"SEBASTIAN!" shouted everyone.
The massive hole in his chest was healed except a massive scar was present.
"Hehe not so loud guys" said Sebastian his tone gravely. The teen wobbly stood up and almost fell if it wasn't for Nikuya and Sai holding him up.
"Who are you?" asked Nikuya who narrowed her eyes towards Sai who did the same, metaphorical lighting sparked between their eyes.
"Listen up everyone I need to ask a favor" spoke Sebastian as he let go of the girls and walked forward stumbling a bit.
"What do you need?" asked Junak.
"I need everyone to send me their mana I'm going to take down Regla." said Sebastian.
"I'm not going to die again I will protect my family" replied Sebastian.
He suddenly felt a rush of mana pass through him as Sai passed all her mana into him, soon everyone, the captains May, Gale, and Rose started to give him their mana, even Arata, Chase, and Krieg who was barely conscious. A massive tornado of white mana surrounded Sebastian causing the earth to shake. Regla quickly kicked the trio away as he looked at the tornado with wide eyes.
"DONE THE [CREATORS ROBE!]" shouted Sebastian as golden glow escaped the tornado; Sebastian had just pressed the yellow diamond Nero gave him against his chest.
The bright golden light blinded everyone before the white mana tornado dispersed. Everyone was shocked and fell to the floor from the pressure the man was excluding. Sebastian had a skin tight white vest on his upper body, he had baggy white pants and pointy black shoes, he had a waist cape that was fluttering in the wind it was a golden color and had black stars shining on it. Sebastian's once short hair was now long and messy floating in the air as it contained all the colors of the rainbow. The man slowly opened his eyes to reveal them as a glowing red.
"It's over Regla" said Sebastian softly.
Regla roared and lunged towards Sebastian only to stop in his tracks when said teen was right in front of him only taking a step. The sound barrier couldn't keep up with Sebastian's speed as he shattered it. Regals eyes widened to the size of Saucers before he sent a fist towards Sebastian's face, the teen reacted quickly and sent his own fist straight into Regals face blasting him straight through the city. While Regla was crashing through multiple buildings a single thought went through his mind.
"That hurt" thought Regla to himself.
The man stopped midflight and looked down at Sebastian who walked calmly towards him his eyes closed. A vein throbbed in Regla head as pure hate and angry was released from his body destroying the buildings around him.
"YOU DARE MOCK ME?!" shouted Regla millions of spinning white drills appeared around him.
"[Owner of Death]!" roared Regla.
The man threw his hands forwards as all the drills were launched at supersonic speed causing a giant tsunami of white energy to fly towards the rainbow haired man. Sebastian stopped walking and then started slowly opening his eyes.
"[Cancel]" spoke Sebastian out opening his eyes.
An invisible force traveled through the air and completely destroyed all the white drills turning them into white pixels causing Regla's mouth to drop to the floor.
Sebastian didn't stop there as he squatted down and held his arm back, the veins started to bulge out of them as gold steam escaped them.
"[Fist of The Creator]" shouted Sebastian out.
A massive golden fist wrapped around his arm scaring Regla before Sebastian vanished appearing in front of Regla. With a roar Sebastian slammed the giant fist into Regla and flew through the city. The ground couldn't keep up with the power as a massive gorge was formed underneath the duo as Sebastian slammed Regla in the ground. Buildings upon buildings caved way underneath the two as thundered bang echoed through the city as they fell. Once Sebastian stopped the golden fist dematerialized as a broken and bloody Regla layed in the crater, it was deathly quiet before Regla jumped out of the hole he was covered with a black aura and the red tattoos expanded all over his body.
"I'll kill you" spat Regla out snarling at Sebastian like a wild animal.
Sebastian quickly flew after Regla turning into a white blur, Regla roared as he turned into a black blur and they crashed against one another. The entire earth shook as the two men traded blows, the city's people all screamed out in fear as their houses collapsed in on themselves due to the powerful shockwaves. Some people thought this was finally the end of the days feeling the intense power shake through their bones. Sebastian heard all the screams and decided he didn't want anyone to get hurt in the cross fire so he quickly grabbed a hold of Regla and flew upwards the speed and force they achieved caused the sound barrier to break seconds they got up, everyone looked out of the wreckages of their houses and saw a giant white and black line go upwards in the heavens. The duo flew straight past the atmosphere stopping when they were engulfed in the black abyss of darkness know as space the sun shining brightly in the distance, Sebastian did find it strange how he could breathe in space but didn't think much of it.
"ILL KILL YOU SEBASTIAN TOPAZ!" roared Regla as he released all his power causing the entire universe to darken, Sebastian released all his power and it brightened everything like a second sun.
Sebastian lunged straight at Regla and kicked the man in the face only to quickly spin down wards and axe kick him due to the low gravity. The force behind each strike cleared clouds and bodies of water down on earth.
"WHAT ARE YOUR STATS!" shouted Regla his entire body shook with each blow.
"Strength: 999, Intelligence: 999, Dexterity: 999, Vitality: 999, Luck:999" said Sebastion Emotionless.
"IMPOSIBLLE!" roared Regla as he drove a fist into Sebastian's face.
Said teen only turned his face towards Regla and delivered a spinning high kick into Regla's face causing his neck to bend an unnatural angle. Just as Sebastian was going to pursuit golden steam started to escape his body.
"Dammit don't tell me I'm going to run out of power!" thought Sebastian to himself.
Regla took this as his chance as he sent multiple white drills blasting into Sebastian. The skill connected and borrowed their way through the man's body causing him to cry out in pain. The damage was too great on his body which was burning more than just his own mana reserves but also even his new found refilled Hp bar which caused the hole ridden man to float silently in space.
Down on earth the group looked up at the sky moments earlier seeing the white and black blur shooting up towards space. A little bit latter after trying to not get blown away from the force the two released they saw the black energy was darkening everything as if it was night time swallowing up the big orb of light that was basically the second sun into a small pebble.
"He is going to lose" whispered May.
Someone running past her caught her attention as she saw it was Nikuya.
"WIN SEBASTIAN!" shouted Nikuya only to notice Sai shouted the same next to her.
Gale was about to follow suit when he noticed something behind them.
"Guys look" said Gale.
The group looked behind them and was shocked. Their behind them was the entire city the hunter corp soldier, null levels, homeless people, rebellion people, everyone! A lone figure walked out of the crowd it was the small boy Sebastian gave food to earlier in the week.
"Is that nice captain up there?" mumbled the child.
Gale had a small smile on his face as he nodded towards the child.
"Yeah Captain Sebastian is up there" said Gale.
"Captain Sebastian once saved me from a ghoul!" shouted someone in the crowd.
"He gave us food to live!" Shouted someone else.
Seconds later a chorus of people talking about how Sebastian saved or ether did something good for them echoed through the empty city. Nikuya heard everything and a fond smile was on her face.
"You're such a softie Sebastian" whispered Nikuya.
Just as everyone was talking a pure sense of dread passed through everyone as they looked up seeing a giant purple orb was expanding to the size of the sun.
"DIE TOPAZZZ!" shouted Regla as he used his strongest skill.
"[Total Destruction]!" roared Regla.
The massive orb of death slowly flew towards Sebastian who was struggling to keep his form as he groaned out in pain opening one eye seeing the orb float towards him.
Everyone on the ground saw the orb moving causing them to scream out in fear. A sudden STOP came through the city as everyone looked towards them. There standing on a broken building was May.
"We arnt strong enough to help!" shouted someone in the crowd.
"That's right alone we arnt strong enough... but together we all can conquer this thing! WE CAN WIN!" roared May.
She slowly raised her left hand in the air and a small glowing blue orb formed.
"EVERYONE PLEASE HELP SEBASTIAN!" shouted May tears falling out her eyes.
Everything was quiet before a lone small orb was seen in the crowd making May shocked. After that thousands of blue orbs were on top of the crowd, the null level people looked down on the floor before they felt a hand on their shoulder making them look up. Squad 2 soldiers were smiling at them before passing their own mana through the null level people making them cry out of joy as they soon formed a small blue orb in their arms. Gale had squatted down and placed his hand underneath the small boy's hand causing him to also get a mana orb.
"NOW LET'S SEND IT TOWARDS SEBASTIAN!" roared May shooting it upwards, soon everyone's mana balls merged together causing a massive glowing blue line to fly towards space.
Sebastian felt the massive mana increase as he looked to the left only to be engulfed by the blue beam. Seconds later the beam died down and it showed Sebastian was glaring at the incoming attack his wounds were healed shallowly but that was enough for him to move.
"Thank you everyone I won't waste it" shouted Sebastian holding his right hand out.
Sebastian looked at the incoming attack and poured all his new found energy into a move that came to his mind, one he did not know.
"[Sword of The Creator]" said Sebastian softly.
A massive white sword appeared next to his hand. It was the size of the sun and looked as if it was made out of a mountain, the jagged and broken edges were floating in space. Sebastian roared as he threw the sword towards the incoming attack. A tremendous bang and explosion rung out causing everyone on earth to cover their ears and eyes. When they recovered, they gasped as they saw the orb was clashing against a giant sword. Sebastian was gritting his teeth as his right arm was broken to the clash as it was purple and blood was escaping.
"JUST GIVE UP SEBASTIAN!" shouted Regla as he roared and pushed forward his arms in the same state as Sebastian. The push forward caused the sword's point to slowly crumble away.
"Give up? HELL, NO I WONT EVER GIVE UP!" shouted Sebastian as his very pupils shook as he flung his left hand out a second sword of the creator appeared.
With a roar he flung his hand forward causing the second sword to clash against the orb making Regla scream out in pain. Sebastian shouted as he pushed forwards both his arms were broken and bleeding, his white vest melted away from the pressure and power of the skill showing his chest scar. Behind him appeared everyone as ghosts placing their hand on his back, all the citizens of Asuka city, the captains, his group, and finally Nikuya.
"THIS IS FOR EVERYONE REGLA GAME OVER!" shouted Sebastian as sparking glowing white lines escaped the sides of his eyes as the entire world turned white.
It showed Sebastian roar as the orb was cut into two and Regla was engulfed in the explosion before he was reduced to space ash. After the giant explosion everyone saw something flying towards the ground. The entire two swords came crashing down into earth like a rouge meteorite breaking past its atmosphere and crashed straight into the city causing gale winds to blow anyone away. Once it settled down everyone slowly opened their eyes to see two massive white swords the size of the sun sticking out of the ground. Sebastian stood on top of the handle with his arms crossed, his rainbow colored hair flowing crazily everyone thought he looked like a deity protecting them before he leaned forward and fell of the handle, as he was falling he reverted back into his normal form when he landed on the ground. Every fiber in his body burned as he tried to sit up, once he sat up, he was tackled to the ground by his group hugging him.
After a lot of tears and hugs Sebastian managed to stand up as he looked at the sun appearing in the sky due to the darkness Regla was released dispersed.
"A new future is coming for us all guys let go straight for it!" Shouted Sebastian raising a fist in the sky.
"YEAH!" Shouted everyone.
The people of Asuka city shouted and cried as they happily hug one another and comforting everyone.
Sapphire and Hanabira kissed each other lovingly, as Love scooted up to Junak and gave him a kiss on the cheek Emily glared daggers at the captain, Angel gave Chase a flirty smirk to which he gave one back pulling her closer by the hip, Akame and Arata secretly held hands while a blush was on their face, Krieg was calling back to a concerned Fantoche who you could see on the holodisk was holding a young baby, and finally Nikuya and Sai was holding onto Sebastian's arms making him chuckle nervously.
Alright Everyone that was the final Chapter to End of The World? Time to Level up! and i must say i really love you guys for all the support and good comments you guys leave after reading a chapter. The sequal will be coming out at a latter date but if you guys wanna read more of my work there are a few other books i have posted.
Thats all i wanted to say thanks again guys for everything Kuroi Dangan out.