Rose the skill.

Sebastian's eyes went wide as 4 massive glowing orange spears pierced straight through him causing his blood to splatter on the floor. The force behind the skill blasted him in the ground causing a crater to form. When the dust settled down it Sebastian ripping the spears out of his body as he was glaring at Rose who was still smiling.

"Banket of Thorns huh theirs only one-person I know who used that skill" said Sebastian as he stood fully up.

Rose suddenly started to laugh crazily as she held her stomach. After a few minutes of laughing

the girl stood up straight wiping her tears away.

"It took you a hot minute to figure it out huh you demon" said Rose.

"Angst..." replied Sebastian slowly.

"Bingo Bingo! You win the prize!" shouted Angst.

"How did you get into Rose's body I killed you!" snarled Sebastian.

Angst simply waved his finger in front of him.

"You can't kill Fear Topaz it exists in all life on earth creeping it way in the soul of any and taking over" said Angst his black eyes swirling.

Sebastian vanished in front of Angst causing the girl to look around worriedly only to feel a rough hand grip her face dragging her through the tar road. Rose looked up through the hands and saw Sebastian was the one crushing her through the street. Said girl roared as she brought a foot up and kicked Sebastian in the stomach making him fly backwards. The injured girl sat up as blood leaked from her back and her head, yet she sent a heated glare at Sebastian.

"Anything you do to me will only cause this poor girl's body to be hurt Demon" shouted Angst slowly standing up.

Rose took out her spear again and then used a skill.

"[Titan Impaler]!" said Angst.

The girl threw the glowing spear straight towards Sebastian. The spear made a massive groove in the ground as it sailed above it causing a massive crash to ring through the air. Sebastian roared as he eyes glowed bright red.

"[Mondschnitt streik]" shouted Sebastian as the white slice cut straight through Titan Impaler causing a massive bang to echo through the dilapidated ruins.

Once the dust settled down it showed Rose shaking in her boots as Sebastian's emotionless red gaze fell on her.

"First you cut Mays arms off taking away her chance of survival... then you possess Rose making her do all these things... You make me sick Angst I'll kill you!" roared Sebastian as he lunged straight towards Rose.

"If you kill me, you'll kill Rose" Shouted Angst only to get a right hook in the face blasting him in the building next to them.

"Get out of her body" responded Sebastian as he sent a barrage of Punches towards Rose. After the punches Angst roared and was covered in a red aura.

"Berserker activate!" shouted Angst.

The girl sent her own Barrage of punches towards Sebastian who countered them causing a string of Bangs to go through the air. Rose roared as she blasted a knee in Sebastian's face and used his shoulders as a spring board to fly into the night sky. Once she was in the air her Axe glowed monstrous size causing the cloud which was in the sky to part way from its size.

"ILL KILL YOU TOPAZZZZZZZ" Shouted Angst swinging his axe down slowly.

"[G for Genocide]!" said Angst activated the superior version of E for Extinction.

As the glowing axe was coming towards the ground Sebastian's katana gained a bright red Hue as he used his strongest move.

"[Kosumosu kuchiku-kan]!" roared Sebastian.

The red blade clashed against the giant axe as massive gale winds blew through the city. Rose roared as she pushed forwards causing the axe to press against the sword. Sebastian increased the mana flow of the move and the cut the axe straight in half making a massive boom blast everyone's ear drums. After the massive smoke cloud dispersed Rose's unconscious body fell to the floor with a thud. Sebastian slowly made his way to the fallen body and he saw there was a massive cut going across the chest of Rose and her eyes were white indicating she was knocked out. The teen sighed and picked her up as he walked back to where his group was.

After a 5-minute walk Sebastian saw that everyone was huddled around one another, Sapphire and Hanabira was healing a heavily injured Chase and Arata, in a massive crater next to them layed the headless body of Cuero cuts all over the body. The group noticed Sebastian appearance and breathed a sigh of relief.

"What happened?" asked May as she came over and helped Sebastian carry Rose.

"Angst somehow possessed Rose" replied Sebastian slowly.

May flinched when she heard the name Angst and slowly looked over to Rose's body which they placed next to Hanabira to heal.

"Angst?" asked May her tone shaking.

"Possession huh?" mumbled Mia as she walked over to Rose and squatted next to her.

"We have to keep her knocked out we can't let Angst take over again" Said Junak looking at Sebastian.

Said teen sighed as he sat on the floor drinking a health potion looking at Rose.

"Oh, I can get rid of Angst" said Mia quickly.

Everyone looked at her shocked like she had just grown a second head.

"What How?!" Shouted Emily.

Mia simply opened her inventory and took out a small syringe gun that had a glass tube attached to it.

"Captain Kugaku entrusted me with this project at the beginning of the year when I got the Genius skill." said Mia as she pressed the syringe gun on Rose's neck a soft "Pew" was heard as black liquid started to fill in the glass container.

"He wanted a way to counter Possession skills in case someone took possession of himself, so this gun was made, it extracts any foreign material in the body in most cases of possessions skills is the transfer of blood." said Mia.

After a few more seconds the glass container was filled with the black liquid and Mia stood up, unscrewing the container and held it out in front of the group.

"That bastard Angst placed his own blood in Rose at some point in thier fight and thus was able to possess her he is gone now though due to my awesomeness" boasted Mia.

Sebastian smiled and petted her head causing her to have a big smile on her face. May took the liquid filled container and threw it on the floor, she then seconds later took out a match in her inventory and set the liquid a blaze.

"Rot in hell you bastard" spat May out.

The liquid soon evaporated into vapor until a black burn mark was the only thing left on the road.

A sudden light blinded everyone as they looked over and saw the sun was rising through the broken-down buildings.

"It's the next day" said Sai softly looking at the rising sun.

"Sterben said his going to take over the city today" said Akame looking at Arata in concern.

"If he got more of these pale bastards, we aint going to be strong enough to take them all" said Junak looking at Cuero's body.

"I don't know how we will take Sterben down" said Sapphire holding her chin in thought.

"You're not going" said Sebastian.

"WHAT WHY NOT!" shouted Everyone.

"It's as Junak said those guys are on an entirely different level then you guys I don't want you killed" replied Sebastian softly looking at his group fondly.

"So you'll go in alone your strong Sebastian but you're not that strong" said Hanabira.

"I won't be going alone isn't that right Arata, Chase?" asked Sebastian looking at the other two men stand up their injuries healed.

"Can't have my Sebasty-Poo die, now can I?" said Chase as he walked over and gave Sebastian a smirk.

"This Sterben needs to be taken care of if I am going to run the underground" said Arata as he stood on the other side of Sebastian.

The maroon eyed teen gave them a smirk and then took out his holo disk turning it on.

"What you doing?" asked May.

"Calling in a Favor" said Sebastian.